Time to Unlearn the Lies of the Cult Religion Called “The State”

I originally posted the following video and statement onto my Facebook wall…

Statism: The Most Dangerous Religion (feat. Larken Rose):

Can you spare a mere 12 minutes of your time to unlearn the lies of the cult religion called “The State”?

“Come out of her, my people”!

The House of Bondage will soon collapse, like a dying star! Will you continue to clamor for enslavement, or will the Truth finally make you free?

Discussing Statism as the Ultimate Cult Religion of Slavery and Murder

The following correspondence originally took place on my Facebook wall, upon my post, “Statism Represents the Ultimate Cult Religion of Slavery and Murder!“…


“Governments murdered 262,000,000 disarmed civilians in the 20th Century. Anti-Statism is a life-saver.”

Statism Is Slavery, Statism is a Religion and Statism Is A Cult! It’s time to finally start Unbelieving Statism!

“Statism: the belief that you require permission to be free.”
(Artwork originally located
here, upon the Facebook page, “We The Individuals“)

To Withdraw Consent, Vacate The Vote and embrace natural-born Individual sovereignty!

Understand The Liberty Principle: No Consent from the Governed! We the Individuals must accept Voluntaryism and The Non-Aggression Principle, as they truly represent peaceful liberty, which is The Art of Not Being Governed! No Government, Know Peace!

People for Anarchy, Voluntaryism, Non-Aggression, and Liberty!

“Mass shootings? Governments are the undisputed heavyweight champions of them.”
(Artwork originally located 
here, upon the Facebook page, “Rewilding – Anarchism“)

And, please, please, please, DO NOT let horizontal enforcement from the Critical thinking-free majority sway you from following your own conscience, here! Fully Vacate The State with a Vote for Nobody, and you’ll NEVER LOOK BACK! Your “VOTE” represents nothing more than your ACTIVE CONSENT to a system of LIES, THEFT, VIOLENCE, KIDNAPPING, SLAVERY, GENOCIDE and DEATH-WORSHIP, since its VERY INCEPTION! For the sake of your JUSTICE-AND-PEACE-LOVING SOUL, finally, finally, finally SAY NO, already!!!!!!! ENOUGH IS ENOUGH!!!!!!!!!
You’ve Got to Stop Voting:

Here’s just a TASTE of the article, “South Africa endured many years of violence under the Apartheid regime. Many people and countries worldwide boycotted Apartheid, but the US government insisted on supporting the Apartheid regime, saying that while the US abhorred Apartheid, the regime was the legitimate government of South Africa. Then the Apartheid regime held another election. No more than 7% of South Africans voted. Suddenly everything changed. No longer could the US or anyone else say that the Apartheid regime had the consent of the governed. That was when the regime began to make concessions. Suddenly the ANC, formerly considered to be a terrorist group trying to overthrow a legitimate government, became freedom fighters against an illegitimate government. It made all the difference in the world, something that decades more of violence could never have done.”Read the rest, and your heart will thank you!

Rebekah P.: I do not, will not, cannot consent worship of the warship

Statism Represents the Ultimate Cult Religion of Slavery and Murder!

As I scrolled through my Facebook news feed, I discovered the following artwork here, being shared by the page, “Bastiat Institute,” and originally posted it to my own wall, along with commentary…

"Governments murdered 262,000,000 disarmed civilians in the 20th Century. Anti-Statism is a life-saver."

“Governments murdered 262,000,000 disarmed civilians in the 20th Century. Anti-Statism is a life-saver.”

My CommentaryStatism Is Slavery, Statism is a Religion and Statism Is A Cult! It’s time to finally start Unbelieving Statism!

"Statism: the belief that you require permission to be free." (artwork located here, on the Facebook page, "We The Individuals")

“Statism: the belief that you require permission to be free.” (artwork originally located here, upon the Facebook page, “We The Individuals“)

To Withdraw Consent, Vacate The Vote and embrace natural-born Individual sovereignty!

Understand The Liberty Principle: No Consent from the Governed! We the Individuals must accept Voluntaryism and The Non-Aggression Principle, as they truly represent peaceful liberty, which is The Art of Not Being Governed! No Government, Know Peace!

People for Anarchy, Voluntaryism, Non-Aggression, and Liberty!

"Mass shootings? Governments are the undisputed heavyweight champions of them." (artwork discovered here, on the Facebook page, "Rewilding - Anarchism")

“Mass shootings? Governments are the undisputed heavyweight champions of them.”
(Artwork originally located 
here, upon the Facebook page, “Rewilding – Anarchism“)

And, please, please, please, DO NOT let horizontal enforcement from the Critical thinking-free majority sway you from following your own conscience, here! Fully Vacate The State with a Vote for Nobody, and you’ll NEVER LOOK BACK! Your “VOTE” represents nothing more than your ACTIVE CONSENT to a system of LIES, THEFT, VIOLENCE, KIDNAPPING, SLAVERY, GENOCIDE and DEATH-WORSHIP, since its VERY INCEPTION! For the sake of your JUSTICE-AND-PEACE-LOVING SOUL, finally, finally, finally SAY NO, already!!!!!!! ENOUGH IS ENOUGH!!!!!!!!!

You’ve Got to Stop Voting:

Here’s just a TASTE of the article, “South Africa endured many years of violence under the Apartheid regime. Many people and countries worldwide boycotted Apartheid, but the US government insisted on supporting the Apartheid regime, saying that while the US abhorred Apartheid, the regime was the legitimate government of South Africa. Then the Apartheid regime held another election. No more than 7% of South Africans voted. Suddenly everything changed. No longer could the US or anyone else say that the Apartheid regime had the consent of the governed. That was when the regime began to make concessions. Suddenly the ANC, formerly considered to be a terrorist group trying to overthrow a legitimate government, became freedom fighters against an illegitimate government. It made all the difference in the world, something that decades more of violence could never have done.”

Read the rest, and your heart will thank you! ❤

The “Pledge of Allegiance” is Just More Evidence of the Religious Nature of the State

The following correspondence originally took place upon the Facebook wall of my friend, Brooke N…

Brooke N.: Nuff said

The Whitest Kids You Know – Pledge of Allegiance:

Rayn: When I was [around 9 or 10 years old], I asked my mother if I was required to participate in this bizarre religious ritual at school, because it made me very uncomfortable. When she said, “no,” I was very relieved to no longer to participate, ever again, which satisfied my conscience, greatly! I also stay seated for the “National Anthem” for the same reason. 🙂

Dispelling Political Assumptions

The following correspondence originally took place upon the Facebook wall of family…

“WARNING: Assumptions Ahead”

Genaire: Online ‘Birth Certificate’ Document ‘Was Changed’:

Anke M.: You guys must love that moronic surgeon Ben Carson!? Too funny, the ultimate Republican Uncle Tom Poster Boy!

Rayn: Nope. I can only speak for myself, of course, but I truly couldn’t care less about the murdering War Criminal Obama’s “citizenship,” nor his “religion,” nor any other such meaningless distractions from his ACTUAL DEEDS, for that matter! For years, I’ve been exposing this Nobel-Peace-Prize winning skin-job as the morally-bankrupt sociopath he really is, without a modicum of concern for such trivialities! I’ve never made a single “birther” post on my Facebook page, or on my website, in my whole life, and in reality, don’t even believe in dangerously delusional, illegitimate, State-cult concepts like “borders,” in the first place! Only a doublethinking, Statist sheep would dare refer to their fellow human beings as “illegal aliens,” if you ask me! Besides this, I have never so much as shown even an inkling of support for the likes of this Ben Carson stooge, nor any other such parasitic, professionally-lying scumbag, let alone, give their accusatory, violent rhetoric an ounce of “love”!

It might surprise you to know that I AM AN Individual, and that Genaire, [even as my husband], is actually a whole separate one! Because of this, we have plenty of differing viewpoints about many things, including “politics”!