Owning a Slave-Mastering Monster Through Satire

I originally posted the following information and commentary onto my Facebook wall…

Jourdan Anderson completely owns his former "master"

Free man, Jourdan Anderson, completely owns his former “master”

In Rediscovered Letter From 1865, Former Slave Tells Old Master To Shove It:

(Trymaine Lee) In the summer of 1865, a former slave by the name of Jourdan Anderson sent a letter to his former master. And 147 years later, the document reads as richly as it must have back then.

The roughly 800-word letter, which has resurfaced via various blogs, websites, Twitter and Facebook, is a response to a missive from Colonel P.H. Anderson, Jourdan’s former master back in Big Spring, Tennessee. Apparently, Col. Anderson had written Jourdan asking him to come on back to the big house to work.

(Read entire article here…)

My Commentary: This is an awesome use of satire, and because of its tone, I have no doubt that Jourdan’s former monster of a “master” read the letter through-and-through: a pretty good measure of its success! 🙂

Democracy, or a Constitutional Republic?

The following debate originally took place here, on the Facebook page, “Thomas Paine

(replies from all third parties have been omitted for clarity) 

Thomas Paine’s FB Page: The Sun never shined on a cause of greater worth

"Democracy... a challenge"

“Democracy… a challenge”

Jan Paulson: That’s funny??? Neither my copy of the Declaration of Independence nor my copy of the Constitution mentions anything about a Democracy… they keep refering to A REPUBLIC!!!!!

Jason Gade: There is no significant difference between a democracy and a republic, unless you are being a nitpicking asshole.

Rayn: Good point, Jan! I was thinking that very same thing! To America’s Founders, pure “Democracy” was the dangerous legalization of 51% mob rule, while a “Constitutional Republic” sought to protect the Inalienable Rights of the Citizenry, as established by the Constitution, regardless of the will of the majority.

So, rest assured that making such a distinction is a far cry from being a “nitpicking asshole.” 🙂

“Democracy is not freedom. Democracy is two wolves and a lamb voting on what to eat for lunch. Freedom comes from the recognition of certain rights which may not be taken, not even by a 99% vote.” – Marvin Simkin

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Happy 275th Birthday, Thomas Paine!

I originally posted the following information and statement onto my Facebook wall…

Thomas Paine

Thomas Paine

I’d like to wish Thomas Paine a happy posthumous 275th birthday! As a staunch slave abolitionist, and a champion of gender equality, he put America’s other “Founders” to shame! In honor of his memory, and that of ALL INFO-WARRIORS, I will continue to expose the the ultra-wealthy, elitist, genocidal, eugenicist, slave-driving, women-oppressing, Death-worshiping parasites and hypocrites that CO-OPTED the Revolution of his time, while revealing modern-day lizards, as well!

AcidRayn.com: 2011 Annual Website Review

Page View Statistics from AcidRayn.com

Page View Statistics from AcidRayn.com

2011 was a great year for AcidRayn.com! Check out the following statistics:

In 2010, there were 1,420 page views in total.

In 2011, there were 5,638 page views in total!

(Click Here to Continue Reading This Post)

Discussing Funniest Line in the Film, “Monster Squad”

The following correspondence originally took place on my Facebook wall, upon my post, “Funniest Line in the Film, ‘Monster Squad’“…


Best Line in “Monster Squad”*:

(*update: original link, which was located here, no longer works, and has been replaced)

Earlier today, I had a hearty laugh after I randomly remembered a funny line from that stupid movie, “Monster Squad.” And, I haven’t even seen it in over 22 years! Ah! Some humor is just timeless. To add to my amusement, I decided to look for a video of the scene on YouTube just now, and found it – under the title “Best Line in Monster Squad”! Looks like I’m not alone on this one! 🙂

Johnny B.: I own the special edition

Rayn: Ha ha! Nice!

James J.: i just seen tht movie yesterday

Alison K.: wow – I forgot all about that movie – gotta try to find it now 🙂

Sara: LMAO! I never thought there would be a clip of this on YouTube! Nice!