Wake Up and Smell the Death-Worship!

As I scrolled through my Facebook news feed, I discovered the following artwork here, being shared by the page, “End U.S. Wars and Occupations,” and originally posted it to my own wall, along with commentary…

"If you vote for either man, you vote for more WAR."

“If you vote for either man, you vote for more WAR.”

My Commentary: Wake up, and smell the Death-Worship!

More American War Crimes, Exposed!

I originally posted the following information and commentary onto my Facebook wall…

American Military Torture Victim, Abu Zubaydah

American Military Torture Victim, Abu Zubaydah

Destroyed Videos Showed US Torture Victim ‘Vomiting and Screaming’:

(Jason Ditz, Antiwar.com) New information on the torture of detainees in custody at CIA “black sites” has come to light, revealing that the videotaped torture of Abu Zubaydah, tapes destroyed in 2005 by the CIA, showed Zubaydah “vomiting and screaming” after being stripped naked and waterboarded.
CIA legal counsel John Rizzo termed the videos “very disturbing” but insisted that all of the torture was “legal” at the time and that the videos were “extraordinarily hard to watch.”

(Read entire article here…)

My Commentary: As usual, in America, it’s more important to protect war criminals than to protect BASIC HUMAN RIGHTS… And, the torture victim mentioned has never even been formally charged with a crime, either…

Bush and Obama Are Both Guilty of Murdering Children

As I scrolled through my Facebook news feed, I discovered the following artwork here, being shared by the page, “Liberty Evolution,” and originally posted it to my own wall, along with commentary…

"Bombs children: War Criminal. Bombs children: Nobe Peace Prize."

“Bombs children: War Criminal. Bombs children: Nobe Peace Prize.”

My Commentary: The technical term for this sort of inconsistency is “HYPOCRISY.” Bush and Obama are two murderous war pigs. The blood of dead children is on their hands, just as it is on the hands anyone who voted for these two jackals.

American Government Desires More Wars of Aggression

I originally posted the following information and commentary onto my Facebook wall…

"Support the Military-Industrial-Complex" Bomb Iran! war (BombIran.org)

“Support the Military-Industrial-Complex” Bomb Iran! war (BombIran.org)

An Attack on Iran Would Be Illegal. What Does the Media Say?:

The ‘option’ of a military attack on Iran by Israel, the UK and the US has been increasingly discussed in the UK media since 2011.

Government threats of military action have come in various forms, with Israel warning of potential air strikes against Iran in the next few months, and Obama and Cameron stating that ‘no options are off the table’.

This is combined with what could at best be described as ambiguous reporting on Iran’s nuclear programme, at times baselessly claiming that Iran has nuclear weapons, and, at others, relying on repetition of snippets like ‘the US and its allies believe Iran is trying to develop nuclear weapons – a charge Iran denies.’

(Read entire article here…)

My Commentary: While y’all were busy drinking the mainstream media kool-aid, your last few presidents were committing war crimes [and crimes against peace].

Ron Paul Supporters Crash War Reunion of War Criminals Cheney and Rumsfeld

I originally posted the following information and commentary onto my Facebook wall…

One good war crimimal deserves another!

One good war crimimal deserves another!

‘War Criminal!’: Ron Paul Backers Crash Cheney-Rumsfeld Reunion:

(Raw Story) Supporters of libertarian Republican Ron Paul shouted down former Vice President Dick Cheney at a conservative conference Thursday, in a sign of a growing foreign policy rift on the American right.

Cheney had appeared on the first day of the 2011 Conservative Political Action Conference to introduce Donald Rumsfeld, the former Bush-era defense secretary who was scheduled to receive this year’s “Defender of the Constitution Award.”

That didn’t sit well with “Team Paul,” supporters of Rep. Ron Paul who have long called for an end to the US’s foreign wars.

“Where’s bin Laden?” one heckler shouted as Cheney stood at the podium to introduce Rumsfeld.

“War criminal!” another shouted out, prompting a heated reaction from the crowd.

The specter of a Republican vice president being called a “war criminal” at a conservative conference was so unexpected that it prompted TalkingPointsMemo’s Evan McMorris-Santoro to describe it as “what a Cheney-Rumsfeld hug at the Netroots Nation convention might look like.”

(Read entire article here…)

My Commentary: Ha! Great work, fellow Ron Paul supporters! The Libertarian Party is on the rise!