Pyramid Schemes, or Cyclical Reproduction?

As I scrolled through my Facebook news feed, I discovered the following artwork here, being shared by the page, “¿ … ?,” and originally posted it to my own wall, along with commentary…

"Ego Versus Eco" (artwork by ¿ ... ?)

“Ego Versus Eco”

My Commentary: Hive-Minded Hierarchy of Trickle-Down Death, or Self-Sustaining Sphere of Spontaneous Life? Pyramid Schemes, or Cyclical Reproduction?

Order Out of (Manufactured) Chaos

As I scrolled through my Facebook news feed, I discovered the following artwork here, being shared by the page, “We Are Change,” and originally posted it to my own wall, along with commentary…

"Hegelian Dialectic: (Agenda - Centralization of power) (Thesis - Manufactured terrorist threat) (Anti-Thesis - Repressive police state) (Synthesis - Removal of freedoms, transfer of power from the many to the few)"

“Hegelian Dialectic: (Agenda – Centralization of power) (Thesis – Manufactured terrorist threat) (Anti-Thesis – Repressive police state) (Synthesis – Removal of freedoms, transfer of power from the many to the few)”

My Commentary: The Hegelian Dialectic: Problem, Reaction, Solution – Order Out of (Manufactured) Chaos.

“United States of America, not United Empire of Earth”

I originally posted the following information and commentary onto my Facebook wall…

Eddie Griffin Speaks Out – “Obama is a Puppet”:

My Commentary: LOL! “I thought it was called the United States of America, not the United Empire of Earth!” –Eddie Griffin

He knows about American Imperialism, the Mainstream Media Monopoly fraud AND the Presidential Bankster Puppet Show! Skillz! 🙂

Refusal to Think Begins the True Death

As I scrolled through my Facebook news feed, I discovered the following artwork, being shared by an acquaintance from here, and originally posted it to my own wall, along with commentary…

"Some people would rather die than think." - Bertrand Russell

“Some people would rather die than think.” – Bertrand Russell

My Commentary: Indeed! And, yet, refusal to think begins the true death!

No Victim, No Crime!

As I scrolled through my Facebook news feed, I discovered the following artwork here, being shared by the page, “Exposing The Truth,” and originally posted it to my own wall, along with commentary…

State Violence Against Peaceful Individuals is Considered "Legal"

State Violence Against Peaceful Individuals is Considered “Legal”

My CommentaryNo Victim, No Crime! Stop legitimizing the faulty logic of tyranny! It is obsolete and illegitimate! The oppressors of the world are sad, sadistic, perverted, coercive, control freaks! They see the world in darkness, because their eyes reflect their own hearts! They are nothing more than parasites!