Continue the Oppressive Cycle of Violence, or Embrace the Non-Aggression Principle?

The following debate originally took place on my Facebook wall, upon my post, “Violence is the Language of the Oppressor!“…

Rayn: The Non-Aggression Principle is the foundation of True Peace! Violence is the language of the Oppressor, and “the last refuge of the incompetent.” Those who follow after Cain will indeed find themselves among their brethren… in the Pit!

Oh, you believe in violent revolution? Tell me about how your use of violence is different than the State's use of violence?

Oh, you believe in violent revolution? Tell me about how your use of violence is different than the State’s use of violence?

Adam G.: My violence is different from the state’s because I am protecting myself. If you can’t see the difference, then you either have a metric fucktonne of privielge or don’t pay attention.

Rayn: Hmmm… To begin, Adam, if you can’t see the difference between physical self-defense and violent revolution… please let me know, and I will be more than happy to explain! I would never deny another the right to physical self-defense in the event of an immediate threat of violence. That is a personal CHOICE, to be made with respect to each situation, even. 🙂

Second, you have committed three logical fallacies in your conclusion. (1) The False Dichotomy: There are many more reasons than the two you have presented to explain why I would be unable to see difference between “[your] violence” versus the State’s use of it. (2) An Ad Hominem Attack: Claiming me to have either a “metric fucktonne of privilege  or to be “not paying attention” are unsubstantiated personal jabs at me, and do nothing to further an explanation of your position, and really only support your last error, (3) An Appeal to Ridicule: Mocking what you believe is my position does nothing to explain your position. This is true, regardless of what form of mockery you engage in, really.

I will be happy to continue this discussion with you, but you must stay on track. Let’s share ideas. I enjoy it. Also, be sure to let me know if you are referring to physical self-defense, or violent revolution, when you mention “[your] violence,” as I am not sure, since your wording leaves much room to interpret “protecting [your]self” as self-defense, especially since you did not elaborate on your position whatsoever, and presented an Appeal to Ridicule. To me, this means that we might just be dealing with a matter of semantics, here. 🙂

Police: De Facto Tax Revenue Collectors for the State, or Simply “Doing Their Job”?

The following debate originally took place upon the Facebook wall of family…

"I know you were only doing 2 mph over, but if I don't write 100 of these tickets a month, I will be fired."

“I know you were only doing 2 mph over, but if I don’t write 100 of these tickets a month, I will be fired.”

Genaire: Must be quota time in NJ. The highway state pigs – oops, I mean “troopers” – are out in force fucking with people.

Terrence B.: Oh stop it! They got too work too. Smh! If not idiots would be dropping the needle then what? Lol

Rayn: They’re “just following orders,” right? SMH! During the Nuremberg trials, the Nazis attempted that EXACT defense strategy, yet the international community staunchly REJECTED it as PURE FALLACY!

QUOTAS were already established as UNCONSTITUTIONAL by the American court system. Therefore, if an officer is given “orders” to engage in such criminal activity, it is his DUTY as a CITIZEN FIRST, to REFUSE, and then FILE A COMPLAINT against his superior! Attempting to claim job security as an excuse for violating our civil rights is just a pathologically pathetic EXCUSE for TYRANNY!!!

(Click Here to Continue Reading This Post)

Democracy, or a Constitutional Republic?

The following debate originally took place here, on the Facebook page, “Thomas Paine

(replies from all third parties have been omitted for clarity) 

Thomas Paine’s FB Page: The Sun never shined on a cause of greater worth

"Democracy... a challenge"

“Democracy… a challenge”

Jan Paulson: That’s funny??? Neither my copy of the Declaration of Independence nor my copy of the Constitution mentions anything about a Democracy… they keep refering to A REPUBLIC!!!!!

Jason Gade: There is no significant difference between a democracy and a republic, unless you are being a nitpicking asshole.

Rayn: Good point, Jan! I was thinking that very same thing! To America’s Founders, pure “Democracy” was the dangerous legalization of 51% mob rule, while a “Constitutional Republic” sought to protect the Inalienable Rights of the Citizenry, as established by the Constitution, regardless of the will of the majority.

So, rest assured that making such a distinction is a far cry from being a “nitpicking asshole.” 🙂

“Democracy is not freedom. Democracy is two wolves and a lamb voting on what to eat for lunch. Freedom comes from the recognition of certain rights which may not be taken, not even by a 99% vote.” – Marvin Simkin

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Debating About Changes to Autistic Spectrum Diagnoses in the New DSM-V

The following debate originally took place on my Facebook wall, upon my post, “Estimates Indicate Redefinition of Autism Within Fifth Edition of DSM Manual Will Significantly Affect Diagnosis Numbers“…

Estimated Changes from DSM-IV to DSM-V

Estimated Changes from DSM-IV to DSM-V

Rayn: According to three separate research estimates, under the proposals of the new DSM V, due out in 2013, up to 75% of those previously diagnosed as having Aspergers Syndrome will no longer qualify as being on the Autistic Spectrum, as well as up to 85% of those with PDD-NOS

Redefining Autism:

Jessica G.: So much fear mongering. So much. The research was based off of old guidelines, and old articles. The core of autism isn’t being changed at all. I’ve posted lengthy discussions on this already, people need to not worry so much.

Rayn:  whole thing has been COMPLETELY POLITICIZED, through and through. To begin, the Autistic Spectrum doesn’t really belong in the DSM, in the first place! It is a neurological condition, not a mental illness! (I wrote about this in my 2009 blog on the topic).

Second, few are discussing the impact that fully dropping the terms “Asperger’s syndrome” and “PDD-NOS” from medical jargon will have on the autistic community. Many strongly identify with the aforementioned phrases, personally, and among their peers, so they will not want see them go. Much of Autistic cuture is based around them, and large numbers will fight hard to keep them alive. Even more will battle against the next logical step for neurotypical society: ever-increasing popular usage of the degrading, inappropriate eugenicist phrases, “high-functioning” and “low-functioning” to distinguish Autistic individuals from each other. This will result in a large backlash from the Autistic community. Also, if you’ll note, with the new terminology, Asperger’s SYNDROME will now officially become a DISORDER, too – something that will not be embraced by all parties, either! And, of course, the very presence of the new definition within the DSM, much like the old ones it now covers, still implies the ridiculous notion that a “cure” is the always-desired route for a hard-wired neurological condition! Ha!

Finally, with the New York Times article referencing a sharp reduction of “skyrocketing” numbers of autistic diagnoses, this appears to be more about denial of available services than anything else!

Here are the proposed DSM-V changes:

There is a tab on that same link for DSM-IV definition for Autistic Disorder, so that you can read it right after. But, it can also be found here, as well:

Now, here is the DSM-IV definition of Asperger’s Syndrome:


As far as general symptoms go, you are correct, Jessica. The core definition for the new “Autistic Spectrum Disorder” in the DSM V combines most features of “Autistic Disorder,” “Asperger’s Syndrome,” and “PDD-NOS” in the DSM IV. However, let us not overlook the new and ominous criteria (D), requiring that the new list of “symptoms together limit and impair everyday functioning.” This factor will most assuredly effect the rate of diagnosis, by far, which will become fleeting for those individuals who are able to sucessfully manage their Autistic symptom within our neurotypical society! Like I said in the beginning: it’s POLITICS! And, the Autistic community is caught right in the middle, like always! (Click Here to Continue Reading This Post)

Debating the Validity of the “Occupy” Movement

The following debate originally took place upon my Facebook wall, after I shared a status update from political activist, Mark Dice

“Collectivism: Marx’s ‘Best Idea'”

“Collectivism: Marx’s ‘Best Idea’”

Mark Dice: Dear, the 99%… 1% of the earth’s 7 billion population is 70 million people. Could you please be a bit more specific about who you think the “bad guys” are. Thanks. I suggest a dozen demands about policies that need to be changed, but hey, that’s just me.

Rayn: Don’t let the misguided populist sentiment of the “occupy” movement fool ya! Mindless collectivism IS THE DISEASE, NOT THE CURE!

Katherine C.: Even if they are a bit misguided and their efforts are all over the place, let’s not forget that they are new, and it will take massive efforts for them to unite and get a clear agenda. And frankly, even if they don’t achieve a gosh darn thing, a little protesting, rioting and even revolution is good for nations.

Rayn: Damn sure, revolution is good! Even our so-called Founding Fathers agreed on that! But, it starts in the MIND first, long before it hits the streets! And, that’s precisely how I know that the current “occupations” are all theater! I’ve had my ear to the streets for a long time, and am a member of MANY independent, grass-roots revolution groups. And, you know what? NOT ONE – NOT EVEN ONE OF THEM – was used to help organize these so-called revolutions! Just how can that be? Well, it’s simple: do some quick research, and you will easily discover which billionaires are funding these astroturf “occupy” movements! You might even laugh at how easy it is to dispel the myth about these protests, and should rightfully wonder why others haven’t researched for themselves! The answer is obvious: it’s all about collectivism!

Katherine C.: give me websites…I did do some research but I did not come up with much but I don’t have enough time to really get into it

Katherine C.: I also heard that they have only raised 150,000 dollars. That’s not a lot anyway.