The following correspondence originally took place upon the Facebook wall of my friend, Jonas A…
Jonas A.: This dude does have a very good point…that’s why random shooters don’t target police stations….
Concealed Carry + Mass Shooting = More Carnage?:
Rayn: Gun-Free Zone = Guaranteed 100% Defenseless Victims
Brian K.: You seem to assume that guns are the only means of defense
Rielly J.: I myself am a libertarian thus I embrace the non aggression principal so it’s obvious that I support gun ownership. The thing that differentiates the non aggression principal from pacifism is that it does not preclude violence as a form of self defense or the defense of others.
Jonas A.: Very true….weapons of any kind should only be used as self defense…nothing should deviate from my libertarian principles either!
David C.: this dude knows whats up. thanks for sharing this!
Rielly J.: The non aggression principal is even incorporated in to our national seal: the eagle holds 13 arrows (the symbol of war) in one talon and an olive branch in the other and it is looking over the olive branch. We are supposed to be a nation that prefers peace but is comfortable with war (although this is not how we have been since the late 80s)
Jonas A.: You’re most welcome! And yeah, non-aggression as defined by the national seal or our constitution should not be a piece of paper, which is what current admins have been doing since Reagan…