Rayn: It’s from 1986, but I first played it when I was eight years old. Most probably haven’t heard of it, but it’s still one of my favorite games of all time! It brings back so many memories when I listen to the songs from it! I had to upload them to YouTube myself, since I couldn’t find the Atari 1040ST version, which sounds somewhat different from other versions, since it’s from a computer, and not a console, like all of the other ones I found on YouTube.
Rayn: I was eight years old in 1988, by the way. 🙂
(*update: original link, which was located here, no longer works, and has been replaced)
My Commentary: Earlier today, I had a hearty laugh after I randomly remembered a funny line from that stupid movie, “Monster Squad.” And, I haven’t even seen it in over 22 years! Ah! Some humor is just timeless. To add to my amusement, I decided to look for a video of the scene on YouTube just now, and found it – under the title “Best Line in Monster Squad”! Looks like I’m not alone on this one! 🙂
Rayn: Amusingly enough, this was my favorite song when I was about seven years old, along with the movie “Mannequin,” which featured the song on the soundtrack. When I think about it now, it actually makes sense – I related to the mannequin! LOL! I wonder how many others on the Autistic Spectrum felt the same when they first saw it! (I think that’s why I loved the movie, “Splash,” as well) 🙂