Suspicious Orange Leather Bag Continues to Promote Random Searches for All Americans

I originally posted the following information and commentary onto my Facebook wall…

"Orange Slime"

“Orange Slime”

Donald Trump Says He Would Implement Nationwide Stop and Frisk policy:

(Erin Durkin, Adam Edelman) Donald Trump said Wednesday he would implement nationwide stop-and-frisk practices — even though the use of such policing tactics in New York City was ruled unconstitutional in 2013.

“I would do stop and frisk. I think you have to. We did it in New York, it worked incredibly well and you have to be proactive,” Trump said on Fox News Channel’s “Hannity” program, according to a partial transcript of the interview released by the network.

(Read entire article here…)

My Commentary: Suspicious orange leather bag continues to promote random searches for everyone…

Suspicious Orange Leather Bag Promotes Warrantless Searches for All Americans

I originally posted the following information and commentary onto my Facebook wall…

Suspicious orange leather bag releases gas

Suspicious orange leather bag releases gas

Donald Trump: We Need More Stop-and-Frisk:

(Adam Dick) In his main stage speech at the Republican National Convention in July, Rudy Giuliani, a former New York City mayor and current advisor to Republican presidential nominee Donald Trump, predicted, “What I did for New York, Donald Trump Will do for America.” That does seem to accurately state Trump’s intention, at least as far as expanding Giuliani’s stop-and-frisk police activity across the country is concerned.

On Friday, NBC10 reporter Lauren Mayk asked Trump what police in Philadelphia “are not doing that they could be doing” for dealing with “gun violence,” Trump’s response included asserting that “stop-and-frisk,” which Trump credits to Giuliani, “is a very positive thing.” This is not just some one-off statement by Trump regarding stop-and-frisk. In July of 2013, Trump posted the following message on Twitter:

Stop and frisk works. Instead of criticizing @NY_POLICE Chief Ray Kelly, New Yorkers should be thanking him for keeping NY safe.

(Read entire article here…)

My Commentary: Suspicious orange leather bag promotes warrantless searches…