Taxes Are the Price We Pay Armed Gangs of Murderers to Arbitrarily Execute Us, Under ‘Color of Law’

I originally posted the following artwork and statement onto my Facebook wall…

My Commentary: Taxes are the price we pay armed gangs of murderers to arbitrarily execute us, under “color of law,” for attempting to travel through their “territory.” If the soulless corporate scribble on paper called “government” claims to derive its “powers” from “the People,” how exactly do agents of the State continue to imagine that they have a “right” to take the lives of innocents? It’s because YOU won’t STAND UP TO these SOCIOPATHIC “LAWMAKERS” as they regularly codify enforcement of VICTIMLESS CRIMES, like “turn signal violations” and “seat belt violations.” You have allowed a man-made BEAST to seize control over the INNOCENT, even though this soulless apparatus was ORIGINALLY ONLY GIVEN JURISDICTION OVER CRIMINALS! For centuries, these demons have been writing laws too numerous to even enforce, in a legislative effort to seize control over every waking aspect of our lives. This is what all empires do, on the path to self-destruction…

“The more corrupt the state, the more numerous the laws.” ― Tacitus, Roman Senator

“The more laws, the less justice.” ― Marcus Tullius Cicero, Roman Statesman

Embrace your Individual Sovereignty as an “I AM” of the “I AM THAT I AM,” as “HE IS” the Author of TEN PERFECT LAWS for humanity to LIVE BY, FOREVER. Then, prove your love for all of the other I AM through the Non-Aggression Principle, and Voluntaryism! Your entire man-made legal system of common laws and natural rights is “inspired” from the body and property rights established by the “Ten Commandments,” which are the only words in Scripture written directly by the Hand of the Original and Everlasting Individual. Keep in mind that your alphabetic writing system is Hebrew, your week is Hebrew, your weekend day off is Hebrew. The United States had a 98% literacy rate in the 1850’s because the generations of those times were escaping their European States and false Religious authorities to read Scripture, for themselves, while the Catholic Church had forbidden the practice, and burned more “bibles” than any group in human history, in their lust to claim salvage rights over the human soul, itself…

#TyreNichols #TaxSponsoredMurder #Pathocracy #ColorOfLaw #BeastSystem #BabylonianColonizers

Clot Shot Pushers Will Be Held Accountable for Their Crimes Against Humanity

As I scrolled through my Facebook news feed, I discovered the following infographic being shared by an acquaintance, and originally posted it to my own wall, along with commentary…

My Commentary: “ExPeRtS” don’t seem as concerned with this mysterious 6,250% increase in myocarditis, even though were oh so worried about a “novel” flu “virus,” that they spent two years promoting experimental modified-synthetic-gene-therapy treatments to humanity and livestock. Interesting glaring inconsistency, no?

If you trusted corporate $cience rather than your own body, you took marching orders from the Accuser against our Father and His Creation. Rest assured that you will answer for your allegations against Yah’s Name when you deemed Him the guilty author of the BIOWEAPON your government manufactured that YOU PAID FOR through “TAXES.” You will also answer for your allegations against innocent healthy human beings, which you deemed “asymptomatic spreaders.”

Corporation-Colonized NPCs

As I scrolled through my Facebook news feed, I discovered the following infographic being shared by an acquaintance, and originally posted it to my own wall, along with commentary…

My Commentary: Authentic care requires the ability to engage in thoughtful consideration, not just “good intentions,” so the morbidly obedient weren’t ever interested in participating, so much as they were eager to publicly virtue-gang-signalling to each other their dedication and loyalty to Big Parma and Big Gov. Some of these lab rats even got ModeRNA, Pfizer, and vaxx card tattoos! Humanity is being betrayed by an army of Corporation-Colonized NPCs.

Stop Propping Up Legalized Criminal Organizations As ‘Lawful’

As I scrolled through my Facebook news feed, I discovered the following infographic being shared by an acquaintance, and originally posted it to my own wall, along with commentary…

My Commentary: Keep supporting pure, unadulterated evil, tax cattle. This way, you can show the world how much you hate the poor, the sick, the disabled, and the dying. EVERY VOTING SCUMBAG AMERICAN IS RESPONSIBLE FOR THIS MAN’S ABUSE AT THE HANDS OF THE SOULLESS STATE THEY HAPPILY SUPPORT AND FUND AS “NECESSARY” AND “HELPFUL.” STOP PROPPING UP LEGALIZED CRIMINAL ORGANIZATIONS AS “LAWFUL”!