America’s Presidential Precedence of Murdering Civilians

I originally posted the following information and commentary onto my Facebook wall…

If You’re Wondering Why Trump Can Just Bomb Countries, Ask Obama, Bush, and Clinton:

(Darius Shahtahmasebi) If you read closely between the warped headlines of the establishment media, you will eventually find the truth about Trump’s decision to strike the Syrian government: it was illegal.

Yet most mainstream media outlets clearly supported the strike. Many US allies also supported the strike, including so-called peaceful countries such as New Zealand, which stated the strikes were a“proportional response to a specific incident – the chemical weapons atrocity.” New Zealand also said they would consider sending troops to Syria if the American government requested them.

(Read entire article here…)

My Commentary: Spare us the theatrics, and please don’t bother feigning indignation if you were silent while any of these lizards were busy murdering civilians… You’re not virtuous, you’re not concerned with protecting the innocent, and you’re really only embarrassing yourself with your pathetic display of selective outrage, hypocrite…

Doublethinking About the Media-Manufactured “Fake News” Crisis

As I scrolled through my Facebook news feed, I discovered the following artwork here, being shared by the page, “Ron Paul Institute for Peace and Prosperity,” and originally posted it to my own wall, along with commentary…

"Let's take a trip down memory lane... Tony Blair, February 2003 (lie) 'There are unquestionably links between al Qaeda and Iraq.' US President George Bush, September 2002 (lie) 'The regime has longstanding and continuing ties to terrorist group, and there are Al Qaeda terrorists inside Iraq.' US Vice-President Dick Cheney, December 2002 (lie) 'His regime has had high-level contacts with al Qaeda going back a decade and has provided training to al Qaeda terrorists.' US National Security Advisor, Condoleeza Rice, September 2002 (lie) 'There clearly are contacts between al Qaeda and Iraq that can be documented; there clearly is testimony that some of the contacts have been important contacts and that there's a relationship here' US Secretary of State Colin Powell, February 2003 (lie) 'Ambition and hatred are enough to bring Iraq and al Qaeda together.' US Defense Secretary Donald Rumsfeld, November 2002 (lie) 'Within a week, or a month, Saddam could give his WMD to al Qaeda.'"

“Let’s take a trip down memory lane…
Tony Blair, February 2003 (lie)
‘There are unquestionably links between al Qaeda and Iraq.’
US President George Bush, September 2002 (lie)
‘The regime has longstanding and continuing ties to terrorist group, and there are Al Qaeda terrorists inside Iraq.’
US Vice-President Dick Cheney, December 2002 (lie)
‘His regime has had high-level contacts with al Qaeda going back a decade and has provided training to al Qaeda terrorists.’
US National Security Advisor, Condoleeza Rice, September 2002 (lie)
‘There clearly are contacts between al Qaeda and Iraq that can be documented; there clearly is testimony that some of the contacts have been important contacts and that there’s a relationship here’
US Secretary of State Colin Powell, February 2003 (lie)
‘Ambition and hatred are enough to bring Iraq and al Qaeda together.’
US Defense Secretary Donald Rumsfeld, November 2002 (lie)
‘Within a week, or a month, Saddam could give his WMD to al Qaeda.'”

My Commentary: This fake news led to untold levels of death and destruction… But, pay no attention to such inconvenient facts. Doublethink your way through any cognitive dissonance that may arise, and go back to sheep.

Leftists Are Amused by a “Joke” Meme Involving the American Government’s War Crimes

The following debate originally took place upon the Facebook wall of an acquaintance, after he shared a meme from here

Sam B.:

"Biden: Showed Trump the drone strike controls in your top desk drawer Obama: That's an Etch-a-Sketch Biden: Yup"

“Biden: Showed Trump the drone strike controls in your top desk drawer
Obama: That’s an Etch-a-Sketch
Biden: Yup”

(note that upon sharing this meme to his wall, Sam soon receives 9 “likes” and 7 “hahas” from his Facebook friends)

RaynHa! Good one! Super funny! Nothing like a clever joke involving the American government’s War Crimes!

Obama-Led Drone Strikes Kill Innocents 90% of the Time in Afghanistan, in Just a Single Five-Month Campaign:

When combining the officially-acknowledged, yet incomplete, government-reported numbers of casualties from drone strikes in Pakistan, Yemen, Somalia, and Afghanistan, the most modest possible totals show that between 616 – 1,258 civilians were killed, which includes between 186 – 241 children.

Get the Data: Drone Wars:

During Obama’s presidency, between 449 – 926 of the above-mentioned civilians casualties occurred (about 72.9% – 73.6% of the totals), which includes between 80 – 112 children (about 43 % – 46.5% of the totals). This is just more bipartisan criminality taking place in the ludicrous, endless “War on Terror.”

Oh, and this doesn’t even include US drone operations occurring in Iraq, Libya and Syria…

US Drone Strikes Could be Classed as War Crimes, Says Amnesty International: 

Trump-Voters Likely Neo-Conned into Bush 3.0!

I originally posted the following information and commentary onto my Facebook wall…

War-mongering neo-cons, Donald Rumsfeld and Dick Cheney

War-mongering neo-cons, Donald Rumsfeld and Dick Cheney

Is Trump Already Headed Down the Path of the George W. Bush Presidency?:

(Ivan Eland) President-elect Donald Trump, during his campaign, refreshingly criticized Republican George W. Bush’s war in Iraq and Democrat Barack Obama’s war in Libya; seemingly advocated a more restrained American foreign policy abroad; touted the need for a better relationship with Russia; and even propounded a badly needed reassessment of overextended U.S. alliances around the world. However, already his apparent consideration of the usual hawkish Republican retreads for top foreign policy and national security posts threatens to take him down the well-worn path of the Bush presidency he so vehemently criticized during the political season.

(Read entire article here…)

My Commentary: Gotcha, suckers!

Best “Send Off” for Obama Would Entail Him and Bush Standing Trial at the Hague for War Crimes and Crimes Against Humanity!

The following correspondence originally took place upon the Facebook wall of my friend, Natalie M…

Natalie M.: He is really starting to get on my nerves! Telling the black Americans to vote while he is aggressively trying to pass trans-Pacific partnership trade agreement (TPP) during the lame duck. Tpp screws over the American people and gives more power to corporations.

Obama’s Message to Black Voters:

Rayn: The best “send off” possible would entail him and Bush standing before the Hague, being prosecuted for War Crimes and Crimes against humanity