Harrowing Homelessness Facts

The following correspondence originally took place upon my Facebook wall…

"An Army of One"

“An Army of One”

Robert C.: some nice sobering American facts.

U.S.: Number of Mentally Ill in Prisons Quadrupled:

Rayn: Thanks for sharing this important news! History is pretty clear on this point: either protect all forms of innocence, or expect the eventually enslavement of all. “In as much as you have done in to one of the least of my brethren, you have done it unto me.”

These statistics remind me of America’s homeless figures, which I always keep handy. 20-25% of homeless individuals suffer from some severe form of mental illness:

In separate research studies, 25% of homeless were determined to be veterans of the armed forces:

Meanwhile, 39% of homeless individuals are minors – under the age of 18:

Although we might expect figures like these from a third-world nation, they represent one of the top ten wealthiest countries in the world! As an industrial nation, America’s stats are simply pathologically pathetic!

Buju Banton Becomes Latest Victim of Illegitimate “War on Drugs”

The following correspondence originally took place upon the Facebook wall of family…

Sara: Man, I can’t believe that Buju Banton just got 6-10 years for drugs. Stop the drug war! Focus on the pedophiles and rapists who get out in 1-3 if they even get jail time! As Buju says, “I could go on and on, the full has never been told”. 🙁 Sad!

Untold Stories – Buju Banton:

RaynNo Victim, No Crime!

A Second Discussion on My Artwork, “Defining Fascism”

The following correspondence originally took place on my Facebook wall, upon my artwork, “Defining Fascism“…

(this is a continuation of a first discussion, which took place here)

Rayn: Created in August 2010 using Photoshop.

“Fascism: a merger of State & Corporate power’ – Mussolini (Artwork by Rayn)

“Fascism: a merger of State & Corporate power’ – Mussolini
(Artwork by Rayn, and originally located here)

Charles C.: I might have to steal that lol

Sara: lol that’s right! Very funny and true!

Government Continues to Use “War on Drugs” as Pretext for Tyrannical Police State

The following correspondence originally took place upon the Facebook wall of family…

2011-05-22 - Government Continues to Use 'War on Drugs' as Pretext for Tyrannical Police State

Sara: There goes a little more of our civil liberties being stripped away.

Cops Can Kick Your Door Down If They Smell Weed, Supreme Court Rules:

Andre S.: Weed?? ShEE-IT? If them numb-nut, cowboy’s smell, fried chicken coming from the corner of my house? Lol We guilty.

RaynAmerica’s Failed “War on Drugs” and CIA Drug Running Make Business Boom for the Prison Industrial Complex:

Discussing Fukushima Radiation Contamination in American Food Supplies

The following correspondence originally took place upon the Facebook wall of family…

2011-04-14 - Discussing Fukushima Radiation Contamination in American Food Supplies

Genaire: Radiation Detected In Drinking Water In 13 More US Cities, Cesium-137 In Vermont Milk:

Rayn: Literally sickening!

Jonas A.: Yeah…radiation..Made in Japan…how sad this world is 🙁

Claudia C.: The Japanese could have handled the situation better. To not taint their “oh so pure image” they decided to lie and try to contain the disaster on their own, refusing much needed help. Their irresponsible behavior ultimately led to a disaster that could have been contained