(Harris Rigby) Maybe I’m the crazy one here, but I think that Bill Gates, one of the richest and most influential people on the planet, just casually talking about decreasing the population is a tad bit unsettling.
As I scrolled through my Facebook news feed, I discovered the following screenshot being shared by an acquaintance, and originally posted it to my own wall, along with commentary…
My Commentary: Beware of COVID Cultists, like this. The reason they cling to fear so desperately is because they would have no identity or personality, otherwise. They have enjoyed being dehumanized by their “betters” these past few years because it has alleviated them of the responsibility of thinking for themselves. They need only “survive,” now!
As I scrolled through my Facebook news feed, I discovered the following photo being shared by an acquaintance, and originally posted it to my own wall, along with commentary…
My Commentary: You probably didn’t think you’d EVER become one of the mindless voting cattle who dutifully loads themselves into the box cars, simply because “elected representatives” declared it “necessary.” And, yet, here we are…
My Commentary: The numbers are in! And, the numbers don’t lie! The best way for the State of Canada to ensure “health care for all” is to cull the most chronically ill among their citizens. Sadly, they have proven to be a huge drain on the health-care system. But, gladly, the $cience is now settling on euthanasia, as the final solution to the disability question – a puzzle that has been plaguing this progressive, leftist State, since shortly after they began to make the transition to socialized medicine.
Under Canada’s new compassionate care clause, all live unworthy of life is now guaranteed the dignity of a quiet and painless death, in the comfort and convenience of a clinical setting! Through the systematic termination of those patients given the most negative prognoses by doctors, the Canadian government will be able to much more quickly provide their healthy and productive citizens with access to the medical treatments they need to remain healthy. No more waiting lists!
It has never been logical, nor cost-effective, to waste Canada’s tax resources regularly fighting losing battles with chronic illness as a matter of policy. And, when doctors are able to discuss these sensitive matters with their sickest patients, while offering these poor, suffering souls the option of euthanasia, a great deal of them easily choose to sacrifice themselves for the common good – often after only their eighth or ninth discussion on the topic! Yet, the science-deniers on the right have been hindering Canada’s great leap forward with their ignorant, delusional, antiquated, alleged “pro-life” sentiments about the so-called “value of all human life,” in a desperate bid to prevent the inevitable future of the country. However, with all of the recent medical crises taking place during these last few years, and the emergency powers claimed by the State of Canada in response, a very clear path to utopia has suddenly emerged! But, this road is only open to those with the smarts and courage to dump the dead-weight of stale old traditions! Euthanasia IS healthcare Pro-choice, forever!
As I scrolled through my Facebook news feed, I discovered the following photo being shared by an acquaintance, and originally posted it to my own wall, along with commentary…
“79.4 % of babies who die of SIDS had a vaccine the same day.”
My Commentary: “CoInCidEnCe”! “CaUsaLiTy Is NoT cAuSaTiOn”! “PrE-eXisTiNg CoNdItIoN”!?
FACT: When you claim, “that’s rare” or mention “pre-existing conditions” regarding adverse reactions to any of these compulsory preventative “medicines,” you’re blatantly admitting that you view the injury and/or death of the medically vulnerable to be an acceptable loss for the benefit of those who are already healthy. You’re a eugenicist who supports the 1% Death-Cult of human sacrifice.