Delusional Hillary Clinton Supporters Imagine They’ll Be Cheerleading Their Way Into and Through WWIII, Rather Than Being Drafted Into Military Service

The following correspondence originally took place upon the Facebook wall of my friend, Daniel Sv., after he shared graphic art from here

Daniel Sv.:

"Liberals crying about not feeling safe literally just cast their ballot for a candidate who advocated sending them to war with Russia."

“Liberals crying about not feeling safe literally just cast their ballot for a candidate who advocated sending them to war with Russia.”

Rayn: Many seemed to think they were just going to be cheerleading their way into and through WWIII…

Senate Votes to Require Women to Register for the Draft:

Enjoy Your Next Master, Slaves!

As I scrolled through my Facebook news feed, I discovered the following artwork here, being shared by the page, “Vote 4 Nobody, Nobody Tells the Truth,” and originally posted it to my own wall, along with commentary…

"If you vote for corruption, wars, and oligarchy, you'll get it."

“If you vote for corruption, wars, and oligarchy,
you’ll get it.”

My Commentary: Enjoy your next master, slaves! You earned it!

The Prejudice and Elitism of the Left is Showing

The following debate originally took place upon the Facebook wall of my friend, Daniel Sv…

(replies from all third parties have been omitted for clarity)

Russian President, Vladimir Putin, and American actor, Steven Seagal

Russian President, Vladimir Putin, and American actor, Steven Seagal

Daniel Sv.: US Actor Steven Seagal Given Russian Citizenship by Putin:

Daniel F.: Maybe now he can move to Russia and raise the average IQ of both countries.

Rayn: Your prejudice and elitism are showing, Daniel F… Talk about “vile filth”…

Daniel Sv.: That word is up there with “basket of deplorables”. If one could only keep a track of it.

Daniel F.: They’ve earned that designation.

Some even seem to be proud of it. Not that it’s anything to be proud of

Are US Intelligence Operatives Waging an Internet Counter-Coup Against a Civilian Coup by the Clintons?

I originally posted the following video and commentary onto my Facebook wall…

The Hillary Clinton Takeover of the White House:

My CommentarySteve Pieczenik: U.S. Intelligence Waging Coup Against Corrupt Clintons:

Flashback, 2014: Ron Paul Provides Words of Wisdom Regarding US Goverment’s Desire for War With Russia

As I scrolled through my Facebook news feed, I discovered the following artwork here, being shared by the page, “Young Americans for Liberty,” and originally posted it to my own wall, along with commentary…

"Look how many lies were told to beat the war drums to get this country to endorse going to the ridiculous, unconstitutional, nonsensical, unwinnable wars in the Middle East. And, now, they want to go to war with Russia? I say wer need a war with Washington D.C.!" - Ron Paul

“Look how many lies were told to beat the war drums to get this country to endorse going to the ridiculous, unconstitutional, nonsensical, unwinnable wars in the Middle East. And, now, they want to go to war with Russia? I say wer need a war with Washington D.C.!” – Ron Paul

My Commentary: I posted this to my wall back in July of 2014…