Irresponsibly Promotes Misandristic Eugenicist Paradise Espoused by Feminazi Persona Without Even a Single Hint About Satirical Nature of Piece

The following debate originally took place upon my Facebook wall…

Feminist Persona, “The Femitheist”

Feminist Persona, “The Femitheist”

RaynThe Woman Who Thinks Reducing the Male Population by 90 Percent Will Solve Everything:

The interview is absolutely vulgar, positively grotesque, and purely evil! It truly is one of the most sickening things I’ve read in a long, long time.

Jonas A.: Maybe we should reduce her brain cell…try lobotomy! >:O

Katherine C.: You realize she’s a jaded 22 years old right? Not enough life experience to know what would happen if that actually happened.

Rayn: Well, I’ll be! That changes everything, Katherine. Now that I know this important fact, I completely rescind my overly-harsh assessment of her interview, and instead, I think I’ll just coddle her, while she espouses her dangerous, disgusting, delusional feminazi eugenics rhetoric to all the other “jaded” young women around her… (Click Here to Continue Reading This Post)