Under Obama, America’s Military Empire Continues to Expand

The following article was inspired by my debate, “Is Obama Keeping or Breaking His ‘Promises’ As President When He Continues to Engage In Wars?“…

American Imperialism

American Imperialism

Obama is not trying to end the wars in the Middle-East – as in, stop them – he’s trying to win the wars in the Middle-East – as in, conclude them (hence, “ENDING” the wars). There is a huge difference! Obama has been engaging in political double-speak all along, and the public has been “had.” Please read my previous article, “Barack Obama – America’s FALSE Peace Candidate!” for proof!

The Current War Against Afghanistan

By sending more troops to Afghanistan, Obama is, by definition, CONTINUING and ESCALATING that particular war!

As I illustrated in my previous article, “Questioning the Motives Behind America’s Invasion of Afghanistan“, our government has absolutely redefined Afghanistan’s existence and future through chronic meddling! And, as I also pointed out, they have also militarily, politically and culturally tampered with Iran, Iraq, and Pakistan, too! America, like an eagle, is operating from a “bird’s eye view,” on top of the world!

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Questioning the Motives Behind America’s Invasion of Afghanistan

The following article was inspired by my debate, “Is Obama Keeping or Breaking His “Promises” As President When He Continues to Engage In Wars?“…



Why did American troops invade Afghanistan in the first place?
Why are American troops still in Afghanistan?

Why did Amercan troops cross the sovereign borders of Afghanistan in the first place? Does your reasoning have anything to do with the Osama Bin Laden, with “his” 19 “Al Qaeda” hijackers story propogated by the Bush Administration? Well, before you answer any of my questions, here is some less-know information that you should be aware of:

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Is Obama Just Another Warmonger, or Is He a Peace Candidate?

The following debate originally took place on my Facebook wall, upon my post, “Obama to Send At Least 30,000 More Troops to Afghanistan!“…

RaynObama to Send At Least 30,000 More Troops to Afghanistan!

As I said in my October article, entitled, “Barack Obama – America’s False Anti-War Candidate“:

If you were seduced into Obama’s illusion of “hope” and “change” and actually voted for him, under the false impression that he would actually END AMERICA’S WARS… it’s finally time to finally admit that YOU WERE NOT ”FOOLED” or “TRICKED” by this man. YOU JUST WEREN’T PAYING ATTENTION!!!!

Obama has been very busy working on all the promises he made, and all is going exactly according to planned!

Here are some of the statements Obama made when he was still just a candidate on the campaign trail, looking to secure YOUR vote:

Speaking from Afghanistan in a July 20, 2008 interview on “Face the Nation,” Obama said:

“It’s time for us to withdraw some of our combat troops out of Iraq, and deploy them here in Afghanistan, and I think we have to seize that opportunity. Now’s the time for us to do it.”



Before that, speaking on August 1, 2007 in an address to the Woodrow Wilson International Center in Washington, DC, Obama stated the same exact agenda, taking it a step further:

“The first step must be getting off the wrong battlefield in Iraq, and taking the fight to the terrorists in Afghanistan and Pakistan.”



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Obama to Send At Least 30,000 More Troops to Afghanistan!

I originally posted the following video and commentary onto my Facebook wall…

Obama to Send More Troops to Afghanistan:

“President Obama has tentatively decided to send thousands upon thousands of additional troops to Afghanistan over the next four years per General Stanley McChrystal’s request. David Martin reports.”


My Commentary: As I said in my October article, entitled, “Barack Obama – America’s False Anti-War Candidate“:

If you were seduced into Obama’s Illusion of “hope” and “change” and actually voted for him, under the false impression that he would actually END AMERICA’S WARS… it’s finally time to finally admit that YOU WERE NOT “FOOLED” or “TRICKED” by this man!!! YOU JUST WEREN’T PAYING ATTENTION!!!! (Click Here to Continue Reading This Post)

Discussing America’s Fallacious War on Drugs, and its Connection to the Prison Industrial Complex

The following correspondence originally took place on my Facebook wall, upon my post, “Afghan Opium Kingpin On CIA Payroll“…

Ahmed Karzai

Ahmed Karzai

Rayn: Afghan Opium Kingpin On CIA Payroll:

While some would call Ahmed Karzai, brother of Aghanistan President Hamid Karzai, a drug-smuggling Opium Kingpin, our CIA prefers the term “employee.”

Rene C.Wow, Ken was telling me the other day that our soldiers are guarding opium fields in Afghan. Yeah fighting a war on terrorism my ass. Our Government is so corrupt and money hungry. I don’t see that changing the greed is widespread though out.

Rayn: Our soldiers are guarding poppy fields in Afghanistan. It’s no secret. Back in 2006, a friend of mine in the Army sent me pictures of British troops doing that exact same thing. Here is one of them:

British Soldier Guarding Poppy Field in Afghanistan

British Soldier Guarding Poppy Field in Afghanistan

And, opium isn’t the only drug our government is dealing in! Remember that CIA plane that went down over the Yucatan two years ago carrying 3.2 TONS OF COCAINE!? Allow me to refresh your memory:

New Document Provides Further Evidence That Owner of Crashed Cocaine Jet Was a U.S. Government Operative:

Cocaine Jet That Crashed in Mexico Part of Cowboy Government Operation, DEA Sources Claim:

We should rename the CIA  from “Central Intelligence Agency” to “Cocaine Importation Agency”!

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