Critical Thinking Dictates that War is Not Peace, and Freedom is Not Slavery!

As I scrolled through my Facebook news feed, I discovered the following artwork here, being shared by the page, “Abolish the Feds,” and originally posted it to my own wall, along with commentary…

“I’m proud of YOU FOLKS too! Your refusal to Think For Yourselves makes war possible” (A message from the Ministry of Homeland Security)
(Artwork by Micah Ian Wright. For more, go to:

My CommentaryCritical thinking: because war is not peace.

(Also, freedom is not slavery)

The Western History of Whitewashing and Brainwashing

The following correspondence originally took place upon the Facebook wall of my friend, Rebekah P., after she shared artwork from here

Rebekah P.:

"What society tells us: never forget, never forget, never forget, get over it"

“What society tells us: never forget, never forget, never forget, get over it”

Rayn: Whitewash. Brainwash.

End America’s Imperialistic Wars of Aggression, Already!

As I scrolled through my Facebook news feed, I discovered the following artwork here, being shared by the page, “I Don’t Trust The Government,” and originally posted it to my own wall, along with commentary…

"End the War in Afghanistan... and Pakistan... and Libya... and Yemen... and Somalia..."

“End the War in Afghanistan… and Pakistan… and Libya… and Yemen… and Somalia…”

My Commentary: “War is organized murder, and nothing else.” – Harry Patch

The ancient practice of human sacrifice continues to expand, unabated, using the latest brand of coercive, pathocratic, pseudo-scientific, false religion called Statism. Either reject this “golden calf” / “sacred cow” worship, or go with the flow like a lemming off a cliff, and join the Ranks of the Forgotten in the Bottomless Pit!

“Know thy enemy.” Google “democide”!

Discussing Silence in the Face of Tyranny As the Answer of a Slave

The following correspondence originally took place on my Facebook wall, upon my post, “Silence in the Face of Tyranny is the Answer of a Slave“…

Rayn: Silence? “That is a slave’s answer!

“If You’re Afraid to Speak Out Against Tyranny, You Are ALREADY A SLAVE”

Renat S.: What about stoicism?

Renat S.: (i didn’t say i am a part of it)

Rayn: Being “afraid to speak” isn’t stoicism, as far as I can tell. 🙂

Renat S.: being afraid isn’t always the only reason of silence

RaynAbsolutely. The statement in the above graphic is simply an “if-then” logic clause. It pertains only to situations of silence based on fear. In the reality outside of the exclusionary “if” referenced here, there are many other reasons for not speaking. Some are philosophical, such as the stoicism you previously mentioned, while others are physical, as is the case with deaf mutes. 🙂

Renat S.: indeed

Silence in the Face of Tyranny is the Answer of a Slave

As I scrolled through my Facebook news feed, I discovered the following artwork here, being shared by the page, “Freedom From Mental Slavery,” and originally posted it to my own wall…

“If You’re Afraid to Speak Out Against Tyranny, You Are ALREADY A SLAVE”

My Commentary: Silence? “That is a slave’s answer!”