Police Brutality & Criminality

I originally posted the following information onto my Facebook wall…


I made this list in March of 2014, utilize it just about every day, and very recently added almost 200 new pages to it, as well…

Police Brutality and Criminality (467 Pages, and Counting):

Feel free to subscribe to it, and add it to the “favorites” section located in the the left-side bar of your Facebook homepage, if you’re interested in getting all of the latest posts and updates from ALMOST EVERY SINGLE cop-watching page on Facebook, in a single, convenient news feed!

Belief That Police Are “Public Servants,” Keeping “Law and Order” Indicates a Severe, Almost-Completely-Irreversible Case of Stockholm Syndrome

I originally posted the following information and commentary upon my Facebook wall…

Charlotte-Mecklenburg Police Chief, Kerr Putney

Charlotte-Mecklenburg Police Chief, Kerr Putney

Charlotte Police Chief Will Not Release Bodycam Video of Keith Scott Shooting Because of State Law (That Doesn’t Even Go Into Effect Until Oct. 1):

Charlotte-Mecklenburg Police Chief Kerr Putney is refusing to release the bodycam video footage of the death of Keith Scott.

The announcement came just moments after Mayor Jennifer Roberts promised that there would be transparency in the case.

Putney claimed that he could not release the video footage because of a state law that requires a court order for such video to be released.

(Read entire article here…)

My Commentary: If you still believe these are “public servants,” keeping “law and order,” you have a severe, almost-completely-irreversible case of Stockholm Syndrome! Keep licking those boots, and eating that dust, my friend!

For those who still have a moral compass left in all of this madness, please take that final, courageous step towards the peace and justice of true freedom, and Vacate The State! “Emancipate yourselves from mental slavery”! Your soul will thank you, and love you back, when you no longer have to justify the things that offend it, most.

Victimless Pre-Crime “Laws” Provide State Agents “Legal” Pretext to Target Otherwise Innocent, Peaceful Individuals for Extortion

I originally posted the following information and commentary onto my Facebook wall…


Tickets for Drivers Drinking Coffee? N.J. Lawmakers Discussing it Today:

(Brent JohnsonLast month, a bill was introduced in the state Legislature that caused some to worry they may soon be ticketed for drinking coffee behind the wheel.

On Thursday morning, the state Assembly transportation committee will discuss that measure and two similar bills as it holds a hearing to consider how the Garden State can crack down on distracted driving.

The panel will also hear testimony from the National Transportation Safety Board on an issue that data shows has become a leading cause for fatal care crashes in the age of cell phones and other gadgets.

(Read entire article here…)

My Commentary: Victimless pre-crime “laws”: providing agents of the State the “legal” pretext to accost otherwise innocent and peaceful people, in the hopes of extorting them “for their safety.” Question or resist this injustice, and you will be beaten, arrested, thrown into a cage, and/or murdered.

Repeat after me: We are free! We just need more laws! We just need more taxes! We just need the right ruler! 😉

Suspicious Orange Leather Bag Continues to Promote Random Searches for All Americans

I originally posted the following information and commentary onto my Facebook wall…

"Orange Slime"

“Orange Slime”

Donald Trump Says He Would Implement Nationwide Stop and Frisk policy:

(Erin Durkin, Adam Edelman) Donald Trump said Wednesday he would implement nationwide stop-and-frisk practices — even though the use of such policing tactics in New York City was ruled unconstitutional in 2013.

“I would do stop and frisk. I think you have to. We did it in New York, it worked incredibly well and you have to be proactive,” Trump said on Fox News Channel’s “Hannity” program, according to a partial transcript of the interview released by the network.

(Read entire article here…)

My Commentary: Suspicious orange leather bag continues to promote random searches for everyone…

Obama, the Lying Lizard, Deceives Again

As I scrolled through my Facebook news feed, I discovered the following artwork here, being shared by the page, “Living in Modern Times,” and originally posted it to my own wall, along with commentary…

"There will be no safe haven for those that kill Americans"

“There will be no safe haven for those that kill Americans”

My Commentary: Oh, but there already is, genius. It’s called THE STATE!

Go masturbate to your kill list, or something, you fucking lizard.

#ColorOfLaw #Impunity