Unnecessarily Strip-Searched After Being Arrested for Protesting Dakota Pipeline

I originally posted the following information and commentary onto my Facebook wall…

Actress Shailene Woodley's mugshot, after being arrested protesting the Dakota Access Pipeline

Actress Shailene Woodley’s mugshot, after being arrested protesting the Dakota Access Pipeline

Actress Shailene Woodley Reveals She Was Strip-Searched After Her Arrest Protesting Dakota Pipeline:

Actress Shailene Woodley pleaded not guilty on charges related to the resistance to the $3.8 billion Dakota Access pipeline on Wednesday. She was arrested along with 27 others in North Dakota on October 10 during actions to mark Indigenous Peoples’ Day. Woodley was strip-searched and then put in an orange jump suit in the Morton County jail, which appears to be a common practice even for low-level misdemeanor charges.

(Read entire article here…)

My Commentary: Seems legit…

Stand Up and Act to Improve!

As I scrolled through my Facebook news feed, I discovered the following artwork here, being shared by the page, “Truth Network,” and originally posted it to my own wall, along with commentary…

"Each time a person stands up for an ideal, or acts to improve the lot of others, they send forth a tiny ripple of hope... These ripples build a current which can sweep down the mightiest walls of oppression and resistance." - Robert F. Kennedy

“Each time a person stands up for an ideal, or acts to improve the lot of others, they send forth a tiny ripple of hope… These ripples build a current which can sweep down the mightiest walls of oppression and resistance.” – Robert F. Kennedy

My Commentary: Indeed! And, every time an individual shills for centralized government, the wall of oppression rises!

Resist the Hive!

As I scrolled through my Facebook news feed, I discovered the following artwork here, being shared by the page, “Statism Is Slavery,” and originally posted it to my own wall, along with commentary…

"We all belong to the government. You will be assimilated. Resistance is futile."

“We all belong to the government. You will be assimilated. Resistance is futile.”

My Commentary: I reject the elitist, unbalanced and murderous logic of State-Hive oppression, and replace it with the equality, justice and peace of Self-OwnershipIndividual Sovereignty is our BIRTHRIGHT! Resistance is FERTILE!