Due to 2016 Presidential Candidate “Choices,” More Americans Are Inadvertently Waking Up to the Concept of Voluntaryism

The following correspondence originally took place upon the Facebook wall of two separate acquaintances, just one minute apart, after each one independently shared the same meme, from here

Margaret W. / Tara B.:

"What if nobody was president and we all promised real hard to just be cool?"

“What if nobody was president and we all promised real hard to just be cool?”

RaynVoluntaryism, for the win! 🙂

(note: in each case, I published the only written reply, and both times, my comment received a “like” from the original sharing party)

Best “Send Off” for Obama Would Entail Him and Bush Standing Trial at the Hague for War Crimes and Crimes Against Humanity!

The following correspondence originally took place upon the Facebook wall of my friend, Natalie M…

Natalie M.: He is really starting to get on my nerves! Telling the black Americans to vote while he is aggressively trying to pass trans-Pacific partnership trade agreement (TPP) during the lame duck. Tpp screws over the American people and gives more power to corporations.

Obama’s Message to Black Voters:

Rayn: The best “send off” possible would entail him and Bush standing before the Hague, being prosecuted for War Crimes and Crimes against humanity

Toke! Toke! Toke!

As I scrolled through my Facebook news feed, I discovered the following video, being shared from an acquaintance from here, and originally posted it to my own wall, along with commentary….

Clinton Smokes and Coughs:

My Commentary: Toke! Toke! Toke!

Due to the Gary Johnson / Bill Weld Candidacy, the Libertarian Party Has Ballot Access in All Fifty States for the First Time in 20 Years

I originally posted the following information and commentary onto my Facebook wall…

United States

United States

Libertarian Party First 3rd Party With Ballot Access in All 50 States Since 1996:

My Commentary: 3rd party? More like 2nd…

Clinton, the Perpetual War-Monger, Suggests “Military Response” to Cyber Attacks Against US Government

I originally posted the following information and commentary onto my Facebook wall…

Perpetual war monger and 2016 Democratic Presidential Candidate, Hillary Clinton

Perpetual war monger and 2016 Democratic Presidential Candidate, Hillary Clinton

Clinton: US Should Use ‘Military Response’ to Fight Cyberattacks from Russia and China:

Hillary Clinton, the Democratic Party presidential nominee and former US secretary of state, has said that if she becomes president cyberattacks against US interests will be treated “like any other attack” – and that includes military action.

The candidate, who has been investigated by the FBI over use of a private email server to store classified material, was speaking on the campaign trial at the American Legion National Conference in Cincinnati, Ohio on 31 August.

(Read entire article here…)

My Commentary: Lizard…