Déjà Vu!

As I scrolled through my Facebook news feed, I discovered the following artwork here, being shared by the page, “Heartland Institute,” and originally posted it to my own wall, along with commentary…

"Listen UP TROGLODYTES!!! When your so-called 'founding fathers' gave you the 'right' to 'freely travel,' this is what they had in mind, not these DEATH MACHINES! Every year, 43,000 people DIE in the US from car accidents so YOU can keep your precious little 'inalienable rights' to drive these DEATH MACHINES!!! BAN CARS NOW!!! - Paid for by Womyn for Ominipotent Government"

“Listen UP TROGLODYTES!!! When your so-called ‘founding fathers’ gave you the ‘right’ to ‘freely travel,’ this is what they had in mind, not these DEATH MACHINES! Every year, 43,000 people DIE in the US from car accidents so YOU can keep your precious little ‘inalienable rights’ to drive these DEATH MACHINES!!! BAN CARS NOW!!! – Paid for by Womyn for Ominipotent Government”

My Commentary: Déjà vu.

Democracy, or a Constitutional Republic?

The following debate originally took place here, on the Facebook page, “Thomas Paine

(replies from all third parties have been omitted for clarity) 

Thomas Paine’s FB Page: The Sun never shined on a cause of greater worth

"Democracy... a challenge"

“Democracy… a challenge”

Jan Paulson: That’s funny??? Neither my copy of the Declaration of Independence nor my copy of the Constitution mentions anything about a Democracy… they keep refering to A REPUBLIC!!!!!

Jason Gade: There is no significant difference between a democracy and a republic, unless you are being a nitpicking asshole.

Rayn: Good point, Jan! I was thinking that very same thing! To America’s Founders, pure “Democracy” was the dangerous legalization of 51% mob rule, while a “Constitutional Republic” sought to protect the Inalienable Rights of the Citizenry, as established by the Constitution, regardless of the will of the majority.

So, rest assured that making such a distinction is a far cry from being a “nitpicking asshole.” 🙂

“Democracy is not freedom. Democracy is two wolves and a lamb voting on what to eat for lunch. Freedom comes from the recognition of certain rights which may not be taken, not even by a 99% vote.” – Marvin Simkin

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