Trump-Voters Likely Neo-Conned into Bush 3.0!

I originally posted the following information and commentary onto my Facebook wall…

War-mongering neo-cons, Donald Rumsfeld and Dick Cheney

War-mongering neo-cons, Donald Rumsfeld and Dick Cheney

Is Trump Already Headed Down the Path of the George W. Bush Presidency?:

(Ivan Eland) President-elect Donald Trump, during his campaign, refreshingly criticized Republican George W. Bush’s war in Iraq and Democrat Barack Obama’s war in Libya; seemingly advocated a more restrained American foreign policy abroad; touted the need for a better relationship with Russia; and even propounded a badly needed reassessment of overextended U.S. alliances around the world. However, already his apparent consideration of the usual hawkish Republican retreads for top foreign policy and national security posts threatens to take him down the well-worn path of the Bush presidency he so vehemently criticized during the political season.

(Read entire article here…)

My Commentary: Gotcha, suckers!

Don’t Get Mad! Get Real!

I originally posted the following information and commentary onto my Facebook wall…


Secession Is a Solution for Deep Political Division:

() Sometimes in a relationship you just need to go your separate ways. Sometimes it gets to the point where you lose the joy that brought you together and maintaining the relationship becomes a hellish ordeal. If you try to duke it out for too long resentment builds. Resentment will eventually turn to hate. At this point, when just sheer momentum is holding you together and nothing more, all you experience is pain.

It’s not you, it’s me.

This situation is as true for romantic relationships as it is for all others. But the most enduring relationship, one that conventional wisdom doesn’t even allow us to question, is the political one that binds us to everyone else around us.

(Read entire article here…)

My Commentary: Don’t get mad… Get real! 😉

Secession? Limited Government? Now, We’re Talking!

I originally posted the following information and commentary onto my Facebook wall…

Oakland, California protest against Trump's Presidential election victory

Oakland, California protest against Trump’s Presidential election victory

Calexit: Californians Threaten to Secede from United States Following Donald Trump Win:

(Patrick Grafton-Green) Following the election of Donald Trump, Californians are threatening to secede from the rest of the US in what is being dubbed “#calexit” on social media.

The hashtag, along with “#calefrexit”, began trending on Twitter shortly after it was announced that Trump had beaten Democratic opponent Hillary Clinton on November 9.

That result has sparked protests across the state, including a march involving hundreds of protesters in Oakland.

Mrs Clinton won California’s 55 electoral votes, receiving almost 2.2 million more votes than Mr Trump in the state.

(Read entire article here…)

My Commentary: NOW, we’re talking! 🙂 I don’t even care that it’s the same liberals who were against Texas secession! If it takes self-interest to shake off the shackles of Big Gov, so be it! Makes sense, sadly…

And, this is pretty promising, too:

Trump Gives Victory Speech, Liberals Rediscover Appeal of Limited Government:

Discussing Politics, Political Correctness, and the 2016 Presidential Elections Among Other Members of NYC’s Autistic Community

The following correspondence originally took place upon the Facebook wall of my friend, Daniel Sv…


Daniel Sv.: In the aftermath of the election, there have been many aspies who are horrified that there were a segment of aspies who supported Trump. They offer the fact that many of us were bullied and ostracized, so why do we support a supposed up front bully?

To that I answer with one word: GRASP. If you are like me, we met as a community in this group where we exchanged ideas and felt free to interact. During the early years, we had a lot of fun.

Of course, by now you are aware of the change in leadership and the resulting dissensions that occurred. The priority seemed to be less on helping people and enforcing more a PC agenda. More and more, people were ostracized and shamed for not conforming with illogical standards.

Like me, some of you felt hopeless at the politicization of such groups and the inability to be up front and honest. To us, we saw in Trump our protest vote against the increasing PC creeping in.

Being an aspie does not mean having to be politically correct. It means to be free and interacting with like minded people without conforming to a straitjacket standard. It means no politicization of support groups. I am proud to announce that Trump’s election was a repudiation of this.

Brian K.: You can dislike PC without supporting the racist, sexist, moronic, *ableist* piece of shit who still believes the debunked vaccine theory.
Are these people a better alternative to PC?

Voices from Donald Trump Rallies, Uncensored:

Jesus G.: the system has been put there long before we were even born. its so difficult for us to comprehend and understand that so we can only control what we are able to control for ourselves. other than that, we will prepare for the unknown. if able

Rayn: I’m not pro-Trump, and chose to Vote Nobody 2016, just like I have for over a decade and a half, now, as a libertarian, and more specifically, a Voluntaryist. But, to add to your post, Daniel, I can say that even the ASAN group in NYC slowly became neo-liberalized, and once their numbers were up, members became very confident in their attempts to ostracize and shame those merely holding different viewpoints than them, even when the viewpoints were of the completely innocent and peaceful variety. Diversity, apparently, refers only to physical appearance, and sexual orientation, to these types, and has NOTHING to do with perspectives, thoughts, and ideas. I’ve never been lectured, condescended to, and had my intelligence questioned so much in my life, than I have among this small group. I refer to them as Aspie Elitists, and many of them were complete cry-bullies, too. I have many examples I could share. (Click Here to Continue Reading This Post)

Will Hollywood Hillary-Supporters Leave the Country, as They Threatened to Do?

As I scrolled through my Facebook news feed, I discovered the following status update here, posted by political activist, Paul Joseph Watson, and originally posted it to my own wall, along with commentary…

Hillary-supporting Actresses, Lena Dunham and Miley Cyrus, have some packing to do!

Hillary-supporting Actresses, Lena Dunham and Miley Cyrus, have some packing to do!

Paul Joseph Watson: Dear Miley Cyrus & Lena Dunham – when are you leaving the country? 😡

My Commentary: On another brighter note, maybe these two slobs will follow through with their threats to leave if the glowing orange caveman wins! 🙂