Mass Sterilization of Australian Population Underway

As I scrolled through my Facebook news feed, I discovered the following captioned photo being shared by an acquaintance from here, and originally posted it to my own wall, along with commentary…

What’s Causing a 67% Reduction in Australian Birth Rates?

My Commentary: Nothing to see, here… Just the mass-sterilization of an entire continent of unsuspecting human beings. This has absolutely nothing to do with the State’s coercive enforcement of Big Pharma’s experimental preventative “medicine” upon the entire population of Canada, as the eXpErT$ who were paid to support such tyranny said so!

#Democide #Genocide #ItWasAlwaysEugenics

Californian Government Empowers Petty Criminals in Order to Justify Use of Robot Police Dogs

I originally posted the following information and commentary onto my Facebook wall…


San Francisco Police Want Permission to Use Robots With Deadly Force:

(Mister Retrops) The San Francisco police department has submitted a petition to the city’s Board of Directors to deploy robots capable of killing suspects should the need arise.

What would justify using a dystopian robot to end a life you may be asking?

(Read entire article here…)

My Commentary: Now, we finally know why officials running the State of California have been working overtime to empower every petty criminal in the area to wreak havoc upon their local communities.

Reject the ridiculous solutions the 1% propose to solve the problems they created, in the first place! Robot dogs are an abomination. Yah, please destroy every one of these demonic creations from the face of the Earth!