Israel Cuts Off Water Supply to Gaza Strip, Yet Again…

The following debate originally took place upon my Facebook wall, after I posted a photo being shared by the page, “Freedom Is A State Of Mind ”…


"Today is the fifth day Israel has cut off water to the Gaza Strip"

“Today is the fifth day Israel has cut off water to the Gaza Strip”

Genaire: Check it out, Ron.

Ron K.: I heard about that..smh. On top of that tha military riding threw Gaza teasing civilians w/ water..smh

Diana B.: BULLSHIT!!!!! These hamASSHOLES spend money on rockets, but don’t spend money on fuel to run the sewage treatment centers. they are polluting their own water supplies….yet the leadership are all millionaires!!!! fuck these demons!!!

Genaire: We’ve had this discussion already. When your country is considered the occupying force I find it hard to look at these people as “demons”. They have no standing army, they have no air force, no missile defense. You have nukes, f16 fighters, tanks, spending millions on P.R. in America, one of the most powerful lobbying groups I’m Washington, still Israel’s actions aren’t allowing them to look like the victims in this conflict (who would have thought). Yes Hamas may have fired rockets into Israel (killing absolutely no one) while Israel’s death toll of non combatants is in the hundreds. (Click Here to Continue Reading This Post)

American Sheeple More Interested in Twinkies Than Israel’s Latest Round of US Tax-Funded War Crimes Against Gaza

The following correspondence originally took place upon my Facebook wall…

According to Google Trends, Twinkies are More Interesting to Americans Than US-Tax-Dollar-Funded Israeli War Crimes in the Gaza Strip

According to Google Trends, Twinkies are More Interesting to Americans Than US-Tax-Dollar-Funded Israeli War Crimes in the Gaza Strip

Rayn: Google Trends Results: Americans are More Interested in Twinkies than Israel and Gaza:

(update: archived copy of above link located here:


Jonas A.: How about this?!?! Israel and Gaza lob Twinkies missiles at each other…

Rayn: Hmmm… That might just work, Jonas! And, with new military contracts, Hostess would also be saved! Long live the Twinkie!

Jonas A.: LOL!!! Militarized Twinkies bombs never tasted so good!!!