BUSTED: The Citizen’s Guide to Surviving Police Encounters

I originally posted the following video and commentary onto my Facebook wall…

BUSTED: The Citizen’s Guide to Surviving Police Encounters:

My Commentary: This could be one of the most important videos you ever watch, so please make sure to add it to your YouTube favorites, study it often, and pass it along to your friends and family!

Reconsider Use of These Dangerous Household Products

I originally posted the following information and commentary onto my Facebook wall…

Plastic water bottles

Plastic water bottles

10 Dangerous Household Products You Should Never Use Again:

(SustainLane Staff) – You would never cross the street without looking both ways, walk alone down a dark alley alone at three AM, or tell your child to accept rides from strangers. So why let hazardous, toxic, and even carcinogenic chemicals into your home everyday?

(Read entire article here…)

My Commentary: For years now, I have been warning my family and friends about the dangers of certain household products. From non-stick cookware, to plastic bottles, to antibacterial hand cleaners, to compact fluorescent bulbs, the list of everyday items that contain toxic chemicals is surisingly long, and the array of hazardous ingredients they harbor not only have the ability to make you very sick, but also poison the environment, as well!

Peace Activist Cindy Sheehan Heads to Martha’s Vineyard to Confront Obama on the War

I originally posted the following information and commentary onto my Facebook wall…

Peace activist, Cindy Sheehan

Peace activist, Cindy Sheehan

Cindy Sheehan Heads to Martha’s Vineyard to Confront Obama on the War:

For immediate release:

Next week, Cindy Sheehan will join other like-minded peace activists to have a presence near the expensive resort on Martha’s Vineyard where President Obama will be vacationing the week of August 23-30.

(Read entire press release here…)

My Commentary: While most Americans voted President Obama into the Whitehouse with the “hope” that he would effect real “change,” by putting an end to the previous administration’s falsely-premised, highly illegal wars of aggression & occupation in the Middle East, very few individuals have been willing to take him to task for his blatant failure to make any sort of true “progress.” Then, there’s peace activist, Cindy Sheehan. Unfazed by the “right” and “left” of American politics, she bodly chooses, rather, to focus on what is “right” vs. “wrong.” With the loss of her son, Casey, to the senseless war in Iraq, she honors his memory by making it her personal mission to end our Imperial Adventures overseas, period.

During the week of August 23-30, while Obama’s vacationing @ an expensive resort on Martha’s Vineyard, Cindy will join other activists in letting him know that there’s no relaxing when peole are still dying in our wars! She’s a courageous American, a real Humanitarian & a true patriot!

Obama is Just Another Bush

I originally posted the following information and commentary onto my Facebook wall…

“Same Shit, Different Piles” (Artwork by LibertyStickers.com)

“Same Shit, Different Piles”
(Artwork by LibertyStickers.com)

Obama’s Embrace of a Bush Tactic Riles Congress:

(Charlie SavageNew York Times) – President Obama has issued signing statements claiming the authority to bypass dozens of provisions of bills enacted into law since he took office, provoking mounting criticism by lawmakers from both parties.

(Read entire article here…)

My Commentary: First, Obama maintains Bush’s wars of aggression in Iraq & Afghanistan. Then, he begins the bombing of Pakistan. After this, he continues on with Bush’s agenda of bailing out the thieving Banksters & corrupt Corporations with our tax dollars. Now, in another act of sheer disregard for the will of Americans, Obama is embracing the Bush tactic of using “signing statements” to overturn portions of Congressional bills that he personally doesn’t approve of!

Remember, during his presidential campaign, Obama claimed that the use of signing statements was an executive “abuse” & an effort by Bush to “accumulate more power in the presidency.” He promised that he would not take the same path, which he considered “an end run around Congress,” but instead, would “obey the Constitution”:

Obama on Signing Statements:

Understand that this is a BIPARTISAN ISSUE! Republicans & Democrats alike are understandably upset! Obama is turning out to be A PURE FRAUD, like BUSH!

When are people gonna stop embracing the FALSE LEFT-RIGHT PARADIGM and realize that the real equation is THE PEOPLE vs. THE AMERICAN CORPORATION-STATE?

Mainstream Media Monopoly Attacks Organic Food

I originally posted the following information and commentary onto my Facebook wall…

"What Makes it Organic?"

“What Makes it Organic?”

The Spin Behind The “No Health Benefits To Organic Food” Scam:

According to the UK’s Food Standards Agency, and as gleefully reported today by the BBC, ‘Organic has no health benefits’, so we can all breath a sigh of relief and return to eating pesticide and chemical filled garbage. There’s probably no health benefits to unleaded paint then, eh? Any benefits left in quitting smoking? Do we even need to debunk this utter foolishness? Personally, I wouldn’t expect an organic pepper to have significantly more nutrients than any other pepper, since they are usually not genetically engineered, though nutrient levels were the only factor in the study’s determinations. Turns out organic peppers do indeed have elevated nutrient levels, but not significantly elevated, according to the FSA. The health benefits of not ingesting a host of ingredients far too dangerous to be included in a child’s chemistry set is a glaring omission

(Read entire article here…)

My Commentary: Discover the TRUTH behind the latest BLATANTLY MISLEADING PROPAGANDA-PIECES AGAINST ORGANIC FOOD, brought to you by the mainstream media, on behalf of the UK’s Food Standards Agency (which, in a glaring CONFLICT OF INTEREST, is FUNDED by the FOOD INDUSTRY).


EVIL CORPORATIONS that rely on INDUSTRIAL AGRICULTURE ARE IN A SWEAT!!! They have taken note that the Western World is slowly waking up to the fact that FACTORY FARMS are UNNATURAL, WASTEFUL & POISONOUS TO THE ENVIRONMENT! More & more people are seeking out food that is PURE – the way NATURE INTENDED IT!

Do you think that this growing trend in healthy eating will stop these CORPORATIONS from engaging in their SELFISH, ENVIRONMENTALLY SHORT-SIGHTED PRACTICES, BASED SOLELY IN PROFIT? HELL NO! Instead, they will simply engage in efforts to POLITICALLY-ASSASSINATE their COMPETITION!