Dr. Ron Paul’s Thoughts on America’s Drug War

As I scrolled through my Facebook news feed, I discovered the following artwork here, being shared by the page, “Cop Block,” and originally posted it to my own wall, along with commentary…

"Ron Paul on legalizing drug use: 'I don't like the drugs, but I'll tell you what... As much as I don't like those drugs, I really don't like the drug war. I think it's much more dangerous. A lot more people have died in the drug wars than have died from the drugs. In fact, more people have died from prescription drugs than they do from illegal drugs."

“Ron Paul on legalizing drug use: ‘I don’t like the drugs, but I’ll tell you what… As much as I don’t like those drugs, I really don’t like the drug war. I think it’s much more dangerous. A lot more people have died in the drug wars than have died from the drugs. In fact, more people have died from prescription drugs than they do from illegal drugs.”

My Commentary: What a “selfish,” “naive,” “utopian” “racist”!

Ain’t No Half-Steppin’ in the Battle for Freedom!

I originally posted the following information and commentary onto my Facebook wall…

Racist 1866 Campaign Poster from Democratic candidate, Hiester Clymer, currently stored digitally, here, in the US Library of Congress

Racist 1866 Campaign Poster from Democratic candidate, Hiester Clymer, currently stored digitally, here, in the US Library of Congress

White Americans’ Support for Prison-Industrial Complex Grows With Knowledge That It’s Harder on Blacks:

(Elizabeth Nolan Brown, Reason) One of the rallying cries of the criminal justice reform crowd, including us here at Reason, is that American policing policies disproportionately harm blacks and other minorities. These days even mainstream politicians like Rand Paul have been sounding this alarm—he recently told a Rotary Club crowd in Shelbyville, Kentucky, that “the war on drugs has had a disproportionate racial outcome.” The ostensible purpose of pointing to these disparities is to showcase how unfair and subjective our law enforcement can be. But according to a new study published in Psychological Science, this may not be what the average white person takes away.

Being made aware of the racial composition of America’s prisons actually bolsters white Americans’ support for intrusive policing and harsh sentencing policies, according to Stanford University researchers Rebecca Hetey and Jennifer Eberhardt.

(Read Entire Article Here…)

My Commentary: In the battle against tyranny, many of us understand the importance of “know[ing] thy enemy”…

But, “what about your friends?”

Upon stripping away the thin veneer of “political affiliations,” and allowing Individual thoughts and actions to take their rightful place as the only real indicators of character, it turns out that many of these pale-skinned “progressives” from NYC and California are just as pathetically ignorant and racist as their neo-conned counterparts! And, so long as these half-stepping wannabes think that police and courts are mostly targeting brown skin, at least 73% of them comfortably lend their full and faithful consent and support to the American Police State!!! For these human race traitors, “innocent until proven guilty” is their own “white privilege,” instead of a universal RIGHT for all!

Meanwhile, a closer inspection of the facts exposes their elected “representatives” to be NO DIFFERENT! These narrow-minded slime-balls have been spewing their thinly-veiled racism into the public arena, time and time again, with little fear of backlash! (Click Here to Continue Reading This Post)

Racist History of Missouri Police

I originally posted the following information and commentary onto my Facebook wall…

2014-08-23 - Racist History of Missouri Police

The Ugly History of Racist Policing in America:

My Commentary: A brief history lesson, spanning a century of State-supported racism in St. Louis, Missouri…

(Interestingly, the Greensboro Massacre, which took place where I currently live, in North Carolina, is mentioned towards the end of this article)

Imperialistic War Criminals in US Funding Racist, Extremist Terrorists in the Ukraine to Effect “Regime Change”

The following correspondence originally took place upon the Facebook wall of my friend, Natalie M...

Natalie M.: What’s going on in Russia?

“America was built on two monumental crimes: the genocide of the Native Americans and the enslavement of Africans. The tendency of official America is to memorialize other people’s crimes and to forget its own in order to seek a high moral ground as a pretext to ignore real issues.” – Mahmood Mamdani

Rayn: Imperialistic war criminals in the US are funding racist, extremist terrorists in the Ukraine, in an attempt to effect American-corporation-friendly “regime change” in the region. In other words, it’s “business as usual” for the sociopathic scum of the Earth…