The ‘New Normal’: Sharp Increase in Heart Disease and Related Deaths in All Age Groups

As I scrolled through my Facebook news feed, I discovered the following photo here, being shared by the page, “Libertarians: Diligently Plotting to Take Over the World & Leave You Alone,” and originally posted it to my own wall, along with commentary…

My Commentary: A sharp increase in heart disease and related deaths in all age groups is now “The New Normal”. Obviously, it has NOTHING to do with the mass receipt of repeated, unnecessary, useless, experimental computer-synthesized, modified-gene-therapy treatments for a flu with over a 98% survival rate. Why would anyone believe otherwise?

Coincidence? Outbreak of Step Throat Happens in UK Right After Schools Rollout of Flu Nasal Mist

As I scrolled through my Facebook news feed, I discovered the following status, being shared by an acquaintance, and originally posted it to my own wall, along with commentary…

UK outbreak of Strep the very week schools are dishing out the Flu Nasal Mist.
Another coincidence I’m sure…

My Commentary: Still a coincidence theorist?

One-Man CL🤡WN SH🤡W, Sam Brinton

I originally posted the following information and commentary onto my Facebook wall…

Deputy Assistant Secretary for Spent Fuel and Waste Disposition at the Department of Energy’s Office of Nuclear Energy, and walking, one-man ©L🤡WN SH🤡W, Sam Brinton

Non-Binary Biden Official Used ‘Stolen’ Suitcase for Month After Dumping Woman’s Clothes:

(Emily Crane) A non-binary Biden administration nuclear official accused of stealing a woman’s suitcase from the Minneapolis airport allegedly emptied out the clothes and used the bag for a month — despite insisting it was picked up by accident.

Sam Brinton — one of the federal government’s first gender non-binary officials — allegedly snatched the $2,325 Vera Bradley suitcase from baggage claim at Minneapolis-St. Paul Airport back on Sept. 16, court documents say.

(Read entire article here…)

My Commentary: This predator’s entire identity consists of coveting and stealing from women. He is a walking, one-man ©L🤡WN SH🤡W!

Shame! 🔔 Shame! 🔔 Shame 🔔

Mandating the Mark of the Beast

As I scrolled through my Facebook news feed, I discovered the following captioned photo being shared by an acquaintance, and originally posted it to my own wall, along with commentary…

Oh look something else we said was going to happen but was told we were just tinfoil hat nutters talking sh1te! 🙄 “Arnie Szoke is the first Brit to get microchips with a bank card implant. The chip allows Arnie to pay with just his hand – pictured buying the Sun”

My Commentary: The Mark of the Beast will be mandatory, soon, and those who decline to receive it will be treated as criminals by the majority, who have revealed themselves to be a dangerous, delusional cult of pro-government extremists who sacrifice not only their own lives and health, but also that of their own children, all while demanding that everyone bow at the altar of fear, and beg Big Pharma for chemical salvation.

Balenciaga Reopens PedoGate

As I scrolled through my Facebook news feed, I discovered the following captioned photo being shared by an acquaintance, and originally posted it to my own wall, along with commentary…

My Commentary: Why protect your children from groomers, pedits and chumos, when you can just donate their living bodies to $cientific research highly recommended by Jeffery Epstein’s friends?
