For the Parasitic State, Revenue Collection is the Name of the Game

I originally posted the following information and commentary onto my Facebook wall…

Mayor Lisa Holmes of Morinville, in Alberta, Canada

Mayor Lisa Holmes of Morinville, in Alberta, Canada

David Staples: Morinville Mayor on Photo Radar, “It Was a Bit of a Cash Cow, Honey Pot Situation”:

(David Staples) Today’s truth bomb comes from Mayor Lisa Holmes of Morinville, just outside of Edmonton, a place like many other Canadian communities that has struggled to find the right balance with photo radar enforcement.

Morinville’s photo radar program started in 2009. It’s been run by a private contractor that reports to the town office. The program was soon raising $300,000 a year, but some felt there was too much focus on handing out tickets and generating revenue. Things got so heated that in 2014 Morinville held a plebiscite. Fifty-five per cent voted to keep the program. Nonetheless, the new council vowed to make sure the program was all about safety, as opposed to being a cash cow for the local government.

(Read entire article here…)

My Commentary: For the parasitic State, revenue collection is the name of the game.

Wyclef Jean, the Complete and Total Sell-Out, Strikes Again!

I originally posted the following information and commentary onto my Facebook wall…

Always trying to stay relevent, Wyclef Jean continues to sell-out in brand new ways

Always eager to stay relevant, Wyclef Jean continues to sell-out in brand new ways

How Wyclef Jean Sold Out His Own Country Haiti For Hillary Clinton:

() In this video Luke Rudkowski confronts Wyclef Jean on supporting Hillary Clinton in the 2016 presidential race. Wyclef is asked about the outright crimes the Clinton family committed in his home country and he ignored it and gave us a analogy from a comedian.

(Read entire article here…)

My Commentary: Sell out…

According to Statist Logic, Criminals Represent Society’s Best Means of Protection Against Criminals

The following correspondence originally took place upon the Facebook wall of family, after they posted artwork being shared by the page, “Psychologic-Anarchist“…


“We need a band of criminals to protect us from criminals”

Rayn: People are bad, so we need a government made up of people are bad, so we need a government made up of people are bad, so we need a government made up of…

Three cheers for circular reasoning!

Morgan S.: rich criminals at

Rayn: In Plutocratic Amerika, government toss out YOU!

Air Force Dumped Remains of At Least 274 Troops in Landfill:

Landfill Has 9/11 Remains, Medical Examiner Wrote:

Morgan S.: that story you just posted is as Fudged up as it gets. it makes me Sick as a Soldier to think I and my friends and fellow Servicemen and Women could end up in a Fudging Dump. SHAME on these Arseholes

Morgan S.: Metallica Song Called Disposable Heroes. listen to the words. it is Fudging truth.

Morgan S.: Disposable Heroes – Metallica:

Rayn: Exactly, Morgan! I actually showed you that information precisely because you were once a member of the United States Marine Corps.

Morgan S.: yes I do remember and to this very day it has me pissed off to no end that this was allowed to happen

After Dutifully Exposing Contest Scam Perpetrated by Colorado-Based “A Mile Higher Marijuana” Company, Ironically Threatened With Legal Action by Owner

Only about five days after dutifully exposing a contest scam perpetrated against my sister and I in my post, “Contest Scam Perpetrated By Colorado-Based ‘A Mile Higher Marijuana” Company,” the following correspondence, between the company owner, Benn Dunn, and myself, took place through Facebook private messenger…

Contest Scam Perpetrator, Ben Dunn, and his company, "A Mile Higher Marijuana"

Contest Scam Perpetrator, Ben Dunn, and his company, “A Mile Higher Marijuana”

On April 23, at 11:16 pm (EST), Benn Dunn sent me the following private message through Facebook:

“You have no right first to use my company logo for your.personal use second.use my personal photo with,no permission.,my lawyers have been contacted and youwill be getting sued for as much as my lawyers think.we.can get. Keep harassing me. Its all good that was also told,to stoo,multiple times.and hasn’t. Maybe you should read up on laws. Im,gonna get ya for.everything i can as of,now”

At 11:34 pm (EST), I replied to Ben with the following private message through Facebook:

LOL. You took advantage of me, and now you want to whine about the law!? Grow a beard! Truth is an absolute defense against your whiny complaints. You MUST be exposed so that I can protect the public from your scams.

The next day, on April 24th, at 3:47 am (EST), Ben sent me the following reply through private messenger on Facebook:

Keep on keepin on by all,means,my lawyars will be in contacts soon just for breaking privacy laws and using LLC logos from companies and people personal info without permission. At this point i dont care if i get 50 from you and nothing more then the satisfaction that the harassment will be ended

At 3:48 am, Ben continued his reply to me through private messenger on Facebook:

And so you know its call pergery

At 6:47 am (EST), I sent Ben the following reply through private messenger on Facebook:

I don’t need your permission to expose you and your company for fraud. You’re a criminal, and the only right you have is to remain silent.

At 6:58 am (EST), Ben sent me the following reply through private messenger on Facebook:

Say whatever want. It is illegal to use our logo and my personal picture. Look into the law if.youd like my lawyats already have you have your freedom of speech so say what you want thats legal by all,means but,by using an LLC logo and Personal picture without permission is pergery harassment and my lawyats are looking into everything else i can for

At 6:59 am (EST), Ben continued his reply to me through private messenger on Facebook:

And unlike you i do have the funds and means to take you to court and.sue you.for.this

At 7:50 am (EST), I sent Ben the following reply through private messenger on Facebook:

Spare me the whining about your image. If you really had as much concern for it as you now pretend, you wouldn’t have sullied it by scamming my sister and I. Rest assured that the truth won’t be bullied into silence by the likes of some credibility-free, amateur scam-artist like yourself. And, don’t bother explaining the system to me, Mr. Law Expert. You should know well that I don’t need funds to sue you in court, as I have a perfectly legitimate small claim against you, which is an action that requires no lawyer, and just a tiny filing fee. I choose to expose you, instead of suing you just yet, because I believe in the social justice of shame. However, I’d be very amused if you brought me to court on any issue regarding this dispute, because it would hand me yet another stage with which to bring to light your criminality upon, while you would also finally be held financially liable for the prize you chose to breech on awarding my sister and I upon my dispute of your case! So, go ahead and spend money on a lawyer, in lieu of rectifying what became a contest scam that was hosted by your company. With you being the only guilty party involved, you’ll find yourself in dire need of such legal services as soon as you start out on your fantasy-based court case!

After my last reply, Ben did not write back to me, again.

Contest Scam Perpetrated By Colorado-Based “A Mile Higher Marijuana” Company

Contest Scam Perpetrator, Ben Dunn, and his company, "A Mile Higher Marijuana"

Contest Scam Perpetrator, Ben Dunn, and his company, “A Mile Higher Marijuana

A Mile Higher Marijuana” started a Facebook page on March 21, 2013. Within their “About” section, they refer to themselves as a “full service marijuana shop” to be “open for retail business January 2014,” including that “right now you can find [their] products at multiple dispensaries throughout Denver.”

A week later, on March 28th, at 11:43 am (EST), “A Mile Higher Marijuana” posted the details of what appeared to be an amazing contest opportunity being hosted by their company: (Click Here to Continue Reading This Post)