COVID Cultist, Fauci, Clutches For Continued Control Over Humanity

As I scrolled through my Facebook news feed, I discovered the following photo being shared by an acquaintance, and originally posted it to my own wall, along with commentary…

“But they call Republicans a cult? THIS is a cult leader. THIS right here is the definition of a cult and bat shit crazy. ‘Dr. Fauci says you should get a COVID test before you have Thanksgiving dinner with your family. I don’t think I’ve hated anyone more in American politics than Fauci. Not even a close second, honestly.’ It’s a NO for me Dawg”

My Commentary: COVID cultists, fighting hard for humanity’s full submission to perpetual medical tyranny.

Facebook’s Fraudulent Fact-Checking Algorithm Highly-Dependent Upon Logical Fallacy

As I scrolled through my Facebook news feed, I discovered the following screenshot being shared by an acquaintance, and originally posted it to my own wall, along with commentary…

My Commentary: Even though appeals to authority constitute faulty logic, the fake “fact check” added to this graph has the arrogance to claim that the information contained within isn’t true because “ExPeRtS” told them so, even though they don’t provide a shed of evidence to prove such claims. The article goes on to admit that the VAERS figures are real, but tries to deceive about the purpose of VAERS, claiming “Lead Stories reported on how VAERS reports are never proof of vaccine injuries or deaths.”

This is PATENTLY FALSE… Every entry to VAERS is checked by the federal government, and the resulting data is directly used by the CDC to shape future vaccination policy.

“Knowingly filing a false VAERS report is a violation of Federal law (18 U.S. Code § 1001) punishable by fine and imprisonment.”


VAERS is exactly THE federal system that detected those high death rates for the experimental Swine Flu vaccine in 2009, which led to it’s being pulled from the market.

CDC – Influenza A (H1N1) 2009 Monovalent Vaccine Safety Monitoring: CDC Planning Recommendations for State, Local, Tribal, and Territorial Health Officials:

AS the above CDC link explained, at the time, “VAERS will be the front-line monitoring system for collecting and analyzing voluntary reports of adverse events following 2009 H1NI monovalent vaccination”…

Here is the original image I shared, veggie Facebook plastered their fake fact-check graffiti over it:

Okay, Groomer…

I originally posted the following information and commentary onto my Facebook wall…

Pedophile public school teacher, Eric Kyle Belk

High School Teacher in North Carolina Facing 10 Counts of Sexual Exploitation of a Minor for Alleged Distribution of Child Pornography:

(Luke Holland) A high school teacher in North Carolina was suspended and is facing 10 felony counts after he willfully received and distributed child pornography, according to his arrest warrant.

Eric Kyle Belk was arrested Nov. 8, the culmination of a months-long investigation involving the North Carolina State Bureau of Investigation, according to an ABC11 report.

(Read entire article here…)

My Commentary: Protecting our children from a class of well-known predators is “bIgOtRy” and a “RiGhT-wInG cOnSpIrAcY tHeOrY”? Okay, groomer. In 2004, the Congressional record indicated that school faculty in America were diddling kids over 144 times more than the Catholic church. Failure to recognize the epidemic level of sexual abuse that pubic school teachers commit against the children legally-mandated to be delivered into their care for “education” is only proof of the total spiritual-colonization.

Educator Sexual Misconduct: A Synthesis of Existing Literature:

This is just scratching the surface of the child trafficking operation known as “government.” Naive dystopian Statists simply aren’t prepared to admit the nature of the Beast System that they empower with their every waking thought and breath…

Most tax cattle don’t even want to discuss the epidemic level of unnecessary prescription drugging, sexually abusing and sex trafficking of vulnerable children that has been taking place within America’s corrupt and criminal foster care system for decades, either…

Sexual Abuse of Children in the United States Foster Care System:

From the article: “…In 2019 there were an estimated 400,000 children in foster care, leaving the system overwhelmed and at its peak capacity. Of those children, it is estimated that up to 40% of them had experienced some type of abuse within the system.”

Foster Children Prescribed Psychiatric Drugs Without Safeguards, U.S. Says:

From the article: “A report released Monday by the Department of Health and Human Services’ inspector general’s office found that about 1 in 3 foster kids from a sample of states were prescribed psychiatric drugs without treatment plans or follow-up, standard steps in sound medical care.”

Too many are ill-prepared for reality because they haven’t studied the ponerology of pathocracy, leaving them incapable of recognizing the emerging mortacracy, that looms on the horizon…

Collaborating with Humanity’s Enemies…

As I scrolled through my Facebook news feed, I discovered the following photo here, being shared by the page, “I, Hypocrite,” and originally posted it to my own wall, along with commentary…


My Commentary: Misanthropic self-loathing attention-seeking is all the rage, among the left, nowadays! The two civilized savages in this photo are so spiritually-colonized, they openly collaborate with the long-standing depopulation agenda of the mass-murdering 1% career criminals who are holding humanity hostage.

The Ol’ Political Bait-And-Switch

As I scrolled through my Facebook news feed, I discovered the following photo being shared by an acquaintance, and originally posted it to my own wall, along with commentary…

My Commentary: Vote harder, tax cattle!

“DeMoCrAcY iS oN tHe BalLot”

Democracy IS the ballot, you politically-illiterate hack. And, how is that whole majority control over minority groups working out for you? Do you really believe the 1%-manufactured lie that human rights are secured via popularity contest? Why would any rational individual negotiate with mass-murdering political terrorists for a few tattered scraps of humanity?