Sadly, Friends and Family Often Use Facebook as Place to Advocate for War Crimes and Crimes Against Humanity

I originally posted the following information and commentary onto my Facebook wall…

"Deborah Massey: Any city that has ISIS people hiding out in it needs to be bombed to the ground. That will send a message that they can't hide from us anywhere. And all those people coming over from Syria need to be kept locked up until they can PROVE they aren't terrorists! If Obama would go back to waterboarding the ones we capture, we could stop attacks from happening. We have to protect ourselves."

“Deborah Massey: ‘Any city that has ISIS people hiding out in it needs to be bombed to the ground. That will send a message that they can’t hide from us anywhere. And all those people coming over from Syria need to be kept locked up until they can PROVE they aren’t terrorists! If Obama would go back to waterboarding the ones we capture, we could stop attacks from happening. We have to protect ourselves.'”

Aunt On Facebook Casually Advocates War Crime:

In a brief Facebook post, Deborah Massey offhandedly proposed several ideas that stood in stark violation of the Geneva Conventions and international law.

(Read entire article here…)

My Commentary: So true! Some family and friends even advocate for crimes against humanity while on Facebook…

Discussing the Sad State of $tatism

The following correspondence originally took place on my Facebook wall, upon my post, “The Sad State of $tatism…“…

Rayn: The sad state of $tatism…

“The men the American people admire most extravagantly are the greatest liars: the men they detest most iolently are those who try to tell the truth.” – H.L. Mencken

Steve L.: “The truth, indeed, is something that mankind, for some mysterious reason, instinctively dislikes. Every man who tries to tell it is unpopular, and even when, by the sheer strength of his case, he prevails, he is put down as a scoundrel.” ~ Chicago Tribune (23 May 1926), Henry Louis Mencken

The Sad State of $tatism…

As I scrolled through my Facebook news feed, I discovered the following artwork here, being shared by the page, “Zero Aggression,” and originally posted it to my own wall, along with commentary

"The men the American people admire most extravagantly are the greatest liars: the men they detest most iolently are those who try to tell the truth." - H.L. Mencken

“The men the American people admire most extravagantly are the greatest liars: the men they detest most iolently are those who try to tell the truth.” – H.L. Mencken

My CommentaryThe sad state of $tatism…

Nice Meat-Mask, Frankenstein!

The following correspondence originally took place upon the Facebook wall of an acquaintance, after she shared a captioned photo from here

Janelle F.: This is beyond creepy.

Donatella Versace turned up to the MET Gala preview and turned heads for all the wrong reasons. Donatella… Your face?!

Christina C.: White walker?

Christine G.: If I saw that on the street- I would scream and run away! I can’t believe she is only 59!!!

Shanna C.: I really got a little scared when I saw this.

Tommy L.: Yeesh!

Ryan D.: *unzips pants

Rob S.:

Janelle F.: Christina yes!!!! Thank you! Hahah

Damie G.: 😯 eeeewwww!!!! Nightmares tonight for sure! Ick!

Damie G.: Wtf is wrong with her! At least if you have a facelift, fix the penis of a nose that you have!!!! ?

Joe P.: She looks like a Thundercat. Mumm-ra, really.

Jules P.: Say what you want but she was terrific in “House of 1000 corpses.”

Damie G.: ^^^??????

Valerie S.: How sad really.

John R.: Looks like her and Big Ang go to the same surgeon.

Janine M.: MY EYES!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Cyrus Y.: I had to see this right after lunch …

Rayn: Nice meat-mask, Frankenstein!

(She looks like she got a face transplant from a cadaver).

Don G.: YIPES!

Nancy F.: Jesus Christmas!

Janelle F.: LOL Rayn

Ron Z.: WTF

Patricia B.: How many surgeries to the face has she had!!???

Igor K.: is that Steven Tyler?

Kellyn V.: More like an ape showing up in her behalf, while she sun bathes (bakes) on the beaches of italy.
Wth! And she is a fashionista!! My 76 yr old grandma looks better than her!

Janelle F.: It looks like a giant footprint on her face