Debating Taxation, the Working Class, and Professional Parasites

The following debate originally took place upon the Facebook wall of family, after they shared a photo from here


"It is wrong to tax a working person almost to the breaking point, then give it to a person who is able to work, but refuses to."

“It is wrong to tax a working person almost to the breaking point, then give it to a person who is able to work, but refuses to.”

Rayn: Word! The parasitic, tax-thieving, morally-bankrupt State, run by slimy banksters, politicians and corporations, and protected by an army of police and military minions, has spent far too long violently plundering its way through existence, while *forcing* the rest of us to endlessly struggle for survival under its brutal, murderous, imperialistic, hierarchical, tyrannically-bureaucratic, top-down controlled Pathocracy! It’s time that we acknowledge the extortion racket we are being subjected to as PURELY CRIMINAL, and finally stop negotiating with this financial and political terrorist! (Click Here to Continue Reading This Post)

Prophetic Picture Exposes Federal Reserve Banking Octopus

As I scrolled through my Facebook news feed, I discovered the following artwork here, being shared by the page, “,” and originally posted it to my own wall, along with commentary…

"Coming Money Trust: The Octopus - 'Aldrich Plan' "

“Coming Money Trust: The Octopus – ‘Aldrich Plan’ “

My Commentary: Published in 1912, one year before the creation of the Federal Reserve. Talk about prophetic! Note the label “Private Syndicate” upon the Central Banking Octopus, who’s far-reaching tentacles are greedily wrapped around core government and economic structures, while it funnels money directly into Wall Street.

Re-Criminalize Theft: Ban Fractional Reserve Banking!

As I scrolled through my Facebook news feed, I discovered the following artwork here, being shared by the page, “Liberty Maniacs,” and originally posted it to my own wall, along with commentary…

"FED Money Cartel: Pissing on America since 1913 [99%]" (artwork by

“FED Money Cartel: Pissing on America since 1913 [99%]”

My Commentary:

Trickle Down Economics you ^ can bank on!



Let’s EXPOSE these FINANCIAL TERRORISTS, once and for all, and finally ABOLISH their PYRAMID SCHEME!

The American Dream:

International Bankster Cartel Uses Fractional Reserve Pyramid Scheme to Control All of America’s Economy By Stealth: