Exposing Actors Who Play ‘$cientists’ on TV

The following debate originally took place upon my Facebook wall, after I posted a infographic from here…


“Do you know why these two are invited to the Emmys? Newscaster they are both actors.”

Rick R.: What do they espouse that is not science though?

Rayn: Exhibit A:

My Sex Junk – Rachel Bloom – Bill Nye Saves the Universe:

Rick R.: What else?

Rick R.: How about; man made climate change, mixed economies, evolution and heliocentrism?

Rayn: Exhibit B:

Earth is Shaped Like a Pear Now – Tyson Neille deGrasse:

Rick R.: This is the official scientific consensus atm though

Rayn: Exhibit C:

Neil DeGrasse Tyson posted the following to his Facebook wall: “Science is true whether or not you believe in it.”…


Rayn: After Tyson’s post showed up on my news feed as “sponsored,” I replied with the following:

“‘ScIeNcE iS tRuE wHeThEr Or NoT yOu BeLiEvE iT.’

Scientism is a helluva drug! No school of thought or ideology is immune to corruption. The destruction that overzealous control-freaks and power-hungry tyrants can wreak on a sleep-walking humanity “is as boundless as the dark” they operate in when they commit their crimes against humanity!

#BlackHerstory:: In the 19th century, the father of modern gynecology, J. Marion Sims, conducted his research experiments on enslaved Black women. Sims performed the invasive and torturous procedures without anesthesia. J. Marion Sims’ justification for choosing not to anesthetize his test subjects was that he did not believe Black women felt pain at all. In an 1857 lecture, he stated that it was ‘not painful enough to justify the trouble’.”


The next morning, my comment was removed, under the claim that it “goes against [FB] community standards on SPAM.” I immediately appealed the decision, but in the meantime, my post isn’t visible…

Rick R.: so is reality absolute or not?

Rayn: Science is not reality. It’s a method of study. And, “$cience” is just a corporate racketeering operation. Reality exists, “whether or not we study it,” (to borrow a phrase from the clown, DeGrasse). 😉

Michael S.: Yes, because it is true. Just because people aren’t smart enough to understand or recognize information doesn’t make it false by any means. For example, religious people didn’t recognize evolution during the early 20th century. When Einstein revolutionized physics with his discoveries, even the Nobel Committee only understood his simplest theory. Physicists only began to be able to prove Einstein’s most difficult theories and discoveries in recent years.

Rayn: Cool story, bro! 😎 However, your effort to twist my position into an easily-disprovable strawman distraction, for you to amuse yourself with by attacking, in a vulgar public display of self-stimulation is both pathetic and repulsive. And, this isn’t even the first time you’ve scrawled this type of graffiti on my Facebook wall… Why don’t you go masturbate your ego on your own FB wall? Or, do you prefer the larger audience that my FB wall affords you?

My individual positions are incorruptible by your lack of desire to understand them. I’ve been hosting, posting and publishing my writings for over a decade – creating a long and lengthy public record of my views, online – and, making it virtually impossible for jokers and trolls to distort them…

Behold! “Science” as a Religion!

From article:

“Human sacrifice in the pursuit of knowledge has taken place so many more times in the field of medicine than most ‘science-lovers’ would ever dare admit to… that is, if they’ve even bothered looking into the topic! They simply cannot admit that science is merely *knowledge*, alone – not wisdom, not understanding, and most DEFINITELY not morality! And, this represents just ONE of the many reasons that science is NOT EVEN CLOSE to being a single line of forward-moving progress towards ‘truth,’ as many of those Individuals raised up on State education have been led to believe. Science is much better understood as a living tree of DATA, networked in a jumbled, overlapping, bush of branches – with many thriving in the light, while some mold in the ground, wither in the shade, and rot from pestilence. Such a system is in need of constant trimming using the ‘scientific method,’ and shall forever remain rife with conflicting theories and viewpoints that will often take more than a century for humanity to resolve, if never!”

Michael S.: Look, you have a right to your opinion, as strange as I might think it is. I also have a right to my opinion as well, since we live in a democracy. Therefore, if you dislike my replies that much, please feel free to unfriend or block me on social media. I really won’t mind it because we aren’t close anyhow. That being said, I can post this sort of reply if I would like to. If you are going to be friends with non-libertarian, you will also need to learn to accept non-libertarian views as well.

Rayn: Distorting my position to attack it is what earns you my repulsion. Whatever your “non-libertarian” opinions might be, they are irrelevant to my ever-increasing distaste for your communication style with me upon my Facebook wall. As far as your advice about unfriending, I suggest you consider taking it, for yourself, as your words have long-indicate that you are only interested in conflict with me, due to my lack of faith in The Most Dangerous Superstition. But, I can prove that Statism is a Religion, much like $cientism, while dually-duped-adherents, like yourself, are unable “to recognize [freedom] during [any given century]” (to paraphrase a quote from you).

Debating the Risks Associated With Donating Our Living Bodies to Government in the Name of Corporate $cience

The following debate originally took place upon the Facebook wall of my friend, Daniel Sv…

Daniel Sv.:

Laudisz B.: me too (it was my third, after sinoph*2: the 1st pfizer)

Jesse S.: I am glad you took care of that because it is necessary to protect yourself and others around you!

Laudisz B.: nicely done,. vaccinating is intelligent, whilw not vaccination is unintelligent

Rachel B.: Laudisz, I’m pretty sure the Tuskegee study shows that it’s not intelligent to just blindly follow without researching what’s being put in your body. Blindly fearing is also bad. Neither one is intelligent, or unintelligent, it’s the manner in which people do it that makes them unintelligent

Laudisz B.: Wrong. Layman should blindly follow. That is intelligence among laymen. Reasoning: if you have no idea about the toptic, the most intelligent to do is to accept the superioir opinion.Blindly fearing is also bad – here agree -unintelligent as well. Hope this helps

Rachel B.: Laudisz, there are many professionals who are not getting the vaccine. Microbiologists, virologists, immunologists, doctors, nurses, people in the know, are speaking against it. Scientists all over are getting silenced. Should not that be a big red flag to you? These aren’t just everyday people.

Laudisz B.: Rachel, again wrong, all professionals want the vaccine, those who don’t they are cheaters or charlatans (Me: 7 year med univ, +6 years postrgradual training to intensive therapy.)

Laudisz B.: I treat the infected people. I think th topic is discussed.

Rachel B.: Laudisz, So, everyone who disagrees with you doesn’t count for anything? 😆

Not very scientific of you. You’re one of the people who should know that a weak vaccine like what we have has the potential to cause far more harm. The efficacy is pretty bad, doesn’t last very long, doesn’t even prevent death, and no one is being held liable for any bad side effects, of which there are, although the government is saying that no one has to follow the law requiring them to report said side effects. There are a lot of red flags, especially when people like you who are in the medical field, demand trust while there are a million questions not being answered.

Bribing people, coercing, threatening, the way this vaccine has been pushed has been like an abusive relationship, not like how all the other vaccines have been, and it’s caused a lot of mistrusting people. Calling other professionals who are of a different opinion than you “cheaters” definitely gets you zero trust, and an automatic suspicion. Science is about questioning, anyway, that’s how we get more answers to potential problems, and if you swear that this vaccine is 100% perfect, then you’re more an idiot than I thought.

Laudisz B.: Rachel, as reading through your thoughts,I havea feeling, 1 ) you are an intelligent man 2) no knowledge in biology.

Rachel B.: Laudisz, incorrect on both counts.

Laudisz B.: okay conclsion: please everyyone take the third vaccine.

Rachel B.: Laudisz, yeah, very unscientific. Conclusion, don’t blindly trust those who act like they’re in a cult and refuse to accept questioning of their beliefs.

Jenny S.: Rachel, Don’t trust people on the internet, people make things up to make them sound better and/or more of an authority than you to push their transparent agenda. People lie on FB a lot. About their careers, family, friends everything 🤔

Laudisz B.: I am the professional whose opinion you all are looking for, you just don’t know it. So please take vaccines, this is the consensus among us,professionals. It saves many more lives than you would think (if you are an outsider and don’t frequently visit hospitals or not at all). Good for you, and it should remain like that.

Zach A.: Congratulations! And welcome to the club!  😃 (@Daniel)

Alan G.: You sold out, man! (@Daniel)

Rayn: Congratulations, lab rat! (@Daniel)

Rayn: The “profe$$ionals” are in full agreement! (@Laudisz)

Pfizer and Moderna Could Score $32 Billion in COVID-19 Vaccine Sales — in 2021 Alone:

Meet The 50 Doctors, Scientists And Healthcare Entrepreneurs Who Became Pandemic Billionaires In 2020:

Dr. Anthony Fauci: The Highest Paid Employee In The Entire U.S. Federal Government:

The 5 Wealthiest Americans Have Gotten 75 Billion Dollars Richer While a Pandemic Guts the Economy:

The Megarich Have Already Recovered From the Pandemic. It May Take the Poor a Decade to Do So:

(Not sure why Facebook removed my comment, multiple times)


Rayn: FDA Medical Adviser: ‘Congress is Owned by Pharma’:

Lawmakers With Stock Holdings Vote in Ways That Juice Their Portfolios, Data Shows:

Trading in Congress: The Most Popular Stocks Owned by Congress:


Rayn: $cIeNcE is $eTtLeD!

The Biopharmaceutical Industry Provides 75% Of The FDA’s Drug Review Budget. Is This A Problem?

Rayn: $cIeNcE is $eTtLeD! 😸


Rayn: You Can’t Sue Pfizer or Moderna if you Have Severe COVID Vaccine Side Effects. The Government Likely Won’t Compensate You for Damages, Either:

People Harmed by Coronavirus Vaccines Will Have Little Recourse:

Drugmakers Shielded from COVID Vaccine Liability But Funds for Injury Claims in Doubt:

The PREP Act and COVID-19: Limiting Liability for Medical Countermeasures:

New Push Could Block COVID-19 Vaccine Injuries From Program That Usually Pays Victims:

Big Pharma Co. Gets Immunity from COVID Vaccine Liability: ‘We as a Company Simply Cannot Take the Risk’:

AstraZeneca to be Exempt from Coronavirus Vaccine Liability Claims in Most Countries:

Drug Companies Continue to Shed Liability for Rushed Coronavirus Treatments:

Who’s Responsible for COVID-19 Vaccine Damage? Not the Manufacturers:

COVID-19 Vaccine Makers See EU Shield Against Side-Effect Claims:

Coronavirus Vaccine: Pfizer Given Protection from Legal Action by UK Government:

UK Government Grants Pfizer Civil Legal Indemnity for COVID-19 Vaccine:

[Canada’s] Trudeau Government Silent on Drug Manufacturer Liability for COVID-19 Vaccines:

Vaccine Suppliers Given Indemnity for ‘Inevitable’ Side Effects:

Who Pays Compensation if a COVID-19 Vaccine has Rare Side-Effects? Here’s the Little We Know About Australia’s New Deal:


A Whistleblower Says the FDA Isn’t Properly Regulating Vaccine Facilities:

Rayn: Pfizer is a convicted corporate felon company, found guilty of false advertisement, and pushing dangerous products on the public, in one of the biggest cases like it, in American history… So, OBVIOUSLY, they are completely trustworthy, and if you lack any confidence in their “products,” it’s only because you’re a ignorant science-denying layman who’s too stupid to recognize your superiors, and mindlessly follow their noble edicts, when ordered to!

Justice Department Announces Largest Health Care Fraud Settlement in Its History-
Pfizer to Pay $2.3 Billion for Fraudulent Marketing:

And, it wasn’t even their first time!

Huge Penalty in Drug Fraud / Pfizer Settles Felony Case in Neurontin Off-Label Promotion:

Laudisz B.: Rayn, then take a vaccine of another company

Jesus G.: Rayn + make your own vaccine at home guys : )

Make Your Own Flu Vaccine:

Rayn: “ThEn TaKe A vAcCiNe Of AnOtHeR cOmPaNy” – Corporate $cience Cultist

Cool story, bro. 😎 However, your dismissive, apathetic, unsolicited, critical-thinking-free “suggestion” to me only exposes the fact that you haven’t even begun to properly educate yourself about the conspiratorial intrigues of corporate-level criminality, Mr. “Profe$$ional.”

Johnson & Johnson to Pay $2.2B in U.S. Health Care Fraud Settlement (November 2013):

Former Johnson and Johnson Executives Are Convicted Over Off-Label Marketing (July 2016):

By the way, why are you spewing unsolicited “medical advice” at me, anyway? You don’t even have the first clue about my medical history, my allergy status, nor any contraindications I have. Are you some sort of eugenicist? Disgusting…

Newsflash! I’m not here to be your f^cking lab rat, nor to play society’s f^cking guinea pig… In spite of my disability, I will continue to protect my bodily autonomy against the ill-intentions of all NPCs and NSPs (Non-Source-Players).

Laudisz B.: Rayn, it’s not like that. You can’t refer to freedom of your own body, if that puts others to danger. Contraindication is a previous severe allergic reaction to an ingredient that is in the vaccine. If you have more questions I answer them, but pls leave this trash talk (also, I am not interested in consp theories). So if you would like to ask for a certain knowledge you would like to know go ahead.

Rayn: Your lack of respect for the bodily autonomy of others doesn’t entitle you to force medical procedures upon the innocent, Laudisz, regardless of the pathetic excuses you come up with to justify such criminal activity. This is especially true when considering the fact that you advocate forcing a “preventative” procedure upon otherwise healthy individuals, against their will. Show me a single shred of evidence that my individual bodily autonomy is placing even one other individual in “danger,” sociopath. As my Accuser, the burden of proof is squarely on YOU to provide evidence of your claims against my peaceful innocence. And, considering the fact that you know zero about my medical status, it’s obvious to me that you’re a charlatan.

This might surprise you to learn, but good ideas don’t require force. Consent is the foundation of a peaceful and just society, whereas COERCION is the tool of WEAK, incompetent, and arrogant authoritarians, who SIMPLY DO NOT POSSESS the social and emotional intelligence required to persuade others, nor to treat their peers as equals…

P.S. I didn’t ask you to define “contraindication,” you smug, self-important embarrassment. I wrote, “you don’t even have the first clue about my medical history, my allergy status, nor and contraindications I have.” My words are still available to read, above, clearly. Your pathetic attempt to twist them into an inquiry for youself to answer REEKS of desperation. Talk about thirsty! The medical “expertise” you imagine to hold – which you feel entitles you to push rushed, experimental modified-gene-therapy-treatments upon society, at large, is 100% based in arrogant delusion. You do not know the medical status, nor history, of even 1,000 individuals, let alone the whole planet. You are a victim of your own ego. The only danger I see, between the two of us, is your promotion of MEDICAL TYRANNY. Historically, your kind has been far more dangerous and deadly to humanity than ANY healthy, “asymptomatic,” natural-immunity-supporting individual, like myself, has EVER been!

Laudisz B.: Rayn, good luck

Rayn: No thanks, Laudisz. I don’t believe in superstitious nonsense, like “luck,” nor “authority.”

Debating About Tens of Thousands of Unvaccinated Healthcare Workers in New York

The following debate originally took place upon my Facebook wall…


Steve K.: It says that there a lot of really dumb healthcare workers. 90+% of healthcare workers and Board of Ed workers are vaccinated here in NYC. What does that tell you? Oh and, 100% of the members of my gym are vaccinated so, I can run on the elliptical machine without wearing a mask.

Thomas M.: Steve, according to Fauci, the vaccines do jack shit to the Delta variant; hypocritical to call 70k health care professionals “really dumb” and then immediately say some ignorant ass shit about not having to wear masks in the gym anymore.

Steve K.: The vaccines have all but eliminated COVID (including the Delta variant) from NYC. It’s just Staten Island that won’t get vaccinated or, wear masks. That being said, NYC is 90+% vaccinated and hospitalizations are dropping like a rock while states where people are refusing to vaccinate or wear masks are dealing with big surges in hospitalizations and deaths. So, yes I am able to safely not wear a mask in my gym where proof of vaccinations are required and no one is getting COVID.

Thomas M.: Steve, tell that to Israel, where the most mRNA-vaccinated country in the world is seeing a huge surge in hospitalizations of the vaccinated with the Delta variant. What logic are you using to come to the conclusion that, having been vaccinated, you need to protect yourself from the unvaccinated? That’s a rhetorical question because there is no logic behind it. These vaccines only have one positive thing going for them: they make a great litmus test for critical thinking skills and who will blindly do what they’re told. 

Congratulations. I live in a state which has low vaccination rates and mask wearers, yet I’ve not seen nor heard of even one person “drop like flies” from COVID-19. You got played and will continue to get played with the booster shots. What long-term data do you have to show me that these shots are safe? That’s also a rhetorical question because there is no long-term data. They’re all in trial phases right now. 

Congratulations on being duped into being a guinea pig for Big Pharma. How long ago did you get vaccinated? Have you been tested for blood clots? Do you even know what’s in the vaccines (rhetorical: they haven’t released their ingredients list)? Have you went to get an examination of your heart to see if it’s enlarged? Even if you did do those tests, you have absolutely no idea what consequences you may get from it 10 years from now. All I know is that we haven’t had these vaccines a year, yet, and it’s already killing healthy young folks, and causing life-altering disabilities too. That’s just the short-term data. You gambled with your life, we’ll see if it pans out for you.

Steve K.: Actual facts. People aren’t getting COVID in NYC.

Steve K.: You mean other than the 700,000 people who have already died.

Steve K.: You can write as many paragraphs of Fox News conspiracy theories as you want. I have no patience for stupid people.

Rayn: Steve, the only dummies I see are the test dummies, rolling up their sleeves to be injected with repeated doses of a rushed, experimental, modified-gene-therapy “treatment” made by top convicted corporate felon company, Pfizer, even though the only immunity it provides is legal immunity for the manufacturer – to shield the company from liability for any and all damages and injuries caused by its product.


Rayn: Steve, the 90% “vaccination” rate you quote that’s being reported by the government among healthcare workers and educators in NYC tells me exactly ZERO because it was extracted by FORCE.

New York to Require Vaccination or Weekly Testing for City Health Workers:

My educator and health care worker friends in NYC tell me that the “unvaccinated” are subject to painful, invasive, dangerous, sinus-inflaming weekly COVID testing at their worksite, and forced to wear a face mask for eight hours a day…

Getting the jab, merely to avoid weekly medical rape and asphyxiation is not consent. It’s COERCION. And, your failure to distinguish this, even as you cherry-pick the results of such a corrupt and criminal practice, only exposes just how little you respect the bodily autonomy of others.

Steve K.: The above article is from July and both the City and State have updated their policies. As of this week, all teachers and health care workers who have refused to vaccinate are now on leave without pay. Among everyone I know and reports from local hospitals are reporting on vaccination rates and new cases. In NYC, the government can’t get away with gaslighting because there are too many watchdog organizations, and reporters. The bottom line is that almost no one is getting sick from COVID here. Any numbers you may be hearing about are from Staten Island where people are still refusing to vaccinate.

Steve K.: Today’s update, COVID infection rate is a little more than 1% in New York State.

Rayn: Huh, Steve? The date of article precisely illustrates NYC’s criminal jab policy to be a long-standing assault against bodily autonomy. And, the current, even-more-criminal “vaccine mandates” only prove that the State’s initiation of violence against the innocent and peaceful is escalating, and will continue to do so.

As for statistics… Those of us who have been paying attention to events in New York, New Jersey, Pennsylvania, Connecticut or Massachusetts, from the beginning, know all about what your morally-bankrupt, sociopathic criminal government “officials” did to force up the number of elderly fatalities, during this “pandemic.” We haven’t forgotten how all of these States ordered the nursing homes in their localities to create wards inside their facilities that were already full of vulnerable elderly patients. They opted to exercise undue, unnecessary government authority over these medical facilities, and directly caused almost half of all the U.S. COVID-19 deaths that took place, last year, because of it.

Those who continue to promote COVID panic, over 500 days after the “two weeks to flatten the curve” propaganda campaign that began this hostile global corporate takeover of the planet, never seem interested in discussing the “unintended consequences” of the State “interventions” they keep pushing for. Usually, they are much too busy demanding more authoritarian “intervention,” on a bigger and more highly-centralized scale, in order to fix the messes caused by the State’s last “intervention”…

3 States Account for 42 Percent of All COVID-19 Deaths in America. Why?

Almost Half of US COVID-19 Deaths are Linked to Nursing Homes:

COVID-19 Death Rates Reveal the States that Failed the Test: New York and New Jersey:

The Most Important Coronavirus Statistic: 42% Of U.S. Deaths Are From 0.6% Of The Population:

DOJ May Investigate Blue States Over COVID-19 Deaths at Nursing Homes:

DOJ Probes Bursing Home Deaths in 4 States — Including in NY:

More Than 100,000 U.S. Coronavirus Deaths Are Linked to Nursing Homes:

Blame Governors for the Coronavirus Deaths in Nursing Homes: Goodwin:

These Five Democrat Governors Behind Tens of Thousands of Coronavirus Deaths Sent COVID-19 Patients to Nursing Homes:

Gov. Cuomo Sent 6,300 COVID-19 Patients to Nursing Homes During Pandemic:

Gov. Cuomo’s Controversial Order Requiring Nursing Homes to Admit COVID-19 Patients Was Reportedly Removed from New York’s Health Website:

New York’s True Nursing Home Coronavirus Death Toll Cloaked in Secrecy:

Cuomo Aide Melissa DeRosa Admits They Hid Nursing Home Data So Feds Wouldn’t Find Out:

New Allegations of Cover-Up by Cuomo Over Nursing Home Virus Toll:

Coronavirus News: Dr. Fauci Says New York ‘Did it Correctly’:

New Jersey Investigates State’s Nursing Homes, Hotbed Of COVID-19 Fatalities:

68% of Pennsylvania Coronavirus Deaths are from Nursing and Personal Care Homes:

Nursing Homes Account for 7 of Every 10 COVID-19 Deaths in Western Massachusetts:

Nursing Homes Account For 60% Of COVID-19 Deaths In Massachusetts:

Ex-Care Home Bosses Charged Over Dozens of COVID Deaths in Massachusetts:

Not Just COVID: Nursing Home Neglect Deaths Surge in Shadows:

Do Not Resuscitate’ Orders Caused Potentially Avoidable Deaths, Regulator Finds:

Rayn: Pro-maskers, pro-lockdowners, and pro-vaxxers are covert eugenicists, who consider the disabled an “acceptable loss,” in their plans to enforce one-size-fits-all medical treatments upon the entire population, regardless of consent. Change my mind.


Fury At ‘Do Not Resuscitate’ Notices Given to COVID Patients With Learning Disabilities:

NY Issues Do-Not-Resuscitate Guideline for Cardiac Patients Amid Coronavirus:

Coronavirus: Autistic Support Group ‘Told It Needed DNR Orders’:

NHS Managers Told Care Homes to Put Blanket ‘Do Not Resuscitate’ Orders on ALL Residents at Height of COVID Crisis, Report Shows :

Daughter’s Agony After Doctors Place DNR Notice on Her Elderly COVID-Stricken Mum Without Her Consent:


“I wEaR mY mAsK tO pRoTeCt BoTh oF uS!”

Two Boys Drop Dead in China While Wearing Masks During Gym Class:

“VaCciNeS aRe SaFe AnD eFfEcTiVe!”

Man, 70s, Dies MINUTES After Getting COVID Vaccine at NYC’s Javits Center:

“VaCciNeS aRe SaFe AnD eFfEcTiVe!”

A Few COVID Vaccine Recipients Developed Rare Blood Disorder:

“StAy HoMe. SaVe LiVeS!”

Cancer Patients are Having Their Treatment Cancelled Already – Just a WEEK into Second Covid Lockdown:

“StAy HoMe. SaVe LiVeS!”

At Toronto’s SickKids Hospital, Two Thirds on Wait List Have Missed Their Surgery ‘Window’:

“StAy HoMe. SaVe LiVeS!”

Concerns Grow Over Delay in Cancer Treatment Amid Coronavirus Lockdown:

“StAy HoMe. SaVe LiVeS!”

Health Service Faces Wave of Lawsuits Over Hundreds of Scans, Tests and Operations Cancelled in Lockdown:

“StAy HoMe. SaVe LiVeS!”

Lockdown ‘Caused Up to 21,000 Extra Deaths – Many Due to Reduced Access to Healthcare’, Shocking Study Claims:

“StAy HoMe. SaVe LiVeS!”

Suicides on Rise Amid Stay-at-Home Order, Bay Area Medical Professionals Say:

“StAy HoMe. SaVe LiVeS!”

CDC Director Compares Rate of Suicides to COVID-19 Deaths:

“StAy HoMe. SaVe LiVeS!”

Suicide is Now the Leading Cause of Death for Children Ages 10 to 14 in Ohio:

“StAy HoMe. SaVe LiVeS!”

Suicide Attempts Among Children Skyrocket Amid Pandemic:

“StAy HoMe. SaVe LiVeS!”

In Japan, More People Died From Suicide Last Month Than from COVID In All of 2020, With Women Impacted, Most:

Rayn: My post wasn’t an invitation for you to litter my comments section with your pro-authoritarian graffiti, eugenicist. I’m not interested in your ability to regurgitate corrupt, mainstream media monopoly talking points, whatsoever. Did you regularly update your Facebook friends with the government numbers that the media presstitutes unquestioningly reported to the public, when the Killer Clown Cuomo was murdering all of those unsuspecting grandmas and grandpas, then labeling them “COVID deaths”?

Blocked by Anti-War Activist, Cindy Sheehan, for Sharing Anti-Communist Meme

The following debate originally took place upon my Facebook wall…


“My rights don’t end where your fear begins. You stupid commie bitch.”

Cindy Sheehan: fuck off with the commie stuff and learn the difference between communism and fascism.

Rayn: A Tribute to Communism:

Rayn: Mao’s Great Leap Forward ‘Killed 45 Million in Four Years’:

Rayn: Never Forget: Life After the Khmer Rouge Genocide:

Rayn: Communism, laid bare, in Khmer Rouge…




Rayn: Marx’s Apologists Should Be Red in the Face:

Rayn: Communism is the number one most deadly form of the nightmare called government.

Rayn: “Communism, much like Corporate Capitalism and Socialism, is a hopelessly failed hierarchical system that breeds corruption and genocide! Once in place, elections vanish, and are quickly replaced by a single-party totalitarian government! Historically, communism has never worked, and some of the worst dictators to date rose to power under this system, including Mao Ze-Dong and Jozef Stalin, who collectively mudered almost 100 million individuals (making Hitler’s 12 million murders seem like child’s play)! Communism helps along the eugenics agenda of killing “undesirables,” like the mentally challenged, the disabled, and certain religious or social groups, in order to keep costs low for the working class! Ze-Dong and Stalin were hailed as “heroes” by many of those living in their respective countries, because they had the “courage” to do the “grisly math” necessary to make communism a socially & financially viable system! Just like corporate varietals, communism slowly traders a nation’s wealth into the hands of a few, greedy super-elitists!”

Communism is a Just Another Hierarchical System of Bondage (Much Like Socialism & Capitalism):

(We discussed this topic, on my Facebook page, back in August of 2009)

Rayn: Communism is THE most murderous flavor of Statism, on record. It’s indefensible, and undignified for human beings to be treated as workers drones in a hive, or cattle on a farm, by a small gaggle of sociopathic “rulers.”









(Cindy Sheehan removes me as a Facebook friend, and places my profile on “block”)

Questioning Disingenuous Inquiries Into Purpose of Sharing Evidence of COVID Jab Inefficiency

The following debate originally took place upon my Facebook wall…

Nurse Who Tested Positive Days After Vaccine Is Reminder Protection Not Instant, 2 Doses Needed:

A California nurse tested positive for COVID-19 more than a week after receiving the first dose of the Pfizer vaccine. Health experts are saying this may not be completely unexpected given the time it takes for the vaccine to become protective and the fact that a second dose is needed for full efficacy.

(Read entire article here…)

Michael S.: Rayn, what’s your point? The article gave indications why this might be the case. Also, this isn’t going to be a perfect vaccine since its the first of its kind.

Rayn: My point was to share the article with my FB friends, so they can read it, Michael. What’s your point, in asking my point? Do you have a problem with informed consent, regarding medical experimentation?

Either way, I certainly didn’t designate you as my FB post “opinion checker,” and I’m not even remotely interested in even a single one of your efforts to justify mass human experimentation, using a product containing chemicals and genetically-modified mRNA, on the public at large, without informed consent, by a convicted corporate felon Pharmaceutical company that’s been given full legal immunity from any damages that result from their “product.”

Michael S.: Rayn, would you like to discuss this in Facebook Messenger? You seem upset and I’m not sure why because I was trying to discuss the article with you.

Rayn:  I merely responded to your inquiry, in kind, Michael. “What’s your point?” is no place for you to begin a discussion on this article, with me, especially while you follow up your inquiry with the vague claim that “the article gave indications why this might be the case.” “Might,” eh? So, even as you admit that this phenomenon is taking place, and that there’s not even a scientific consensus on exactly why, and it’s all part of experimental medicines, you ask me what’s the point of sharing this article? From my perspectives, your question is disingenuous, and your comments are dismissive minimizations of the phenomenon, and the need for further research…

Michael S.: Rayn, I think that you misunderstood what I meant. First, yes, “what’s your point?” is a legitimate question to ask in this case because I have read articles, which have honestly pointed out that the vaccines weren’t going to be perfect, though they were safe enough, which is good enough in this situation. Second, it isn’t a vague claim because the article does specifically indicate why this happens. Third, regarding the medicine, it isn’t so much experimental as that the science is very new, so I’m just being a realist in terms of what we can expect. In other words, this is the best that medical science can do at this point, with the coronavirus vaccines, but it is still pretty good considering everything, and can also just be a part of life sometimes as well. In other words, I think that this is made pretty clear in the article. Fourth, I’m not being dismissive at all. I just think that, even if further research is needed, it isn’t realistic or pragmatic to not give the vaccines to people, if they are safe enough, when millions of people are dying from coronavirus infections. If they have some bad side effects, it isn’t great, but, if people will live and get through them. It is also much better than dying, particularly if the people aren’t harmed.

Rayn: To begin, Michael, your claim, “what’s your point?” is a legitimate question to ask in this case because [you] have read articles, which have honestly pointed out that the vaccines weren’t going to be perfect, though they were safe enough, which is good enough in this situation,” is meaningless, because your personal research on articles about the COVID vaccines have absolutely no bearing upon my post to my wall. Meanwhile, you are admitting your cognitive biases on the topic, which explains your lack of ability to discuss the topic without disingenuous inquiry and dismissive minimizations…

Second, it was *your* claim, here, that was vague, not the article I posted. Keep up, Captain. You said, “the article gave indications why this might be the case.” That’s a completely VAGUE statement, on your part, which holds almost no value, in this conversation.

Third, the rushed vaccines, and the science behind it, are absolutely EXPERIMENTAL. The two major vaccines being distributed were both fast-tracked around any of the usual long-term studies done on medicinal products, and were authorized not through normal licensure, but through an Emergency Use Authorization (EUA).

FDA Takes Key Action in Fight Against COVID-19 By Issuing Emergency Use Authorization for First COVID-19 Vaccine:

As you can read for yourself, in the article I just shared, “the FDA also expects manufacturers whose COVID-19 vaccines are authorized under an EUA to continue their clinical trials to obtain additional safety and effectiveness information and pursue approval (licensure).”

Apparently, with all of the articles you’ve read on the topic, so far, looking to confirm your opinion, you managed to conveniently overlook this important FACT.

Fourth, you were being dismissive of the vaccine anomaly taking place in the original article I posted, in an effort to minimize it, as though it was pointless information for me to post. Unsurprisingly, your latest comment, here, admitting your cognitive biases, reveals exactly why you felt entitled to do so…