The following correspondence originally took place on my Facebook wall, upon my post, “Tall Building Look Like Elaborate Tombstones“…
Rayn: Travelling through Houston, Texas, and one thing’s for certain: no matter where in the country I’ve been, so far, most of the tall buildings I see look like nothing more than elaborate tombstones, to me… I used to meditate on this thought very often, during the decade and a half that I lived in Brooklyn and the Bronx, NY.
Stephen K.: Had the same thought in September 2010. Look at my photo of NYC, taken fron Bear Mountain, in the “Daylight Telephotos” album.
Stephen K.:
Rayn: Nice panoramic view of NYC, Stephen! Skillz! And, I’m glad that I’m not the only one to come to such a macabre conclusion about the look of city buildings. 🙂
Stephen K.: Thanks,Rayn. Yes, I agree that great minds CAN and DO sometimes think alike! 🙂