The following correspondence originally took place on my Facebook wall, upon my post, “Heinous Crime Committed Against Service Dog of Autistic Child“…
Rayn: Shocked… Numb…
Autistic Child’s Service Dog Kidnapped, Beaten, Killed, Then Tossed in Family’s Front Yard:
Samantha P.: That is just terrible! Poor dog, poor girl, poor family! I hope they find the person who did this and punish them! Absolutely disgusting!
Stacie T.: My stomach is knotted. I am ashamed to be of the same species as the monsters who did this. If anyone ever hurt my girls, I’d want them torn to shreds.
Jessica O.: People are sick. Disgusting.
Sara: Wow, our society is just going to hell. What a deplorable, disgusting, piece of shit to do something like that. I wish I could find the person who did it, take a bat to their jaw and throw them in a river. Ugh!