Exact Free-Market-Friendly Solution I Suggested Regarding the Bathroom Controversy Now Being Implemented by Least-Expected Company

I originally posted the following information and commentary onto my Facebook wall…

Target store

Target store

Target to Spend $20 Million on Single-Stall Bathrooms After Backlash to its Restroom Policy:

(Sarah Halzack) Target said Wednesday it is preparing to spend $20 million in the coming months to add single-stall bathrooms along with men’s and women’s restrooms in its stores, a move meant to accommodate shoppers who have expressed concern about the retailers’ policy of allowing customers and employees to use the bathroom that corresponds to the gender they identify with.

“Some of our guests clearly are uncomfortable with our policy, and some are really supportive,” said Cathy Smith, Target’s chief financial officer, in a conference call wither reporters.

(Read entire article here…)

My Commentary: Well, well, well… The exact easy solution I suggested in my article on the topic is now being implemented, wide-scale, by the least-expected company…

A free-market win, either way!

Sorry Media, but Toilet Seat Liners Are NOT Pointless!

The following correspondence originally took place upon the Facebook wall of an acquaintance…

Public toilet, with seat liner

Public toilet, with seat liner

Janelle F.: Why Using Toilet Seat Liners is Basically Pointless:

I don’t care. I still use them. 4 at a time!

Cyrus Y.: “That’s because toilet seats are not a vehicle for the transmission of any infectious agents — you won’t catch anything.”

Hello, cooties?! Especially another guy’s ass/splashie cooties.

Michelle S.: I’m with you on this one Janelle, I don’t care either! But what I really hate is that there are no toilet seat lids on the public restroom. That “stuff” in the toilet then just gets put into a fine spray that covers everything in the stall when one flushes.

Rayn: This article is misleading, since one can most definitely catch ringworm from direct skin contact with a public toilet seat.

Ringworm Fungal Infections – Skin Fungus:

Those who are actually willing to sit on a public toilet should at least create a thick barrier between their skin and the seat, for safety.

Janelle F.: I don’t need to read that to know what kind of crap (no pun intended) is found on toilet seats. Especially with the animals I’m around every day

Stefanee R.: I will continue to use multiple layers !

Katherine H.: I always use the covers too. I’ll line the seat with toilet paper if there are no covers. I also can’t stand women who hover over the seat and don’t wipe up their mess. Seriously? If you’re not gonna use the seat, then lift it and squat over the bowl. Don’t leave a pee-splattered seat for someone else to deal with. Disgusting.