Long Ago, Obama Exposed His Bush to America… But, Few Will Admit That the EMPEROR HAS NO CLOTHES!

As I scrolled through my Facebook news feed, I discovered the following artwork here, being shared by the page, “Young Americans for Liberty,” and originally posted it to my own wall, along with commentary…

"Wins Nobel Peace Prize Bombs Yemen, Pakistan, Iraq, Afghanistan, Somalia, Libya; Tries to bomb Syria and Iran. Promotes torture, tyrannical regimes, and terrorist organizations. Supports policies such as gun control and the drug war that drastically increase violence in the US. Promotes threats of violence to collect taxes."

“Wins Nobel Peace Prize
Bombs Yemen, Pakistan,
Iraq, Afghanistan, Somalia, Libya;
Tries to bomb Syria and Iran. Promotes
torture, tyrannical regimes,
and terrorist organizations. Supports
policies such as gun control
and the drug war that drastically
increase violence in the US. Promotes
threats of violence to collect taxes.”

My Commentary: Obama long ago exposed his Bush to America… Yet, so very few will admit the plain and simple fact that the EMPEROR HAS NO CLOTHES!


An Instant Winner!

The following correspondence originally took place upon my Facebook wall, after I posted artwork being shared by the page, “Bastiat Institute“…


“Instant Winner! Congratulations, you are a recipient of the Nobel Prize!”

Michael S.: 2013, Stockholm Sweden: “Madame Kleipe-Green, we congratulate you on your reception of the Nobel Prize in Literature. (Cheers heard in the audience). Our only question is: is the all a dream?