Discussing “Pure, Unadulterated Bipartisan Hypocrisy!”

The following correspondence originally took place on my Facebook wall, upon my post, “Imperialism: From Chattel Slavery to Debt Slavery“…

Rayn: Pure, unadulterated bipartisan hypocrisy…

“17-year-old girl included on Obama’s secret ‘kill list.’ Obama administration lawyers reaffirmed their backing for state sponsored assasination, claiming that ‘U.S. citizens are legitimate military targets’ and do not have the right to any legal protection against summary execution. Crimes are crimes no matter who does them. Crimes under Bush are crimes under Obama and must be resisted by anyone who claims a shred of conscience.”

Oniel D.: why would a 17yr get that type of attension,thats insane, What she did, hack the C.I.A ?

Allison H.: Good God! The world’s gone mad.

Steven C.: Who’ s the girl

Pure, Unadulterated Bipartisan Hypocrisy!

As I scrolled through my Facebook news feed, I discovered the following artwork here, being shared by the page, “A Sheep No More,” and originally posted it to my own wall, along with commentary…

“17-year-old girl included on Obama’s secret ‘kill list.’ Obama administration lawyers reaffirmed their backing for state sponsored assasination, claiming that ‘U.S. citizens are legitimate military targets’ and do not have the right to any legal protection against summary execution. Crimes are crimes no matter who does them. Crimes under Bush are crimes under Obama and must be resisted by anyone who claims a shred of conscience.”

“17-year-old girl included on Obama’s secret ‘kill list.’ Obama administration lawyers reaffirmed their backing for state sponsored assasination, claiming that ‘U.S. citizens are legitimate military targets’ and do not have the right to any legal protection against summary execution. Crimes are crimes no matter who does them. Crimes under Bush are crimes under Obama and must be resisted by anyone who claims a shred of conscience.”

My Commentary: Pure, unadulterated bipartisan hypocrisy…

Discussing the Right Questions Regarding War

I originally posted the following information and commentary onto my Facebook wall…

Rayn: If WAR is the answer, then you’re asking THE WRONG QUESTION!!!

“War is not the answer”

“War is not the answer”

Brian J.: What’s the question?

Rayn: The best question: “What was first – Al Qaeda, or US Foreign Policy?”

"Question 1: What was first - the egg or the hen? Question 2: What was first - Al Qaeda or US foreign policy?"

“Question 1: What was first – the egg or the hen? Question 2: What was first – Al Qaeda or US foreign policy?”

A good question: “What is ‘Blowback’?”

Terror ‘Blowback’ Burns CIA:
(note that it’s a Nov. 1998 article, so it’s pre-9/11 war politic!)

Don’t Forget to Vote Democrat or Republican (For More War Crimes)…

As I scrolled through my Facebook news feed, I discovered the following artwork here, being shared by the page, “People Over Politics,” and originally posted it to my own wall, along with commentary…

"Don't forget to vote. Democrat or Republican (Paid for by the psychopathic oligarchy of international bankers and private corporations.)"

“Don’t forget to vote. Democrat or Republican (Paid for by the psychopathic oligarchy of international bankers and private corporations.)”

My Commentary: The worthless “lesser of two evils” argument is based upon TWO DISTINCT LOGICAL FALLACIES: the false dilemma AND the false compromise! It is COMPLETELY ILLEGITIMATE, and DOES NOT represent the mindset of RATIONAL or FREE-THINKING Individuals! And, THE RESULTS ARE CLEAR!

War crimes and crimes against peace are not justifiable, under any circumstances.

“He who passively accepts evil is as much involved in it as he who helps to perpetrate it. He who accepts evil without protesting against it is really cooperating with it.” – Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr.

Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr: A Time to Break Silence (1967):

War IS Terrorism!

The following correspondence originally took place upon my Facebook wall, after I shared artwork being shared by an acquaintance from here


"How can you have a war on terrorism when war, itself, is terrorism?" - Howard Zinn

“How can you have a war on terrorism when war, itself, is terrorism?” – Howard Zinn

Jonas A.: Good point!!!! Very good point 😀

Bleeding Heart Bliss: Genius and disturbingly common sense

Rayn: Tyranny hates inquiry! That’s usually when the religion of the system is revealed, along with the naked aggression! Critical thinking, FTW!

Charles C.: it’s sad i’ve only heard of zinn on the day he passed. a great clear thinking mind