Consumers Reject Latest Mindless Drivel Churned Out by Mainstream Music Monopoly, and Buy Classics in Record Numbers

I originally posted the following information and commentary upon my Facebook wall…

"U.S: Current Versus Catalogue Total Album Unit Sales (m)"

“U.S: Current Versus Catalogue Total Album Unit Sales (m)”

For the First Time in History, Society is Rejecting “New” Music – Old Music is Outselling New Releases:

(Jay Syrmopoulos) For the first time in music history “catalogue album sales” – defined as any release over 18 months old, outsold current releases by 4.3 million, according to data compiled by Nielsen. To give some perspective, only a decade ago current music sales dominated catalogue music by over 150 million albums.

(Read entire article here…)

My Commentary: No surprise, there. The mainstream music monopoly imagined that it would be able to churn out mindless drivel, in perpetuity, and that listeners would simply lower their standards, and learn to expect less. Fuck the FCC and the RIAA!

Sorry, Chalabi, But Grammar is Important!

The following correspondence originally took place here, upon the Facebook wall of political activist, Paul Joseph Watson

(replies from all third parties have been omitted for clarity)

The Guardian’s Mona Chalabi

The Guardian’s Mona Chalabi

Paul Joseph Watson: The Guardian’s Mona Chalabi says that correcting bad grammar is offensive and racist because white people are more likely to be concerned about good grammar.

The Guardian: Correcting People’s Bad Grammar is Racist:


"Grammar is important! Capitalization is the difference between helping your Uncle Jack off a horse and helping your Uncle jack off a horse."

“Grammar is important! Capitalization is the difference between helping your Uncle Jack off a horse and helping your Uncle jack off a horse.”

Statism is a Religion, Plain and Simple!

As I scrolled through my Facebook news feed, I discovered the following artwork, being shared by an acquaintance from here, and originally posted it to my own wall, along with commentary…

"It all seems to familiar...<BR> (A future to believe in)<BR> (Change we can believe in)<BR> ...As if we've tried this once before..."

“It all seems to familiar…
(A future to believe in)
(Change we can believe in)
…As if we’ve tried this once before…”

My CommentaryStatism is a Religion, so of course, you have to “believe in” it.

The Slave Mentality is Strong With This One!

The following correspondence originally took place here, upon the Facebook page, “The Art of Not Being Governed“…

(replies from all third parties have been omitted for clarity)

The Art of Not Being Governed: I suppose if I worked with this guy I’d hide my face too.
At what point will the “I didn’t join”-ers decide to unjoin?

"You don't join to say 'I refuse,' you don't join to hide your face, you don't join to push your ideology, you join to serve. Now quit making signs and get the fuck back to work."

“You don’t join to say ‘I refuse,’ you don’t join to hide your face, you don’t join to push your ideology, you join to serve. Now quit making signs and get the fuck back to work.”

Rayn: The slave mentality is strong with this one! He apparently takes his military career so very seriously that he has forgotten he swore an oath to support and defend the Constitution of the US, first and foremost, when he initially enlisted for service.