“Pro” and “Anti” Extremists Dominate Almost All Debates About the Use of Vaccinations

The following correspondence originally took place upon my Facebook wall, after a mutual acquaintance inexplicably posted an article that I was in the very process of debating on the wall of an ex-acquaintance, in what seemed like a concerted effort to distract me from continuing to reply, there…

Stephen K.: Thanks, Brian!

The Anti-Vaccine Movement: A Terrible Track Record

Brian K.: I posted this on my own feed a few days ago and we’ve been having an interesting “debate”

(provides link to debate taking place on his wall)

(update: debate is now concluded, and a copy is located at: http://acidrayn.com/2013/05/11/force-frame-vaccination-discussion-into-false-dichotomy-of-pro-versus-anti-or-present-unique-third-option/)

Rayn: And, due to that same “debate,” I am beginning to believe that so much of the “controversy” regarding vaccines really comes from “gut-reaction” responses to the subject, along with the push to frame all debates on the topic into the false paradigm of “pro-vaccination” versus “anti-vaccination” – an activity that has taken CENTER STAGE, over the facts! Strangely, there appears to be no room in the minds of these two extremist groups for individuals to be somewhat pro-vaccination, while also somewhat anti-vaccination, and, they are FAR from interested in understanding the reasons behind viewpoints that don’t correspond 100% with their own. It’s ALL OR NOTHING in their minds. Both of these “sides” could use a lesson in respect, as well as THE RULES OF LOGICAL DEBATE!

Alison K.: I seem to picking up on the tail end of this. But to address Rayn – I am one of the people you speak of, who is both ‘pro’ and ‘anti’. My son is up to date on all vaccines except two – I am against them for different reasons and it has nothing to do with the autism/allergy debate. For certain things I feel it should be the parent’s choice. And if it means my son cannot attend traditional public school – then so be it. I’ve remained unimpressed with traditional schooling for a long time anyway.



Individual Sovereignty, for the Win!

As I scrolled through my Facebook news feed, I discovered the following artwork here, being shared by the page, “Idle No More,” and originally posted it to my own wall, along with commentary…

“Sovereignty is a birth right & not a state-sanctioned privilege”

My Commentary: Selah! Individual sovereignty, for the win!

Your Consciousness is Your Own

The following correspondence originally took place upon the Facebook wall of an acquaintance, after she shared artwork from here

Jennifer H.:

“Your body is your own:
(Your health is your own)
(Your sexuality is your own)
(Your style is your own)
(Your vagina is your own)
(Your diet is your own)
(Your womb is your own)
(Your skin is your own)
(Your weight is your own)
(Your penis is your own)
(Your gender is your own)
Your body is your own.
Find anyone who tries to regulate your body highly suspect”

Rayn: Indeed! Don’t forget consciousness, too! Self-Ownership, for the win!  Find all of who try to regulate your self to be ARROGANT, and easily prove all of their arguments as ILLEGITIMATE!

State Regulation of Cannabis Via Medical Prescription, or Natural Right to Freely Use Non-Toxic Plant Without Permission?

The following debate originally took place upon my Facebook wall…

Fiona Apple's mugshot, after being arrested in Texas for possession of cannabis and hashish in July, 2012

Fiona Apple’s mugshot, after being arrested in Texas for possession of cannabis and hashish in July, 2012

Stan H.: The 10 Best Celebrity Mugshots – Fiona Apple:

Rayn: Just remember: No Victim, No Crime!

Stan H.: Are you referring to yourself? lol.

Rayn: I’m referring to ALL of humanity, myself included! 🙂

Stan H.: I was implying the hashish angle particularly, lol!!

Rayn: I’m not really a fan of hashish, but to each his own! 🙂

Stan H.: or her own. I thought you were because of that “valentine heart” you had up earlier.

Rayn: That wasn’t hashish! It was CANNABIS! 🙂 <3

Rayn: Hashish isn’t the rawness! It’s derived. 🙂

Stan H.: they are all pretty much the same to me

Rayn: I’m sorry to hear that. I can assure you that they are not the same. Cannabis is natural, and in the exact concentration nature intended it. Hashish, on the other hand, is a man-made derivative of cannabis, wherein the more potent chemicals within the buds are extracted, while the leafy portion is left behind, resulting in a much more concentrated substance with which to ingest or smoke. Can you understand the difference, now?

(Click Here to Continue Reading This Post)

The Herd-Mentality of Sheeple

As I scrolled through my Facebook news feed, I discovered the following artwork here, being shared by the page, “The Anti-Media,” and originally posted it to my own wall, along with commentary…

"Q: What are some characteristics of sheep? A: Timid, fearful, easily panicked, gullible, easily influenced by leader (Shepard), vulnerable to mob psychology, runs from predators, nearly defenseless, easily killed, very little discernment, eats poisonous plants and drinks dirty water."

“Q: What are some characteristics of sheep? A: Timid, fearful, easily panicked, gullible, easily influenced by leader (Shepard), vulnerable to mob psychology, runs from predators, nearly defenseless, easily killed, very little discernment, eats poisonous plants and drinks dirty water.”

My Commentary: The sheeple are too cowardly, suspicious, double-minded and amoral to run their own lives. So, they willfully outsource their Self-Ownership to the monopoly on violence known as centralized government, run almost entirely by a criminal-caste. And, while that is their right (no matter how irresponsible and illogical it may be), they then try to coerce the rest of us into doing the same thing! And, that’s where I draw the line! If I have not consented and contractually established myself into a particular government system, then it has no legitimate claim over me, as my natural-borne Individual Sovereignty automatically renders it illegitimate!

No Victim, No Crime, control freaks! And, that’s all the proof I need to know that my freedom is being robbed by a nightmarish, Death-(Cyst)em!