Drumi, the Foot-Powered Washing Machine is Finally For Sale!

I originally posted the following information and commentary onto my Facebook wall…

Introducing "Drumi," the foot-powered washing machine

Introducing “Drumi,” the foot-powered washing machine

Drumi, the Foot-Powered Washing Machine:

My Commentary: “Drumi,” the electricity-free, water-conserving, foot-pedal-powered, washing machine, is finally for sale!

Chinese Government Finally Appears to be Abandoning Dismally-Failed, Genocidal AND Gendercidal “One Child Policy”

I originally posted the following information and commentary onto my Facebook wall…

2015-10-30 - Chinese Government Finally Appears to be Abandoning Dismally-Failed, Genocidal AND Gendercidal 'One Child Policy'

China Abandons One-Child Policy:

Today, China abandoned its 35 year-old one-child policy.

Based on the now debunked threat of overpopulation that was popularized by Stanford University scholar Paul Ehrlich, the communist government subjected the Chinese people to forced sterilizations and abortions. Many new-born babies were either killed or left to die.

(Read entire article here…)

My Commentary: Halalu Yah! Finally, finally, finally: China’s dismally-failed, genocidal AND gendercidal “one child” policy looks as though it might actually be abandoned, in favor of the restoration of liberty! Yes! And, with no surprise, the Communist State Vampire doesn’t plan to cede their unjustified control over human life out of compassion or benevolence. Oh, no, no! It will only be due to the disastrous consequences that the government policy inevitably created, in the first place: a continuously-growing, dangerous disparity in gender ratios, with males far outweighing females!

I’ve been reporting on this abominable situation for years, and am very pleased to know that this death-policy is likely seeing its very last days, there! Here’s one of my articles, discussing some of the other unsurprising consequences of inadvertent death-worship under the Chinese State:

South Korean Customs Officials Seize Thousands of China-Made Pills Filled with Powdered Human Baby Flesh:

As usual, the Soulless State Monster simply cannot compete with Natural Law, no matter how large the level hubris, involved! And, of course, the State once again emerges as the biggest threat that humanity has ever faced, in existence! Perhaps, now, the 13 million murderous abortions that take place EVERY SINGLE YEAR in China, which target mostly female offspring, will finally come to an unceremonious end!

As a side-note, I’ve noticed that this mega-issue is almost never discussed by any of these third-wave “feminist” fraudsters currently littering America’s landscape. They seem much too interested in clinging to their pathetic and despicable “abortion rights” to ever dare discuss the glaring, beyond-holocaust-scale abortion WRONGS taking place, right under their upturned, collectiv(ist) noses!

These types of lemmings would rather dedicate their efforts towards laughable, astro-turf-based busy-work campaigns, like labeling the word “bossy,” and even “too,” as “sexist,” instead of focusing on legitimate and universal human rights issues that very obviously attack and destroy women, like Communist China’s egregious crimes against humanity!

The Surprising Advantages of Being Autistic

I originally posted the following information and commentary onto my Facebook wall…

2015-10-22 - The Surprising Advantages of Being Autistic

The Surprising Advantages of Being Autistic:

(The AtlanticOlga Khazan) In The Man Who Mistook His Wife For a Hat, Oliver Sacks describes meeting a pair of 26-year-old twins, John and Michael, in a state hospital. The two men had been institutionalized since childhood and written off as mentally disabled.

One day when Sacks was with them, a box of matches fell off the table, spilling its contents onto the floor. Almost immediately, the twins cried out, “111!” and then, “37, 37, 37, 111.”

John and Michael couldn’t explain how they counted the matches so quickly or why they broke the figure into thirds spontaneously…

(Read entire article here…)

My Commentary: As an Autistic lyricist, I definitely agree with much of this article. My pattern-recognition abilities directly relate to the elaborate rhyme-schemes I create.

Lauryn Hill Shows Solidarity With Palestian Activists Against Israeli Oppression

I originally posted the following information and commentary onto my Facebook wall…

“Free All Political Prisoners”

“Free All Political Prisoners”

Lauryn Hill Joins Black, Palestinian Activists in Solidarity Video:

(Al Jazeera) Five months after canceling a scheduled concert in Israel, Grammy Award-winning artist Lauryn Hill appeared in a video on Wednesday with African-American and Palestinian activists, drawing comparisons between the struggles for justice in both communities.

The short video, titled “When I See Them I See Us,” was released by a range of African-American and Palestine-solidarity groups. In it, Hill holds a sign that reads “Free All Political Prisoners.”

(Read entire article here…)

My Commentary: Props to you, Ms. Hill!

Four Star General Wesley Clark Wants Government to Imprison “Radical” Dissenters in Internment Camps

I originally posted the following video and commentary onto my Facebook wall…

Four Star General Wesley Clark MSNBC Interview: Government Should Imprison “Radical” Dissenters in Internment Camps:

My Commentary: Problem. Reaction. “Solution.” 😉

"Repressive governments ALWAYS imprison unpopular groups first. But, don't worry. They'll eventually get around to you! (Artwork by Micah Ian Wright, and located at his website, PropagandaRemix.com)

“Repressive governments ALWAYS imprison unpopular groups first. But, don’t worry. They’ll eventually get around to you!
(Artwork by Micah Ian Wright, and located at his website,

"I'm going to be in a concentration camp with all of my favorite writers" (Artwork by LibertyStickers.com)

“I’m going to be in a concentration camp with all of my favorite writers”
(Artwork by