The following debate originally took place upon my Facebook wall…
Rayn: Our Immune Systems Can Cope With COVID-19 – It’s Our Politicians Who Can’t:
Kevin B.: When you read the headline but not the article
Rayn: Is that what you were trained to do in your formal “education” camp? ?
Kevin B.: Rayn, that’s what you clearly just did. Unless you are pushing the safety of vaccines now. The author is saying COVID vaccines will be effective. The politicians she’s referring to are the same lockdown-skeptical ones you promote.
Rayn: Kevin… Try again, clown. Only in your smug, arrogant, presumptuous fantasies did I “clearly” do anything more than share with my Facebook friends yet another informative mainstream media monopoly article about COVID, and the current progress of BigPharma’s legal-liability-free experimental vaccination that the Federal government is fast-tracking onto the public, at large, much like I’ve been sharing to my FB wall, all along, since the COVID panic began. And, I will continue to do so, in spite of your pathologically pathetic effort to twist my positions into easily-disprovable strawmen distractions, for you to amuse yourself with, attacking, in a vulgar public display of self-stimulation.
Disgusting… Why don’t you go masturbate your ego on your own FB wall? Or, do you prefer the larger audience that mine affords you? ?
Apparently, like most Statists, you find it intellectually safer and easier to simply make up my viewpoints for me, then argue with yourself about it, rather than to learn my positions, for yourself, and respond, accordingly. How slippery of you…
In reality, you don’t even remotely know me, bruh, and pretending you do only exposes you as total fraudster. I’m a Voluntaryist, guided by logic, love, principles, and peace, towards Self-Ownership, Non-Aggression, and Informed Consent. I have voted “no confidence” for the last twenty years worth of American elections, genius. Your claim that I promote “lockdown skeptical [politicians]” is just a complete and total lie, predicated upon your willful ignorance.
To me, voting for politicians is a dangerous superstition, and an act of political oppression. When a so-called “majority party” seeks for legal enforcement their arbitrary political opinions upon all of the minority groups living among them, through use of the State’s monopoly on violence, a massive injustice is being protected by color of law. Besides, I don’t support war criminals, nor the political terrorists who promote the “War on Drugs” and the “War on Terrorism,” anyway!
Your various posts to my Facebook wall, lately, are like crudely-scrawled graffiti, to me. I’ve only entertained your toxic pattern of directed [mis]”communications” at me, so far, because I occasionally enjoy the salty, bitter flavor of ground troll meat. Tastes just like victory! In feeding your need for attention, I’ve just been fattening you up for the proverbial slaughter. Game over, joker!
(All original portions of this work, by Rayn Kleipe, are licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike 4.0 International License, while all redistributed links, images, sounds, videos, and writings are protected under 17 U.S.C. § 107: Fair Use, or under Public Domain)