Soldiers are Socialists, Paid Using Stolen Tax Funds!

As I scrolled through my Facebook news feed, I discovered the following artwork here, being shared by the page, “V is for Voluntary,” and originally posted it to the wall of family, along with commentary…

"Soldiers are socialists. They are part of an institution whereby their pay is obtained by violating the rights of the individual for the collective That is socialism!"

“Soldiers are socialists. They are part of an institution whereby their pay is obtained by violating the rights of the individual for the collective That is socialism!”

My Commentary: LOLZ

Statists Actually Consider Anarchy “Utopian”?

As I scrolled through my Facebook news feed, I discovered the following artwork here, being shared by the page, “The Monopoly on Force,” and originally posted it to my own wall, along with commentary…

"Statism is the utopian ideal that just right amount of violence used by just the right amount of people in just the right way can perfect society." - Keith Hamburger

“Statism is the utopian ideal that just right amount of violence used by just the right amount of people in just the right way can perfect society.” – Keith Hamburger

My Commentary: Come again, Statheist? Did you really just call anarchy a “naive,” “utopian” ideal? With a straight face, and not a hint of irony, too? Ha!

At least anarchy is the natural-borne state of humanity, and doesn’t require the enactment of force upon the innocent and the peaceful, nor a monopoly on violence in order to apply to society, much unlike the Statist cult religion you have so much mindless, unwavering faith in! As a matter of fact, it takes the daily, relentless, gratuitous violence of the genocidal death-system you hold so dear to initiate aggression against, and subdue, a stateless society into the soul-crushing subjugation you whole-heartedly worship!

Keep petitioning your Lord and Savior, Big Government, in prayer, Cult Material! Waste your time voting, and call your congressman, begging for “change”! Humanity needs just a few more laws, passed by the professionally-lying, sociopathic, criminal-minded, morally-bankrupt pathocrats you bow to, and we’ll finally live in peaceful bliss! 🙂

Unapologetically Voluntaryist for Life!

As I scrolled through my Facebook news feed, I discovered the following artwork here, being shared by the page, “Living in Modern Times,” and originally posted it to my own wall, along with commentary…

"Anarchy is the radical notion that other people are not your property. You own yourself and the effects of your actions. All human interaction should be voluntary association or mutual exchange. All force, and fraud, and threats, and coercion are inherently illegitmate. The State is, by definition, a monopoly on violence which is the oral blight at the heart of all conquest, and slaughter, and famine, and death. Taxation is theft. War is a racket. And national borders are nothing more than chalk outlines around unprosecuted mass murder."

“Anarchy is the radical notion that other people are not your property. You own yourself and the effects of your actions. All human interaction should be voluntary association or mutual exchange. All force, and fraud, and threats, and coercion are inherently illegitmate. The State is, by definition, a monopoly on violence which is the oral blight at the heart of all conquest, and slaughter, and famine, and death. Taxation is theft. War is a racket. And national borders are nothing more than chalk outlines around unprosecuted mass murder.”

My Commentary: ❤ Unapologetically Voluntaryist for life! ❤

The Difficulty in Explaining the Nature of Government to a Statist

As I scrolled through my Facebook news feed, I discovered the following artwork here, being shared by the page, “Living in Modern Times,” and originally posted it to my own wall, along with commentary…

“one does not simply explain to a Statist that the government is nothing but a monopoly on legalized violence”

My Commentary: *sigh* *facepalm*

Meditating on the Concepts of Aggression and Violence

The following correspondence originally took place here, upon the Facebook page, “Statism is Slavery“…

(replies from all third parties have been omitted for clarity)

Statism is Slavery: All aggression is violence, but not all violence is aggression. Discuss. -Ray

Rayn: To me, all violence is a form of aggression, by definition, so my distinction between its types would be those acts based upon the initiation of violence, and those acts of self-defense. With this, a third, more grey area emerges: those acts based on an unequal, cruel or unusual response to the initiation of violence. And, though this third category would likely be the least-occurring form of violence, it would be where the most divergence of opinion would reside… at least, among those of us who understand self-defense to be a natural right, that is! 🙂