Looking for Someone to Blame for Trump’s Election Victory, Democrats? Look No Further Than Yourself, and the DNC!

I originally posted the following information and commentary onto my Facebook wall…

2016 Presidential Candidate, Hillary Clinton, on the campaign trail

2016 Presidential Candidate, Hillary Clinton, on the campaign trail

Latest Wikileaks Releases Boost Case for DNC Class Action Lawsuit:

() Shortly after the Democratic Primaries, attorneys Jared Beck and Elizabeth Beck, Harvard and Yale Law School graduates, filed a class action lawsuit against the Democratic National Committee and disgraced former DNC chair, Debbie Wasserman Schultz, for the millions of Bernie Sanders supporters they allegedly suppressed and silenced. The latest Wikileaks releases of Clinton campaign chair John Podesta’s emails has revealed further evidence that the scales were heavily tipped in favor of Hillary Clinton by both the DNC and the mainstream media.

“The latest documents provided by Wikileaks confirm and add considerable detail to what prior leaks have disclosed: that the DNC was actively working to undermine Bernie Sanders’ campaign while colluding with the Hillary Clinton campaign behind the scenes,” Jared Beck told the Observer. “This is further evidence in support of our lawsuit, which seeks to hold the DNC and Debbie Wasserman Schultz accountable under the law for their failure to ensure a fair and neutral presidential nominating process.”

(Read entire article here…)

My Commentary: Wanna blame someone for America’s presidential election results? How about the precious DNC, who disenfranchised the beloved Democratic Socialist, Bernie Sanders? Democrats should have been protesting LONG BEFORE TRUMP was voted in… LOL!

I didn’t even like the old mummy, but my point still stands. The corruption ran deep, and too many wanted to keep up the appearance of party unification, in the face of the truth…

DNC Lawyers Argue No Liability: Neutrality Is Merely a “Political Promise”:

Will Hollywood Hillary-Supporters Leave the Country, as They Threatened to Do?

As I scrolled through my Facebook news feed, I discovered the following status update here, posted by political activist, Paul Joseph Watson, and originally posted it to my own wall, along with commentary…

Hillary-supporting Actresses, Lena Dunham and Miley Cyrus, have some packing to do!

Hillary-supporting Actresses, Lena Dunham and Miley Cyrus, have some packing to do!

Paul Joseph Watson: Dear Miley Cyrus & Lena Dunham – when are you leaving the country? 😡

My Commentary: On another brighter note, maybe these two slobs will follow through with their threats to leave if the glowing orange caveman wins! 🙂

The Prejudice and Elitism of the Left is Showing – Round 2!

The following debate, “The Prejudice and Elitism of the Left is Showing,” which originally took place upon the Facebook wall of my friend, Daniel Sv, and concluded days ago, was suddenly reignited, after Trump won the election for US President…

Russian President, Vladimir Putin, and American actor, Steven Seagal

Russian President, Vladimir Putin, and American actor, Steven Seagal

Daniel Sv.: US Actor Steven Seagal Given Russian Citizenship by Putin:

Daniel F.: Maybe now he can move to Russia and raise the average IQ of both countries.

Rayn: Your prejudice and elitism are showing, Daniel F… Talk about “vile filth”…

Daniel F.: I take that comment back – clearly I grossly underestimated the collective stupidity of this country, as this year’s election has clearly shown.

Rayn: But… muh “democracy”!
[proceeds to weep, wail and gnash teeth]




“Remember: the ones in control are never elected”

“Remember: the ones in control are never elected”


“Democracy: your vote actually counts for very little. The vast majority of the people in control are unelected. The two parties share very similar views on most subjects. In the 110th Congress, people voted for the party line 91% of the time. Only 20.9% of the U.S. population voted for Barack Obama in 2012. Even if your vote did matter, all that you are doing is voting to force your opinions, morals and ideas onto everyone else. (1.9 million bureaucrats: [State, 18,900] [Treasury, 115,897] [Justice, 112,557] [Interior, 71,436] [Agriculture, 109,832] [Commerce, 43,880] [Labor, 17,347] [Defense – civilian employees only, 718,000] [Health and Human Services, 67,000] [Housing and Urban Development, 10,600] [Transportation, 68,622] [Energy, 109,094] [Education, 4,487] [Veterans Affairs, 235,000] [Homeland Security, 208,000]”

“Democracy: your vote actually counts for very little. The vast majority of the people in control are unelected. The two parties share very similar views on most subjects. In the 110th Congress, people voted for the party line 91% of the time. Only 20.9% of the U.S. population voted for Barack Obama in 2012. Even if your vote did matter, all that you are doing is voting to force your opinions, morals and ideas onto everyone else. (1.9 million bureaucrats: [State, 18,900] [Treasury, 115,897] [Justice, 112,557] [Interior, 71,436] [Agriculture, 109,832] [Commerce, 43,880] [Labor, 17,347] [Defense – civilian employees only, 718,000] [Health and Human Services, 67,000] [Housing and Urban Development, 10,600] [Transportation, 68,622] [Energy, 109,094] [Education, 4,487] [Veterans Affairs, 235,000] [Homeland Security, 208,000]”

Rayn: I just realized… Maybe the hypocritical Democrats will become anti-war, again! That would nice!

"2007-2012: Anti-War Movement"

“2007-2012: Anti-War Movement”

Daniel F.: You realize that come January 20th, someone with the temperament of a toddler is going to have access to our nuclear arsenal. Just let that sink in.

What could POSSIBLY go wrong..?

Rayn: Next time, vote harder! 😉 Democracy, for the win! 🙂

RaynBoth major candidates were dangerous, pro-war pigs, and yet, Killary had a very well-established history of major war-hawking whenever in positions of State power that few seemed to acknowledge…

I wouldn’t trust either lizard to so much as babysit a pet rock! 😀

Daniel F.: Well thanks to all the imbeciles in this country democracy is probably dead, or going to be in short order.

You will probably find what ends up replacing it even less to your liking

Rayn: Democracy, itself, is a dead, obsolete concept, to me. I do not like it, whatsoever, so I can’t possibly find any replacement “less to my liking.” And, in truth, this country is supposed to be a Republic – though, that has failed, like they always do.

Rayn: DemoRepubliCrats: (n) a group of Americans who vote to centralize their moral bankruptcy, murderous criminality, and insatiable desire for unrestricted control over the lives of others, into the shape of a violent, coercive, non-corporeal, unaccountable military-industrial plutocracy referred to as the “State,” largely in a legal effort to shield all individual members of said cabal from judicial prosecution, by diffusing and ultimately obscuring all personal accountability and private responsibility from the equation, while simultaneously creating a “legal” pretext for severely punitive, “State”-based enforcement of both 100% sponsorship for, and 100% participation in, said criminal racket, through use of extortion, conscription, violence, theft, kidnapping and imprisonment – all to the extreme detriment of the peaceful, non-consenting individuals who either currently live, or were originally born, within the imaginary borders of the “State.”

"American Politics"

“American Politics”

Maybe Hypocritical Democrats Will Become Anti-War, Again!

Inspired by a comment I posted within my debate, “The Prejudice and Elitism of the Left is Showing – Round 2!,” I decided that it was worthy of its very own share upon my wall…

"2007-2012: Anti-War Movement"

“2007-2012: Anti-War Movement”

My Commentary: On a brighter note, maybe the hypocritical Democrats will become anti-war, again! That would be a nice surprise! 🙂

(note: I previously shared this artwork in May of 2012, within my post, “When it Comes to War, Life is Top-Heavy With Hypocrites“)

Delusional Hillary Clinton Supporters Imagine They’ll Be Cheerleading Their Way Into and Through WWIII, Rather Than Being Drafted Into Military Service

The following correspondence originally took place upon the Facebook wall of my friend, Daniel Sv., after he shared graphic art from here

Daniel Sv.:

"Liberals crying about not feeling safe literally just cast their ballot for a candidate who advocated sending them to war with Russia."

“Liberals crying about not feeling safe literally just cast their ballot for a candidate who advocated sending them to war with Russia.”

Rayn: Many seemed to think they were just going to be cheerleading their way into and through WWIII…

Senate Votes to Require Women to Register for the Draft: