Discussing the Origins of New-Wave Feminism

The following correspondence originally took place upon the Facebook wall of family…


Rayn: “Feminist” Margaret Sanger, founder of “Planned Parenthood,” was nothing more than a total racist, and a genocidal eugenicist. She outright exposed her murderous, devil-worshiping ideology when she stated:

“Birth Control is not contraception indiscriminately and thoughtlessly practiced. It means the release and cultivation of the better racial elements in our society, and the gradual suppression, elimination and eventual extirpation of defective stocks — those human weeds which threaten the blooming of the finest flowers of American civilization.” (citation: “Apostle of Birth Control Sees Cause Gaining Here”, The New York Times, 1923-04-08)

Those who defend this soulless lizard, and her wicked organization, are typical either historically illiterate, willfully ignorant, or repugnant racists, eagerly-supportive of the age-old State-sponsored destruction of minority groups, and the poor. The fact that this devilry is currently being repackaged as “woman’s rights” is no excuse for supporting it, and really, only highlights just how low the lemming-like among us will go to virtue-signal a most shallow, imagined, and establishment-programmed concept of morality to the rest of society, even in the face of reality. The whole doublethink mentality fueling this issue is mind-blowing.


Michael A.: The lady in the video is wrong white females did not get a lot of rights at the same time as men. They could not vote for a long time and so many other things

Genaire: That’s not what she said. She said black females got their rights at the same time as black men. While white women were complaining about equality from their male counterparts both black men and black women were slaves.

Genaire: That’s not what she said. She said black females got their rights at the same time as black men. While white women were complaining about equality from their male counterparts both black men and black women were slaves.

Joshua G.: That’s real life for sure

Discussing Hypocritical Western Victimhood Culture’s Positive Reaction to Mockumentary, “No Men Beyond This Point”

The following correspondence originally took place on my Facebook wall, upon my post, “Hypocritical Western Victimhood Culture Reacts Positively to Mockumentary, ‘No Men Beyond This Point’“…

Rayn“No Men Beyond This Point” Trailer:

Hmmm… How about some similarly-themed, and purportedly “wry-humored” films, like “No Women Beyond This Point,” “No Whites Beyond This Point,” “No Jews Beyond This Point,” “No Disabled Beyond This Point,” or “No Blacks Beyond This Point,” etc. Would such mockumentaries ever even be premiered at the Toronto International Film Festival, like this one was? Would audiences respond by thinking, “what a premise!,” as this trailer suggests? Would those who negative react be considered “oh-so-sensitive” and labelled as having “fragile egos,” like this trailer also suggests?

Social Justice Warriors and feminist, alike, who just so happen to be prominent members of victimhood culture, and appear perpetually “triggered” by anything that can even remotely be seen as “offensive,” including comedy and satire, are, of course… eagerly embracing this film, and it’s premise? Hypocritical much? Doublethink much? *facepalm* Ironically, they fail to realize that this mockumentary is actually critical of the concept that female-dominated society will lead to utopia…

Matthew A.: Fragile male egos! Coming from an SJW, that is one of the most formidable acts of projection I have ever witnessed.

A film like this could be quite interesting, but of course this is just going to be progressive nonsense.

Let’s see a world without men and find out whether the women left have any electricity, running water, machine repair, etc….

I agree that there wouldn’t be any war, principally because there wouldn’t be a large enough population to warrant it.

Some people! 😉

Hypocritical Western Victimhood Culture Reacts Positively to Mockumentary, “No Men Beyond This Point”

I originally posted the following video and commentary onto the Facebook wall of an acquaintance, after discovering it being shared from here

 “No Men Beyond This Point” Trailer:

My Commentary: Hmmm… How about some similarly-themed, and purportedly “wry-humored” films, like “No Women Beyond This Point,” “No Whites Beyond This Point,” “No Jews Beyond This Point,” “No Disabled Beyond This Point,” or “No Blacks Beyond This Point,” etc. Would such mockumentaries ever even be premiered at the Toronto International Film Festival, like this one was? Would audiences respond by thinking, “what a premise!,” as this trailer suggests? Would those who negative react be considered “oh-so-sensitive” and labelled as having “fragile egos,” like this trailer also suggests?

Social Justice Warriors and feminist, alike, who just so happen to be prominent members of victimhood culture, and appear perpetually “triggered” by anything that can even remotely be seen as “offensive,” including comedy and satire, are, of course… eagerly embracing this film, and it’s premise? Hypocritical much? Doublethink much? *facepalm* Ironically, they fail to realize that this mockumentary is actually critical of the concept that female-dominated society will lead to utopia…

Feminist Doublethink

The following correspondence originally took place here, upon the Facebook page, “Being Libertarian“…

(replies from all third parties have been omitted for clarity)

“I believe that I have a right to your money for my birth control!” “No, thank you. I don’t believe that you can take my money for…” “WHAT IS WITH THIS WAR ON WOMEN??? STOP FORCING YOUR BELIEFS DOWN MY THROAT!!! I HAVE A RIGHT TO DECIDE HOW TO SPEND YOUR MONEY AND THAT’S NONE OF YOUR BUSINESS!!!!”

Rayn: Popular Feminist abortion slogans: “My body, my choice,” and “Stay out of my uterus.”

How about some similarly-themed, doublethink-exposing Feminist birth-control slogans? “My body, your non-consensual funding.” Ha! “Enter into a non-consensual, long-term financial relationship with my uterus.” Ha ha!

Jay K.: ‘My paycheck, my choice?’ ‘Stay out of my wallet?’

Vice.com Irresponsibly Promotes Misandristic Eugenicist Paradise Espoused by Feminazi Persona Without Even a Single Hint About Satirical Nature of Piece

The following debate originally took place upon my Facebook wall…

Feminist Persona, “The Femitheist”

Feminist Persona, “The Femitheist”

RaynThe Woman Who Thinks Reducing the Male Population by 90 Percent Will Solve Everything:

The interview is absolutely vulgar, positively grotesque, and purely evil! It truly is one of the most sickening things I’ve read in a long, long time.

Jonas A.: Maybe we should reduce her brain cell…try lobotomy! >:O

Katherine C.: You realize she’s a jaded 22 years old right? Not enough life experience to know what would happen if that actually happened.

Rayn: Well, I’ll be! That changes everything, Katherine. Now that I know this important fact, I completely rescind my overly-harsh assessment of her interview, and instead, I think I’ll just coddle her, while she espouses her dangerous, disgusting, delusional feminazi eugenics rhetoric to all the other “jaded” young women around her… (Click Here to Continue Reading This Post)