Debating the 2016 Elections

The following debate originally took place upon my Facebook wall, after I posted artwork being shared by an acquaintance from here


“I hope my team wins so my point of view will be forced on the other half of the nation, or I’ll get angry.”

Johnson J.: What if one simply doesnt like liars?

Rayn: Then, there’s very little reason to vote.

Johnson J.: u know….. we already lost. Democrats wont do anything but the bare minimum.

Rayn: Both of these murderous control-freaks support the “war on terror” and the “war on drugs.” Their efforts to colonize and imprison the planet make them both enemies of humankind.

Johnson J.: well.. at least the dems arent running people over with cars and sending bombs to people’s houses…..

Rayn: As I already stated, Democrats ARE “sending bombs to people’s houses.” It’s called the “War on Terror.” Or, do you really believe that these foreign victims don’t qualify as “people”?

Obama-Led Drone Strikes Kill Innocents 90% of the Time in Afghanistan, in Just a Single Five-Month Campaign:

Rayn: And, even if you are like many leftists I’ve debated, and really refuse to acknowledge African and Middle-Eastern civilian targets of American imperialism as “people,” does this level of apathy extended to all of the victims of America’s bipartisan “War on Drugs”?

Baby Critically Burned During SWAT Raid, Stun Grenade Thrown into His Crib:

These institutionalized, force-tax-funded systems of legalized violence and murder far outweigh any of the combined damage done by private citizens, by leaps and bounds. But, even when examining the private sector, Republicans are not the only incompetents using violence as a political tool…

Massachusetts Hit and Run Victim Targeted for Trump Bumper Sticker:

Cape Cod Woman Accused of Hitting Car Over Trump Sticker:

Protesters Block Streets, Attack Trump Supporter’s Car in Eugene After Peaceful Rally:

Boynton Beach Man Claims He Was Assaulted Over Trump Flag in Yard:

NY Man Arrested for Threatening to Kill Trump-Supporting Congressman and Campaign Staffer:

Man Who Made Death Threat Against Sen. Rand Paul has been Arrested, Lawmaker Says:

Jordan K.: Rayn +1 Johnson 0

College Students Bested By Postal Stamp Needed for Absentee Ballots

I originally posted the following information and commentary onto my Facebook wall…

College Students Say  They Can’t Send in Their Absentee Ballots Because They Don’t Know Where to Buy Stamps:

() Democrats are counting on Generation Z, many of whom recently gained the right to vote, to help turn Congress blue in the midterm elections.

But 49 cents may be all it takes to keep these post-Millennials from exercising their civic duty.

On Tuesday, a Fairfax County, Virginia official said they are noticing a disturbing trend: young people failing to mail in their absentee ballots because they don’t know how to get a stamp.

(Read entire article here…)

My Commentary: Vote harder!

The American Political Circus

As I scrolled through my Facebook news feed, I discovered the following status update here, posted by Voluntaryist, Larken Rose, and originally shared it to my own wall, along with commentary…

Larken Rose: When people believe the circus that is paraded in front of them, they are constantly complaining about how one PARTY, or one POLITICIAN, did something nasty, evil, etc. And as long as the puppeteers can keep people thinking that way–instead of seeing it as THE RULING CLASS doing evil crap–then people will keep focusing on handing the power to some OTHER party or politician. And when they get their way, they will then make excuses when their “own” politician or political party does evil crap.

The end result is that almost everyone in the country bitches about the evil crap done by the ruling class, while at the same time VOTING for it and making EXCUSES for it. Meanwhile, the ONE ruling class, with all of its puppets (“right” and “left”), is laughing at all the dumbasses who keep falling for the game.

If you are a Trump supporter today, you’re the exact same kind of pathetic dupe that was cheering for Obama back when he was the Puppet in Chief doing evil crap. And your excuses and attempted rationalizations don’t change the fact that YOU helped to further move authoritarianism along by cheering for yet another puppet. You can either continue with the delusions and psychological denial, pretending that Trump is gonna save us all, or you can stop being a total dumbass, acknowledge that he is just another puppet, and stop acting as a useful idiot for the most evil people on the planet. Your choice.

My Commentary: What up, marionette?

Consent Means Very Little to the Average Statist

I originally posted the following information and commentary onto my Facebook wall…

“Gun Free School Zone – violators will face severe federal state and local criminal penalties”

What Percentage Of Mass Shootings Happen In ‘Gun Free Zones’? The Number Is Stunning.:

(Amanda Prestigiacomo) After dozens of warning signs and alerts from concerned citizens went unnoticed, a shooter walked into a South Florida high school and murdered 17 people. In the wake of the tragic mass shooting, guns and “gun free zones” have become hot-button issues.

(Read entire article here…)

My Commentary: Blue: “Force gun control on entire population.”
Red: “Force teachers to arm themselves.”

CONSENT means very little to the average Statist. The lure of coercing innocent, peaceful individuals into arbitrary compliance is just too tempting to pass over. Well, guess what, control-freaks? Legitimate governments only have legal jurisdiction over criminals! And, though the State would have society believe otherwise, if there is No Victim, No Crime has been committed! Here’s an idea: how about you all run your OWN lives into the ground, and leave everyone to theirs!

Smug, Self-Important Control-Freaks in Charge of Government

As I scrolled through my Facebook news feed, I discovered the following captioned photo here, being shared by the page, “NORML Women’s Alliance,” and originally posted it to my own wall, along with commentary…

“Democrats picked Congressman Joe Kennedy III (D-MA) to respond to President Trump’s State of the Union address on Tuesday. He was one of only ten Democrats to vote against a 2015 amendment protecting medical cannabis patients and providers from federal prosecution. He also opposed measures on medical marijuana for veterans and CBD for kids with epilepsy, putting him way out of step with voters and his party.” (

My Commentary: LOL! DemoCrackPots and RepubliConArtists are two wings of the same bird… Both use the violent apparatus of the State to initiate aggression against the peaceful. Both are full of smug, self-important control-freaks that support a continuation of the inherently-racist, freedom-crushing, prison-filling fraud, known as the “War on Drugs.”