State Regulation of Cannabis Via Medical Prescription, or Natural Right to Freely Use Non-Toxic Plant Without Permission?

The following debate originally took place upon my Facebook wall…

Fiona Apple's mugshot, after being arrested in Texas for possession of cannabis and hashish in July, 2012

Fiona Apple’s mugshot, after being arrested in Texas for possession of cannabis and hashish in July, 2012

Stan H.: The 10 Best Celebrity Mugshots – Fiona Apple:

Rayn: Just remember: No Victim, No Crime!

Stan H.: Are you referring to yourself? lol.

Rayn: I’m referring to ALL of humanity, myself included! 🙂

Stan H.: I was implying the hashish angle particularly, lol!!

Rayn: I’m not really a fan of hashish, but to each his own! 🙂

Stan H.: or her own. I thought you were because of that “valentine heart” you had up earlier.

Rayn: That wasn’t hashish! It was CANNABIS! 🙂 <3

Rayn: Hashish isn’t the rawness! It’s derived. 🙂

Stan H.: they are all pretty much the same to me

Rayn: I’m sorry to hear that. I can assure you that they are not the same. Cannabis is natural, and in the exact concentration nature intended it. Hashish, on the other hand, is a man-made derivative of cannabis, wherein the more potent chemicals within the buds are extracted, while the leafy portion is left behind, resulting in a much more concentrated substance with which to ingest or smoke. Can you understand the difference, now?

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