Video Proves Kelly Thomas Was Murdered by Fullerton Police

I originally posted the following information and commentary onto my Facebook wall…

Kelly Thomas, after being brutally beaten by officers Jay Cicinelli and Manuel Ramos, of the Fullerton, California police department

Kelly Thomas, after being brutally beaten by officers Jay Cicinelli and Manuel Ramos, of the Fullerton, California police department

Footage of Fullerton Police Beating Kelly Thomas to Death Finally Released:

(Gustavo Arellano) Today, the world finally got to see security footage of Fullerton police officers beating Kelly Thomas to death, a case that has sparked worldwide outrage.

The video–complete with Thomas pleading for his life–is after the jump. WARNING: Not for the faint of heart, but something that every Orange County resident should see, to remind themselves of what happens when a police force is out of control.

(Read entire article here…)

My Commentary: After lies upon lies, the truth is revealed… “The lip of truth shall be established forever: but a lying tongue is but for a moment.”

American Fascism, Exposed: Wall of Shame

I originally posted the following information and statement onto my Facebook wall, from my website, “American Fascism, Exposed“…

Wall of Shame:

Remember their names. Remember their faces.
Remember their crimes. Remember their victims.

Visit the Blue Wall of Shame! Oh, and don’t forget to bring your vomit bag!

Police: De Facto Tax Revenue Collectors for the State, or Simply “Doing Their Job”?

The following debate originally took place upon the Facebook wall of family…

"I know you were only doing 2 mph over, but if I don't write 100 of these tickets a month, I will be fired."

“I know you were only doing 2 mph over, but if I don’t write 100 of these tickets a month, I will be fired.”

Genaire: Must be quota time in NJ. The highway state pigs – oops, I mean “troopers” – are out in force fucking with people.

Terrence B.: Oh stop it! They got too work too. Smh! If not idiots would be dropping the needle then what? Lol

Rayn: They’re “just following orders,” right? SMH! During the Nuremberg trials, the Nazis attempted that EXACT defense strategy, yet the international community staunchly REJECTED it as PURE FALLACY!

QUOTAS were already established as UNCONSTITUTIONAL by the American court system. Therefore, if an officer is given “orders” to engage in such criminal activity, it is his DUTY as a CITIZEN FIRST, to REFUSE, and then FILE A COMPLAINT against his superior! Attempting to claim job security as an excuse for violating our civil rights is just a pathologically pathetic EXCUSE for TYRANNY!!!

(Click Here to Continue Reading This Post)

Police Represent America’s Largest Criminal Gang!

I originally shared the following video and commentary onto my Facebook wall, from my page, “American Fascism, Exposed“…

California Sheriff’s Deputy Punches Special Needs Women in Face:

My Commentary: The largest criminal gang in America wears blue and carries a badge! Wake up and smell the fascism!

American Fascism, Exposed!

I originally posted the following information and statement onto my Facebook wall…

2010-06-23 - American Fascism, Exposed!

If you haven’t already done so, be sure to join my OTHER YouTube page! With each passing day, and each new act of police brutality, it becomes more and more popular! My first posted video, entitled “NJ Cop Assaults TV Cameraman,” now has almost 16,000 views!

This is a work in progress, and my goal is to put a name and face to EVERY SINGLE VICTIM of police brutality, and EVERY SINGLE PERPETRATOR of it. There will be MANY updates to come!

Last month, I also started a Facebook page on the same topic. Join at: