Got a Death Wish?

The following correspondence originally took place here, upon the Facebook page, “Raw Milk“…

(replies from all third parties have been omitted for clarity)

Raw Milk:

“got aspartame?”

The FDA wants to start adding aspartame to milk.

According to the FDA notice issued this week:

“IDFA and NMPF state that the proposed amendments would promote more healthful eating practices and reduce childhood obesity by providing for lower-calorie flavored milk products. They state that lower-calorie flavored milk would particularly benefit school children who, according to IDFA and NMPF, are more inclined to drink flavored milk than unflavored milk at school.”

The FDA can’t find enough ways to pump humans through Big Pharma.

EXCELLENT BOOK… The Untold Story of Milk – The History, Politics and Science of Nature’s Perfect Food: Raw Milk from Pasture-Fed Cows:

Abolish the FDA!

Rayn: Got a death wish?

The Satanic Nature of the State

The following correspondence originally took place here, on the Facebook page, “Bastiat Institute“…

(replies from all third parties have been omitted for clarity)

Bastiat Institute:

“All these will I give you,” said the State, showing Man the riches of the world, “if you will fall down and worship me.”

Rayn: A quote comes to mind: “Bow down before the one you serve. You’re going to get what you deserve.” – Trent Reznor

Discussing Much-Needed Government Warning Label

The following correspondence originally took place on my Facebook wall, after I posted artwork from the page, ““…

Rayn: Warning: Politicians have been shown to cause serious harm to human beings and destruction of private property.

“Warning: Politicians have been shown to cause serious harm to human beings and destruction of private property. (Arrest) (Shock) (Oppression) (Brutality) (Theft) (War) (Prison) (Death) *Please proceed with care while dealing with politicians and government* (Think Global) (Act Local) (Deprogram) (Stay Educated) (Network) (Promote Liberty) (Vote Wisely) –”

Jesus G.: what about doctors that practice Western Medicine?”

Rayn: No doubt, Jesus. For a good starting point on that topic, you can take a virtual trip through the “Psychiatry: An Industry of Death Museum”:

Jonas A.: I think someone was drinking some Kool Aid from coffee cups…lol

Steven L.: Even dictatorships and theocracies have politicians. The public chooses to elevate them to their position. The fault lies not in the stars but in ourselves.

(note: I previously shared a slightly different version of this artwork in March of 2012, within my post, “Much-Needed Government Warning Label”)

Centralized Government is Organized Religion!

As I scrolled through my Facebook news feed, I discovered the following artwork here, being shared by the page, “Voluntaryism,” and originally posted it to my own wall, along with commentary…

"The basic belief that an elected government must rule your life is a religion of the utmost insanity." - Chris Lyspooner

“The basic belief that an elected government must rule your life is a religion of the utmost insanity.” – Chris Lyspooner

My Commentary: Being unable to double-think on such matters, I have an aversion to ALL forms of organized religion! I will not help to prop up the corpse of empty tradition! Instead, I choose LIFE!