Pentagon Paid Half a Trillion Tax Dollars to PR Firm to Create Fake Iraqi Terrorist Video Propaganda for Public Dissemination

I originally posted the following video and commentary onto my Facebook wall…

Reality Check: Pentagon Paid $500 Million to PR Firm To Create Iraq Propaganda Videos:

My Commentary: I shared an article on this days ago.

 (October 2nd:

Pentagon Paid PR Firm $540 Million to Make Fake Terrorist Videos: )

Now, I’ll share a video version of the same information…

Flashback, Reality! US & UK Had No Legitimate Reason to Invade Iraq!

I originally posted the following information and commentary onto my Facebook wall…

George W. Bush and Tony Blair engaged in an illegal war of aggression against Iraq

George W. Bush and Tony Blair engaged in an illegal war of aggression against Iraq

BREAKING: Long-Awaited Chilcot Report Shows US & UK Had No Reason to Invade Iraq:

(Claire Bernish)

In a damning commentary on the rush to invade Iraq, Sir John Chilcot’s inquiry found “diplomatic options had not” at the time “been exhausted. Military action was therefore not a last resort — as then Prime Minister Tony Blair led the people of the U.K. to believe.

While the Chilcot Report proffers scathing insight into the circumstances surrounding the U.K.’s part in one of the most contentious invasions of a sovereign state in modern times, findings dually skewer then U.S. President George W. Bush’s reckless rush to force military action.

“Military action might have been necessary later,” the BBC summarized several key points found by the Inquiry, “but in March 2003: There was no imminent threat from Saddam Hussein; The strategy of containment could have been adapted and continued for some time; The majority of the Security Council supported continuing UN inspections and monitoring.

(Read entire article here…)

My Commentary: Flashback, Reality!

Americans May Be Forced to Pay a Second Time for War of Aggression Against Iraq

I originally posted the following information and commentary onto my Facebook wall…


This is What they Were Afraid Of — Iraqis Use ‘Sue the Saudis’ 9/11 Bill to Sue US for 2003 Invasion:

(Matt Agorist) The warmongers in the US government have just had their fears realized as Iraq plans to use the Justice Against Sponsors of Terrorism Act (JASTA), aka Sue the Saudis Bill, to demand compensation for the US invasion of Iraq.

Last month, the U.S. House of Representatives, following the lead of the Senate, passed a bill allowing Americans to sue Saudi Arabia over 9/11. When the bill made it to the President’s desk, however, Obama quickly showed his loyalty to Saudi Arabia and vetoed it. However, that was only the beginning of the rollercoaster.

Days after his despicable veto, the Senate stepped up and overwhelmingly voted to override it.

The reason the for the veto was obvious as this bill would, in theory, open up a venue and allow lawsuits against the U.S. for alleged sponsorship of terrorist activities in their own countries – a Pandora’s Box that President Obama, and the CIA most certainly do not want to open with the world watching. However, it appears, for now, that Pandora’s Box is open.

(Read entire article here…)

My Commentary: It’s about time… Too bad most Americans didn’t disavow the criminal government alleging to represent them, and hence, deserve a major share in the blame, now. Enjoy paying twice, tax-slaves: once for the wars of aggression and crimes against humanity your government committed, and a second time, when you are held accountable for them. Complacency is complicity. Always has been, and always will be. Perhaps, you’ll pay a third time, when some other country decides to invade the US for sponsoring terrorism. And, maybe, you’ll even pay a fourth time, on Judgment Day… Who knows what the future holds?

Keep Paying Your “Fair Share” of Extorted Income to Finance the War Machine, Fellow Americans!

I originally posted the following information and commentary onto my Facebook wall…


Post-9/11 Wars Have Cost Nearly $5 Trillion (and Counting): Report:

(Nadia Prupis) The U.S. military interventions in Iraq and Afghanistan have cost taxpayers nearly $5 trillion and counting, according to a new report released to coincide with the 15th anniversary of the attacks.

Dr. Neta Crawford, professor of political science at Brown University, released the figures in an independent analysis (pdf) of U.S. Departments of Defense, State, Homeland Security, and Veteran Affairs spending, as well as their base and projected future spending. Crawford is also a director at Brown’s Costs of War Project, which works to draw attention to the human, economic, and political toll of the military response to 9/11.

In total, the wars already boast a price tag of $4.79 trillion, she found. And the cost is still climbing.

(Read entire article here…)

My Commentary: Keep paying your “fair share” of extorted income to finance the war machine. Those poor Iraqis, Afghanis, Pakistanis, Yemenis, Somalis, Libyan, and Syrians must be liberated from the constraints of corporeality.

Your Conscience is Clean, America! Obama is Only Dropping “Peace” Bombs on the Middle-East and Africa!

I originally posted the following information and commentary onto my Facebook wall…

Barack Obama continues and escalates America's timeless legacy of endless wars

Barack Obama continues and escalates America’s timeless legacy of endless wars

Obama Has Bombed Twice as Many Countries as Bush:

() Every President changes significantly once they’re elected and actually in the White House. It happened to small government conservative George Bush who made speeches about cutting government and a restrained foreign policy in the 90’s. He turned out to be one of the biggest government Republicans in decades by creating new departments, expanding Medicare, starting two wars, and bombing two other countries. His small government beliefs completely evaporated by the time he left office.

Then Barack Obama was elected because of his campaign of hope and change. He won because he ran against the wars and against the big government security state. But, just like Bush, he changed his tune once in office. Obama kept the Iraq War going exactly as long as Bush wanted him to. He followed the timetable that Bush had negotiated to the letter. Obama actually changed Bush’s plan for the Afghanistan War though, by extending it. Obama has promised to keep troops there until 2016, which is two years longer than Bush had originally planned.

(Read entire article here…)

My Commentary: Don’t worry. They were “peace” bombs, so y’all haven’t *really* been supporting a women-and-children-murdering sociopath, committing crimes against humanity for eight solid years. Oh, no. Only Bush is guilty, and Obama merely “inherited” his mess. Your conscience is clean. 🙂

Obama-Led Drone Strikes Kill Innocents 90% of the Time in Afghanistan, in Just a Single Five-Month Campaign:

Whoops! Ignore the article above. It’s irrelevant.

Instead, focus on what’s really important! Continue posting those stats “proving” that Obama has been “saving” the economy… you fucking lizards…