America: Land of the Fee, Home of The Slave

The following correspondence originally took place on my Facebook wall, upon my post, “America’s Final Solution to the Native American ‘Problem’“…

Rayn: Final Solution:

“Tear the children from their people, then commence the massacre in its totality!”

Watching this video chokes me up. The American government truly engaged in one of the most successful acts of genocide in the history of mankind.

This video reveals the 11 steps that the US government took to destroy Indigenous culture:

1. Slash their hair
2. Strip their clothing
3. Ban their language
4. Abolish their very names
5. Regiment all movement
6. Promulgate the ideology of the whites
7. Terrorize and torture them
8. Rape them
9. Starve them
10. Work them at forced labor
11. Sicken them unto death

Sara I finally got a chance to watch this and was deeply disturbed to find out yet another part of our history that has been kept quiet and not been broadly publicized. Thank you for bringing this to my attention. America and Canada should be embarrassed for the treatment of the Native Americans, especially the children.

Rayn: This information definitely is not public knowledge, and there are too many Americans that would like to keep it that way, so that they can continue believing that America is the “land of the free, and home of the brave,” as opposed to the “land of the FEE, and home of the SLAVE.”

To “America”:
“Ever since the institution of the Constitution, revolution’s been the only solution to fight the mind-pollution! You can’t invoke the rights that YHWH’s given humans, then demand exclusion of His children according to your will instead of His, so you can choose between who dies and lives. That is the DEFINITION of demonic! And, ironic, because you front like it’s a product of Enlightenment. You’ve WASHED THE BLOOD THAT FILLS YOUR PAST WITH WORDS THAT WHITEN IT!!!”

Discussing Asperger’s Syndrome in Relation to the DSM

The following correspondence originally took place on my Facebook wall, upon my post, “Asperger’s Syndrome to Be Phased Out of DSM-V and Folded Into ‘Autism Spectrum Disorder’“…

The drawings of Daniel Tammet, above, who wrote the 2007 book “Born on a Blue Day,” about living with autism, show how he visualizes some numbers

The drawings of Daniel Tammet, above, who wrote the 2007 book “Born on a Blue Day,” about living with autism, show how he visualizes some numbers

Rayn: A Powerful Identity, A Vanishing Diagnosis:

 According to this article, “though [Asperger’s syndrome] became an official part of the medical lexicon only in 1994, the experts who are revising psychiatry’s diagnostic manual have proposed to eliminate it from the new edition, due out in 2012. If these experts have their way, Asperger’s syndrome (AS) and another mild form of autism, pervasive developmental disorder not otherwise specified (P.D.D.-N.O.S.), will be folded into a single broad diagnosis, autism spectrum disorder — a category that encompasses autism’s entire range, or spectrum,” from mild to severe.

While the diagnostic manual’s task force claims that “the proposed changes to the autism category are part of a bigger overhaul that will largely replace the old ‘you have it or you don’t’ model of mental illness with a more modern view — that psychiatric disorders should be seen as a continuum, with many degrees of severity,” the article reveals the fact that “some experts worry that the loss of the label will inhibit mildly affected people from being assessed for autism. ‘The general public has either a neutral or fairly positive view of the term Asperger’s syndrome,’ said Tony Attwood, a psychologist based in Australia who wrote ‘The Complete Guide to Asperger’s Syndrome’ (Jessica Kingsley Publishers, 2006). But if people are told they should be evaluated for autism, he went on, ‘they will say: ‘No, no, no. I can talk. I have a friend. What a ridiculous suggestion!’ So we will miss the opportunity to assess people.”

I believe that this article, and these experts, are overlooking the fact that Asperger’s syndrome is, in fact, a neurological syndrome, and, therefore, never should have been added to the Diagnostic Statistical Manual for Mental *disorders* (DSM-IV) in the first place! In reality, what professionals call “Asperger’s syndrome” is just a group of signs, symptoms and traits that occur together in a single individual, forming an identifiable pattern, and characterizing a particular condition. It is simply a way of classifying a specific type of neurological difference that is evidently present in a small minority of individuals, using the standards of a predominantly “neurotypical” society. In other words, Asperger’s syndrome is simply a label for a less-common, yet functional, form of neurodiversity, located far-from-center on the spectrum. In and of itself, it is not a disability, nor a disorder. Therefore, Asperger’s syndrome doesn’t require a “cure.” The differences defined by this condition do not really disturb an individual’s “regular” and “normal” functions; instead, they redefine what “regular” and “normal” functions are! This is the essence of Neurodiversity, which I embrace, wholeheartedly, as an Individual on the Autistic Spectrum!

Don’t get me wrong. While Asperger’s syndrome is not a disorder, the majority of Aspergians are, in fact, suffering. So very many of us struggle daily with social anxiety disorder, panic attack disorder, clinical depression, avoidant personality disorder, and/or schizotypal personality disorder, all of which are REAL illnesses! Anyone dealing with such debilitation should have full access to psychological assistance, as they would greatly benefit from treatment!

Angie G.: Aide and Abet. Preach it.

RaynNo doubt! If you’re interested in learning more about the PSEUDO-SCIENCE known as “PSYCHIATRIC MEDICINE,” check out the wealth of knowledge compiled by the “Citizens Commission on Human Rights” at

For a free DVD copy of their VERY INFORMATIVE documentary, “Making A Killing,” go to:

I got my copy in the mail just a few weeks after I ordered it!

Discussing the History of America’s Meddling With Haiti

The following correspondence originally took place on my Facebook wall, upon my post, “Haitian Ambassador to U.S. COMPLETELY OWNS Pat Robertson using nothing more than HISTORICAL FACT!“…

Rayn: Haitian Ambassador Shames Pat Robertson:

Ha ha! Pat Roberson is an ABSOLUTE CHARLATAN!

Raymond Joseph, Haitian ambassador to the U.S., puts pseudo-Reverend Pat Robertson to shame for his despicable comments about the nation of Haiti, giving him a PROPER lesson in TRUTH and HISTORY!

Kenny C.: this is true!! and haiti had to pay france for the land and them as property…they had to pay for their freedom. 21 million francs or something, which is equivilant to billions. back then.

Kenny C.: and when france lost haiti and all their slaves (their main money source, for coffee and tons of other agriculture)
they decided to just give up on this area, because they didnt see use for the territory…
15 million back then is TRILLIONS now…(not confirmed but its ALOT more then then now!!)

Kenny C.: then they continued doing agriculture in Haiti, but then america started fuckin with them, started invading, then bringing our pigs over there which haitians couldnt afford antibiotics, their native pigs didnt need them…
Also, we started using machinery to mass produce crops, which flooded the market, and brought demand for the higher priced good from haiti, then they couldnt continue keep their farm so they stay poor.

Kenny C.: and the slaves outnumbered the settlers 10 to 1…

Rayn: It is well worth repeating that our government sent “$750,000 in military aid as well as some troops to help quell” Haiti’s slave revolt of 1791, siding with the French:

The Tragedy of Haiti, “The First Free Nation of Free Men”:

As you can see, the slaves of Haiti had a BETTER IDEA of FREEDOM and LIBERTY THEN OUR “FOUNDING FATHERS”! And, ironically, it was TALK of the French Revolution among the white slave owners that inspired their slaves to embrace freedom and rebel against tyranny! Now, THAT is the beauty and penetrating power of truth! TRUTH can only be limited by pure censorship! Because, once THE LIGHT OF TRUTH IS REVEALED, there ARE NO LIMITS to THE DEPTHS IT WILL REACH and RESONATE in the HEARTS AND MINDS of HUMANITY!

Keith M.: say word.

Rayn: WORD!

Sara: My sentiments exactly, I like that Rayn is able to articulate into words and express the way I feel, I would never be able to. I appreciate your research and thorough response!

Rayn: Thanx! I appreciate the compliments, as well as the readership! Both will inspire me to continue to write!

Discussing Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr. on His Birthday

The following correspondence originally took place on my Facebook wall, upon my post, “Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr’s Very Last Speech – Remember!“…

Rayn: Commemorate Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr’s birthday by listening to his very last speech, which he delivered on April 3, 1968, at the Mason Temple (Church of God in Christ Headquarters) in Memphis, Tennessee – the day before he was murdered in an effort to silence his voice.


Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr.’s Prophetic Last Speech:


Sara: Happy Born Day Martin Luther King, Jr. We will continue to spread your message and fight the good fight, in your honor. This speech gives me chills. I am amazed we posted the same video 15 seconds apart.


Discussing “The Last Winter,” by “Figure of Speech”

The following correspondence originally took place upon my Facebook wall…

Shinji M.: hey, how’s it going? thanks for tracking me down… i’m working on an EP right now… 🙂 if you have some time to kill, check me out in this video… it’s from a show i had in Singapore:

The Last Winter (Spoken Word Version) – Figure of Speech:

Rayn: Wow! Very powerful! Once again, I’m impressed!

Shinji M.: aw, thanks man! 😀