Discussing the Fact that Helping Others is Slowly Becoming a Crime in America

The following correspondence originally took place on my Facebook wall, upon my post, “In America, Helping Others is Slowly Becoming a Crime“…

Rayn: “Under a government which imprisons any unjustly, the true place for a just man is also a prison.” – Henry Thoreau

“One has a moral obligation to disobey unjust laws.” – Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr.

“64-year-old Constance Manzanares drowned after she became trapped in her car in a drainage canal in El Paso, Texas. When police arrived, they threatened several young men with arrest who were in the water, attempting to rescue her. The police rescue failed, allowing the woman to drown.”

Marilyn W.: Sad!

In America, Helping Others is Slowly Becoming a Crime

As I scrolled through my Facebook news feed, I discovered the following artwork here, being shared by the page, “Cop Block,” and originally posted it to my own wall, along with commentary

"64-year-old Constance Manzanares drowned after she became trapped in her car in a drainage canal in El Paso, Texas. When police arrived, they threatened several young men with arrest who were in the water, attempting to rescue her. The police rescue failed, allowing the woman to drown."

“64-year-old Constance Manzanares drowned after she became trapped in her car in a drainage canal in El Paso, Texas. When police arrived, they threatened several young men with arrest who were in the water, attempting to rescue her. The police rescue failed, allowing the woman to drown.”

My Commentary: “Under a government which imprisons any unjustly, the true place for a just man is also a prison.” – Henry Thoreau

“One has a moral obligation to disobey unjust laws.” – Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr.

The State is the Coldest Monster of All!

I originally posted the following information and commentary onto my Facebook wall…


City Outlaws Panhandling, Police Chief Now Threatening to Ban Giving to the Homeless:

(Cassius Methyl, TheAntiMedia) It’s just not good enough for it to be illegal to panhandle in San Antonio; now, the chief of police wants to ban giving to the homeless too.

In this economic black hole we find ourselves in with no way out, there are more people on the street every day without a lot of choices on how to get food, how to scramble for federal reserve notes to survive.

To make matters much worse for the homeless of San Antonio, those people struggling for federal reserve notes and food may now find generosity much more rare as it could become illegal for people to give to them at all.

If the police chief of San Antonio has his way, the police of the city will soon be granted the ability to force people giving to the homeless to give to the state; tickets, citations, robbery on yellow slips of paper.

(Read Entire Article Here…)

My CommentaryThe compassion of the State is boundless. So, don’t forget to pay your “fair share” of taxes! How ELSE do you expect the homeless to be “taken care of”?

As Friedrich Nietzsche once said, “A state, is called the coldest of all cold monsters.”

Discussing Huey P. Newton Gun Club Protest of Police Violence with Open Carry March

The following correspondence originally took place on my Facebook wall, upon my post, “Huey P. Newton Gun Club Protests Police Violence with Open Carry March“…

Huey P. Newton Gun Club gathered to march through South Dallas, Texas

RaynHuey P. Newton Gun Club Pushes #BlackOpenCarry to Protest Police Violence:

Ha! I hope this makes some liberal heads explode! Too bad this club is located in Dallas!

I can hear the leftists, already… “But, it’s more ‘moral’ to be executed by police then to defend yourself against them! They’re just doing their job! What if we all fought back against executions? What would happen, then? Do you LIKE chaos?”

Brian J.: I don’t know a lot of leftists that would be against this. It tends to be conservatives that would be against.

John T.: This is a joke, did you see the video? Right hands up! They look confused.

Huey P. Newton Gun Club Protests Police Violence with Open Carry March

I originally posted the following information and commentary onto my Facebook wall…

Huey P. Newton Gun Club gathered to march through South Dallas, Texas

Huey P. Newton Gun Club gathered to march through South Dallas, Texas

Huey P. Newton Gun Club Pushes #BlackOpenCarry to Protest Police Violence:

(Elizabeth Nolan Brown, Reason) In Texas, blacks are protesting police violence in a particularly Southwestern way: By invoking their right to open carry. On Wednesday, more than 30 membersof the newly-formed Huey P. Newton Gun Club gathered to march through South Dallas with rifles, shotguns, and AR-15s. The group eventually entered a restaurant with their weapons while Dallas police officers were inside eating lunch.

“The recent murders of unarmed black, brown, and whites across the United States of America has eradicated trust in the police,” the gun club’s website states.

(Read entire article here…)

My Commentary: Ha! I hope this makes some liberal heads explode! Too bad this club is located in Dallas!

I can hear the leftists, already… “But, it’s more ‘moral’ to be executed by police then to defend yourself against them! They’re just doing their job! What if we all fought back against executions? What would happen, then? Do you LIKE chaos?”